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[粵譯擂臺] [連載] Dictionary of Cantonese Slang

發表於 2007-9-29 23:13:00 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式



Dictionary of Cantonese Slang: The Language of Hong Kong Movies, Street Gangs and City Life (Paperback)
by Christopher Hutton (Author)
List Price: $28.00
Book Description
The publication of this dictionary locates the discussion of its subject, Cantonese slang, within the social, cultural, and political dynamics of Hong Kong society. The "slang" of the title refers to a wide range of Hong Kong vernacular Cantonese speech styles, notably the language of the underworld (a major source of innovation in late 20th–21st century speech), of teenagers, and of Hong Kong movies and comics.

The volume offers a general introduction to the history of "vernacular" and "vulgar" dictionaries, including the lexicography of Cantonese; the sociopolitical and linguistic background to Hong Kong; and the specific problems faced by the linguist as urban anthropologist in researching such issues. The Dictionary itself offers for the first time a survey of the commonest slang and colloquial phrases used in Hong Kong, including taboo language not hitherto found in any dictionary. It is Cantonese-English, arranged alphabetically according to a widely-used transcription system.

From the Back Cover
"The one and only, covering everything from common colloquialisms to triad trash-talking. . . . More than an indispensable tool for anybody—reader, writer or even lawyer—who needs to understand everyday Cantonese." —Frank Dik?tter, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

[ 本帖最後由 茗荷介 於 2007-12-6 15:48 編輯 ]
發表於 2007-9-30 01:05:24 | 顯示全部樓層
Now, that's something exciting.
 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-1 15:55:49 | 顯示全部樓層



鴉 [a crow]

  鴉烏婆 an ugly woman


啞 [a dumb]

  啞仔食黃蓮->有苦自己知[a dumb boy eats Coptis seeds –> knowing the bitterness by oneself ] to have to suffer in silence


阿 [an informal prefix for names]

  阿八 duck(OS)

  阿差 an Indian, a Pakistani, a South Asian (derogatory)

  阿燦 an immigrant from China to Hong Kong (stereotyped as naive rustic in a Hong Kong television series in the 1970s)

  阿蟲介紹我嚟 [Mr Bug sent me] I’ve been sent (without saying by whom); no-one sent me

  阿大 a gang boss, a triad big brother

       噉嘅態度同我「阿大」講嘢嘅咩?Hey! Is that any way to talk to my big brother?

  阿頂 a boss; a triad big brother, a gang boss

  阿飛 a stree hooligan; a petty gangster.

  阿福 [Mr Lucky] a fool

  阿吉 chicken (OS)

  阿公 [maternal grandfather] the boss of one’s boss in a triad society, the protector of one’s triad protector, the big boss

  阿公嘅[maternal grandfather’s] public, for anyone to use; resources or funds held in common, belonging to a group or organisation rather than to an individual

  亞HEAD [<head] a boss, a triad boss.

     你想做我亞HEAD,只怕畀唔起錢?!何况你冇乜料騎住我呀?! You want to be my boss, but I’m afraid you can’t raise the money?! Not to mention you’re not up to telling me what to do?!

[ 本帖最後由 茗荷介 於 2007-12-1 15:57 編輯 ]
 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-4 22:09:21 | 顯示全部樓層

阿姐 a very capable woman.

阿吱阿咗 [Jack and Jill] to moan, to whine; to talk back, to argue

阿豬 a stupid person; stupid

阿豬阿狗 [any pig or dog] an indefinite phrase used to talk about a hypothetical individual, 「whoever」, 「anyone」, 「any old person」, 「no matter who」.

阿喇星 an Indian, a Pakistani, a South Asian

阿麗 a nightclub hostess (taxi driver jargon, Usii)

阿喱 a pickpocket (OS) 阿六 [Mr Six] goose, goose-meat (OS)

阿貓阿狗 [any cat or dog] an indefinite phrase used to talk about a hypothetical individual, 「whoever」, 「anyone」, 「any old person」, 「no matter who」.

阿乜水 someone whose name the speaker cannot remember or cannot be bothered to recall (「so and so」, 「whatshisname」, 「whatshername」)

阿茂 a stupid person

        阿茂整餅(冇嗰樣整嗰樣)[Mr Stupid makes cakes (does something unnecessary)] someone doing something pointless or meaningless; a stupid action

阿某某 an indefinite way of referring to someone whose name is unknown.

