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[城鄉印記] 廣州萬人上街撐廣州話

發表於 2010-7-26 13:16:10 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
防暴警戒備 便衣警偷拍  80後頂硬上


【本報訊】廣州話捍衞戰進一步升級。近萬名廣州 80後無懼當局打壓,昨以散步形式如約聚會,堅撐廣州話。由於出席人數眾多,當局一度要增派防暴警到場。其間,有人發現現場有便衣公安偷拍,或叫現場年輕人離場時,都被群眾報以「掉哪媽!收皮!」現場還不時出現數千人齊齊高喊:「抵制煲冬瓜(普通話諧音),我哋撐粵語」口號,震耳欲聾。

廣州 80後捍衞廣州話行動原定昨日下午 5時 30分在廣州海珠區江南西地鐵站外舉行。由於活動舉行前夕,傳出活動發起人遭當局帶走問話,並定性為非法聚會下,許多年輕人對活動是否成事深有疑問。「我家喺江南西,但撐粵語啲人呢?我淨係見到啲差人!」有民眾昨日一早趕到現場,卻絲毫不見動靜,在網上留言時顯得心灰意冷。有人甚至在網上留言說:「江南西 A出口, 3點幾就有警察戒備,活動多數冇行!」

示威者在人群中舉起「我講廣州話」 T恤。




但到下午 4時許,記者已見有數十名身穿白衣的青年陸續出現,到下午 5時過後,參與活動人士更從四面八方湧現,大多是 80後和 90後青年人。由於當局禁止集會申請,其中數名活動發起人昨以絲襪笠頭,分持抗議標語現身。


但下午 5時 30分後,出席的民眾出乎當局意料。有網民指,不但地鐵江南西 A出口肯德基門外的廣場人滿為患,地鐵站對出的兩條道路也被站滿,導致兩條道路癱瘓,造成塞車逾一公里。活動最高峯時人數近萬。
而現場參與的 80後亦不時在微博上直擊現場情況,只見民眾散步聚集到一起後,初時有結他手帶頭表演,高唱香港樂隊 Beyond的粵語歌曲《光輝歲月》,遭公安上前阻止,但被眾人以「掉哪媽」罵走。一名穿着「言論無罪」 T恤的青年到場時,又有公安上前圖抓人,引發人群和公安發生肢體衝突,許多青年怒吼:「放人」、「掉哪媽、頂硬上」等口號。
記者現場所見,有大學生在現場散發關於捍衞廣州話的調查問卷;及有香港電視台記者在場採訪遭公安查問時,也被大批年輕人上前制止,大叫「收皮」等口號,將公安滾蛋。活動大約在 6點 30分結束,公安隨即展開清場,大部份參與者和平散去。

 樓主| 發表於 2010-7-26 13:17:51 | 顯示全部樓層

老外撐場 群眾鼓掌


【本報訊】「簡直荒謬到不得了!」昨日專程由香港到廣州出席撐廣州話活動,其後被公安要求離開的挪威籍女教師甘茜蓮( Cecilie Gamst Berg)表示,廣州民眾只是和平表達意見,但當局竟派大批公安打壓,是十分錯誤的做法。她又批評有部份香港人叫她「不用學粵語,學普通話才有用」的說法,認為港人也應學廣州人一樣珍惜自己文化。
廣州 80後撐廣州話活動,吸引數名外國人到場力撐,獲得近萬民眾歡呼。能操流利粵語和普通話的甘茜蓮,已在香港居住了 21年,在港擔任外國人的粵語老師。她昨日專程帶同兩名外籍學生到廣州聲援。她抵達現場後,被眾人力撐母語的活動所感動,到下午 6時,終忍不住走入人群,以廣州話高叫:「我愛廣州話、聽唔明就返鄉下」等口號,隨即獲現場群眾報以熱烈掌聲。但她在場 5分鐘,就被便衣公安要求她離開。但她沿途仍不時以廣州話向人打招呼,大受歡迎,不少廣州 80後拿出活動的 T恤要求與她合照或簽名。