阿蛇 [Mr Snake] Sir, a term of address for a policeman or male teacher

阿四 an unimportant person, someone who does odd jobs; who can be ordered around, someone with low status

阿星 [Mr Singh] an Indian, a Pakistani, a South Asian

阿兆 a swindler, a con man; a pickpocket

阿/亞嫂 [elder brother’s wife] a way of referring to someone’s girlfriend; a term of address for someone’s girlfriend

阿頭 [Mr Head] a boss, a chief, a head

阿偉 someone who is not a triad member

阿一 [Mr One] the top boss, the top leader, the 「Mr Big」; the head of prisons, the director of correctional services; the chief of police.

阿一哥 [elder brother number one] a boss, a leader, a chief; the chief of police

阿二 [number two] a second wife or mistress

發表於 2007-12-5 08:56:28 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-8 22:28:42 | 顯示全部樓層

呃 [to cheat]
   呃飯食 [cheating rice to eat] to be idle at work
   呃鬼食豆腐 [cheating the ghost to eat bean curd] used to express skepticism or disbelief, 「you’re kidding me」
   (你)呃人 [(you’re) cheating people] used to indicate distrust, the feeling that one is being deceived, or that one’s partner is being unfaithful

啱 [suitable]
   啱咀形  good to talk to, pleasant to chat with
          你都好夠POP。啱咀形嘅咪坐低「爹」兩句囉。 You’ve got guts. It’s good to talk to you, sit down and we will chat a bit.
   啱KEY  to get along well with someone
   啱心水  exactly what is required

鴨 [a duck]
   鴨 [duck] a gigolo
   鴨店 [duck shop] a nightclub or brothel where the clients are women and the sexual and other services are provided by men
   鴨仔 [duckling] a junior waiter or waitress (restaurant workers’ slang)
   鴨脷 [duck’s tongue] a sharp knife


   R  to scratch
   R講  to interrupt a conversation
   R晒頭 [to scratch one’s head] to be completely lost in looking for a solution


   拗柴  to twist one’s ankle
   拗手瓜  to compete with someone; arm-wrestling
   拗頸  to argue
   拗撬  an argument



   UNDINKABLE [<unthinkable] unbearable (puns with Cantonese 頂 as 冇得頂, 「unbearable」, replaces English 「think」)


   哎吔  a sort of (used before a kinship term, as in 「some kind of uncle」)

 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-8 22:31:44 | 顯示全部樓層

個「R」條目,係咪都應該用「拗」? 拗晒頭?



 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-9 00:01:06 | 顯示全部樓層
拗頸  /  拗撬,都應該係「詏」啩? 個「撬」字係咪正寫呢? [ 本帖最後由 茗荷介 於 2007-12-9 00:02 編輯 ]
 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-14 23:42:58 | 顯示全部樓層

   暗病 [hidden disease] sexual disease
   暗花 [hidden flowers] a special fund for illegal purposes, a 「slush fund」; a reward for carrying out a mission, the price on someone’s head
   暗格 [hidden divide] a secret place, a hiding place, a place to conceal objects


   摁摁腳 [to wiggle one’s feet] to rise up in the world; to have no worries
   摁摁吓 [to wiggle one’s body] a person who is physically unsteady
   摁身摁勢 [to wiggle one’s body] a person who is physically unsteady; an ungainly or awkward person; someone whose manner suggests they are low class


   噏得就噏 used to reject what someone is saying, 「you are bullshitting!」, 「watch what you say!」, 「don’t lie!」
   噏耷 shabby
   噏乜春 an expression of irritation at what someone is saying
   噏乜lan嘢  an expression of violent contempt or anger for what someone is saying, 「what the fuck are you talking about?」
   噏三噏四 [to chat three and four] to gossip; to chatter away

 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-18 17:16:42 | 顯示全部樓層

巴 [to hope for]
  巴閉/巴巴閉/巴巴閉閉/巴Q閉, etc.  arrogant, flashy, showy, impressive, fantastic (in positive or negative comments)
      我睇吓你點巴閉法!Let’s see how great you are!
  巴揸  talkative, gossip, 「bitchy」
  巴辣  fierce, tough, hard to handle (generally used to described a woman)
  巴辣臭寸  very arrogant, extremely 「cocky」


把 [to hold]
  把火  extremely angry, filled with rage
  把風  to keep watch, to keep a look-out, e.g. for a police raid
  把幾火  extremely angry, filled with rage
    講起佢就把幾火! Whenever you mention him I get furious!
  把關  to keep watch, to keep a look-out, a look-out
  把鬼  to do something that is pointless or without meaning
  把骨  to guard the entrance
  把炮  ability, strength; pride, arrogance
  把屁  to do something that is pointless or without meaning


霸 [to occupy]
  霸位  to grab a seat; to grab a table and save it while someone else collects the food
  霸王  to use a service but avoid paying for it; to be a bully
  霸王餐  a free meal obtained by leaving a restaurant without paying
  霸王花  a tough woman, e.g. a fearsome policewoman
  霸王硬上弓  to force a woman into sex

發表於 2008-1-16 21:00:51 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 2008-4-8 21:19:57 | 顯示全部樓層



 樓主| 發表於 2008-4-9 12:58:47 | 顯示全部樓層

叭 [a trumpet]
  叭叭聲 seriously; quickly, in a flash
     依家叭叭聲流出嚟呀!Now it’s bleeding really seriously!

罷 [to let go]
  罷就 to decide not to do anything; to let a matter drop

白 [white]
  白鼻哥 [white nose guy] a failure, someone who fails an examination; a failed womanizer.
  白癡仔 [plain crazy boy] a crazy person; a stupid person
  白切雞 [steamed chicken chopped into pieces] a hairless person, a person without much body-hair, particularly a woman with no public hair
  白粉 [white powder] heroin
  白粉水 [white powder water] liquid heroin
  白虎 [white tiger] a woman with no public hair
  白佳 dishes of food
  白鴿眼 [pigeon-eyed] snobbish, superior, arrogant
  白瓜 [white melon] pork
  白瓜子 [white melon seed] a tranquilizer
  白過  to waste time doing something, to do something in vain
  白鶴 [stork] someone who stands behind a mahjong or card-player looking over their shoulder
  白蚱/鮓 [a jellyfish] a traffic police officer
  白撞 to visit a shop or a person without any particular purpose, to be 「just looking」 in a shop
  白做  to do pointless work; unrewarding work

[ 本帖最後由 茗荷介 於 2008-4-9 21:13 編輯 ]
發表於 2008-4-9 21:17:07 | 顯示全部樓層
……暗病 [hidden disease] sexual disease ,hidden disease?好直白喔!
 樓主| 發表於 2008-4-9 21:22:46 | 顯示全部樓層

原帖由 gboss 於 2008-4-9 21:17 發表 ……暗病 [hidden disease] sexual disease ,hidden disease?好直白喔!


中括號 [] 裏面係字面意思,後面係真正嘅意思or引申義。

[ 本帖最後由 茗荷介 於 2008-4-9 21:37 編輯 ]
發表於 2008-4-10 00:47:54 | 顯示全部樓層

原帖由 茗荷介 於 2008-4-9 12:58 PM 發表 叭 [a trumpet]  叭叭聲 seriously; quickly, in a flash     依家叭叭聲流出嚟呀!Now it’s bleeding really seriously! 罷 [to let go]  罷就 to decide not to do anything; to let ...

白佳 dishes of food



 樓主| 發表於 2008-4-11 12:58:18 | 顯示全部樓層

原帖由 卢总 於 2008-4-10 00:47 發表 觉得呢个「白佳」好鬼无厘头!



發表於 2008-4-21 17:15:29 | 顯示全部樓層

原帖由 茗荷介 於 2007-12-8 22:31 發表 個「R」條目,係咪都應該用「拗」? 拗晒頭?   重有,未聼過「R講」。









發表於 2008-4-21 17:17:45 | 顯示全部樓層

BTW, 我舊年都買咗呢本書, 入面好多攪笑位, 大約二百文港紙有找, 買本返屋企看門口都好

發表於 2008-7-19 22:38:22 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 茗荷介 於 2008-4-9 12:58 發表   白虎 [white tiger] a woman with no public hair.

好似应该係pubic hair喔。係未抄错咗?

(我係持好严肃嘅学术态度嚟更正咖,唔该各位观众唔好对住我淫笑。<img src= [ 本帖最後由 kumkee 於 2008-7-19 22:42 編輯 ]
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