出席撐廣州話活動的雖然大部份屬年輕人,但也有數名老廣州到場為青年人打氣。 70歲的陳先生表示,廣州話就是廣州人的根,「本地電視台絕對不能改用普通話」。另一名阿伯穿起文化衫撐今次活動,他又激動地對青年人說:「廣州未來就靠你哋喇!」引起現場一片歡呼聲。

 樓主| 發表於 2010-7-26 13:18:25 | 顯示全部樓層

政協打壓 激發不滿

【本報訊】「今天只有殘留的軀殼,迎接光輝歲月,風雨中抱緊自由……」 Beyond的名曲《光輝歲月》昨日響遍廣州江南西地鐵站出口,這首歌近日成為捍衞廣州話集會的指定歌曲。自從廣州政協以「適應亞運會」、「打造國際都市形象」為由,建議將廣州市電視台主要頻道改用普通話播出後,引發老廣州,特別是 80後年輕人強烈不滿,誓要捍衞他們的母語。


民眾除擠逼政協網站以示抗議外,廣州市政協委員韓志鵬一度闖入政協常委會議,炮轟建議不當;當地著名電視人陳揚更呼籲廣州人民要挺身捍衞廣州話; 80後的網民更加在網上串聯,號召在昨日於江南西地鐵站外舉行聚會,力撐廣州話。但活動前夕,公安帶走活動的負責人問話,並且將活動定性為非法集會。不過,年輕人無懼當局的打壓,許多人昨仍按照原訂的時間、地點,自行舉行集會表達支持廣州話。


7月 5日 廣州市政協以適應亞運會、打造國際都市形象為由,向當局建議將廣州電視台的主要頻道改成普通話,引發眾廣州市民強烈不滿。

7月 9日 網民爆料稱廣州越秀區的執信南路小學,要求學生任何時間都要講普通話,引起家長不滿。

7月 11日 廣州上百名 80後網民在人民公園集會,高舉「廣府話起錨、煲冬瓜收皮」標語,並且高唱粵語流行曲表示支持。

7月 14日 東莞文化部門下令,鏟除明代名將袁崇煥雕像下「掉哪媽!頂硬上!」的名言,引起各界譁然。

7月 16日 網民號召本月 25日在廣州舉行萬人集會,力撐廣州話。

7月 23日 傳出集會被定性為非法,已被取消,當中發起人被公安帶走問話。

7月 25日 民眾到江南西地鐵站集會,力撐廣州話,大批公安在場戒備。


發表於 2010-7-26 14:39:12 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-7-26 16:40:18 | 顯示全部樓層
有个小小异议,活动6点半仲未结束,好似大概搞到7点几先开始散场~不过真系好激动人心,广州人万岁~~~~~ ...
glowwormray 發表於 2010-7-26 16:23

    異議有少少就得嘞! 事關《粵語唔
發表於 2010-7-26 16:43:26 | 顯示全部樓層
異議有少少就得嘞! 事關《粵語唔小》
外外星人 發表於 2010-7-26 16:40

 樓主| 發表於 2010-7-26 16:55:26 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 2010-7-27 17:57:59 | 顯示全部樓層
北捞不断甘打压我地广东,广东独立系迟早之事。如果唔系秦始皇南侵,广东本来就系一个国家,依次事件使更多广东人觉醒,汉人就系汉人,粤人就系粤人,我地本来就同佢地无乜野关系,迟早同佢地讲BYE BYE!
發表於 2010-7-28 08:59:17 | 顯示全部樓層
 樓主| 發表於 2010-7-28 09:51:46 | 顯示全部樓層
世界各大新聞傳媒都報道左今次集會,使全世界知道中國有粵語存在,其影響力遠遠超過左「亞混」。 ...
潮裔 發表於 2010-7-28 08:59

    好呀! 有冇啲截圖睇下?
發表於 2010-7-28 12:07:46 | 顯示全部樓層
광동왕국-08 發表於 2010-7-26 15:19

發表於 2010-7-28 13:35:37 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆 11# 潮裔

發表於 2010-7-28 15:21:55 | 顯示全部樓層
回覆  潮裔

    可以畀我知邊個國際台有報道呢?如果有Youtube我想睇吓。 ...
Vncantonese 發表於 2010-7-28 13:35

發表於 2010-7-28 15:24:00 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 潮裔 於 2010-7-28 15:33 編輯
好呀! 有冇啲截圖睇下?
外外星人 發表於 2010-7-28 09:51

 樓主| 發表於 2010-7-28 15:40:03 | 顯示全部樓層
尋日上BBC、美國之音、法國國際廣播電臺同埋德國之聲,就可以睇到! ...
潮裔 發表於 2010-7-28 15:24

發表於 2010-7-28 15:50:13 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 潮裔 於 2010-7-28 15:52 編輯

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Move to Limit Cantonese on Chinese TV Is Assailed
Published: July 26, 2010
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CloseLinkedinDiggMixxMySpaceYahoo! BuzzPermalink BEIJING — Protests over land grabs, industrial pollution and poor work conditions often rattle the Chinese authorities.

Now add to that outrage over language policy.

More than 1,000 people gathered Sunday in Guangzhou, in southern China, to demonstrate against a local politician』s proposal to force a major local television network to stop broadcasting in Cantonese and switch to the country』s official language, Mandarin.

The protest, which was raucous and impassioned, ended peacefully after the police broke up the crowd. But any mention of the demonstration was wiped from many Internet forums on Monday, and only one national newspaper carried a detailed report, indicating that the pro-Cantonese groundswell had become a politically delicate matter.

Cantonese is widely spoken in Hong Kong, Guangdong Province — whose capital is Guangzhou — and neighboring areas. Some call it a dialect of Mandarin, a language spoken commonly in the north, but a growing number of linguists say Cantonese is a separate language. Northerners generally do not understand it, but are used to its strongly pitched sounds because of the ubiquity of Hong Kong movies and Cantonese pop songs.

Concern over the loss of languages and dialects in China is growing. In Tibet and Xinjiang, some ethnic Tibetans and Uighurs say the use of Mandarin as the official teaching language in schools has weakened the fluency of the local languages among many young people. Officials say mastering Mandarin is important for students to compete for jobs and university slots.

Two weeks ago, notices began popping up online telling people to gather at 5:30 p.m. on July 25 at the Jiangnanxi subway station in Guangzhou to oppose a proposal that was presented this month by the local politician, Ji Kekuang. Mr. Ji, a member of the local committee of the Chinese People』s Political Consultative Conference, suggested that the programs on Guangzhou Television』s news and satellite channels start using Mandarin instead of Cantonese. He said the change would help accommodate tourists and athletes visiting for the Asian Games in November.

The protesters on Sunday gave passionate speeches to cheering crowds about the worth of Cantonese and sang Cantonese songs, one news report said. Young people wore T-shirts with 「I Love Guangzhou」 written in characters common to Cantonese script but absent from Mandarin script. (Most characters overlap between the languages, but there are notable exceptions.)

The English-language edition of Global Times, aimed at foreigners living in China, carried the one detailed report. It quoted Su Zhijia, a deputy party secretary of Guangzhou, as he rebutted rumors that the government planned to completely reject the use of Cantonese. 「The city government has never had such a plan to abandon or weaken Cantonese,」 Mr. Su said.

Most of the protesters appeared to be in their 20s or 30s. The owner of a restaurant by the demonstration site said in a telephone interview that the protesters had yelled out 「Support Cantonese!」 and 「Protest!」 The protesters clogged the roads and stopped traffic, said the restaurant owner, who gave his name only as Mr. Liao because of sensitivities about discussing protests in China. 「I couldn』t do business at all,」 he said. 「They all blocked up my door.」

Lines of police officers formed human barricades to try to keep the crowd from swelling, witnesses said.

The Cantonese-versus-Mandarin debate is fierce even in Chinatowns in the United States, where many residents traditionally spoke Cantonese or a related dialect, Taishanese, because their families came from Guangdong Province. But in recent years, the number of immigrants from other parts of China has grown, and Mandarin is now becoming the dominant language.

Xiyun Yang contributed reporting.

A version of this article appeared in print on July 27, 2010, on page A9 of the New York edition.
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發表於 2010-7-28 19:16:55 | 顯示全部樓層
『But in recent years, the number of immigrants from other parts of China has grown, and Mandarin is now becoming the dominant language.』
發表於 2010-7-28 19:18:32 | 顯示全部樓層
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