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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Tòng Sī Süng Cì



tone  1 2 3 4 5 6
marker  ā ? ? à á a


Wòng Hok Làu süng Maang Hou Yìn jī Gw?ng Lìng

Gü yàn sāi cì Wòng Hok Làu,
yīn fā sāam yuet ha Yèong Jāu.
Gū fàan yúen yêng bīk hūng jeon,
wài g?n Cèong Gōng tīn j?i làu.

Mòu Tài

Sēong g?n sì nàan bit yik nàan,
dūng fūng mòu lik b?ak fā càan.
Cēon càam d?u sêi sī fōng jeon,
laap geoi sìng fūi leoi c? gōn.
H?u g?ng daan sàu wàn b?n g?i,
ye yàm yīng g?k yuet gwōng hòn.
Fùng Lòi c? h?oi mòu dō lou,
Cīng Níu yān kàn wai t?am h?n.

Sêoi Diu Gō Tàu

Mìng yuet gêi sì yáu, b? j?u man cīng tīn.
Bāt jī tīn seong gūng küet, gām jik si hò nìn.
Ngó yuk sìng fūng gwāi h?oi, yau h?ng kìng làu yuk yúe,
gōu cüe bāt sīng hòn.
Hêi móu lung cīng yêng, hò cí joi yàn gāan.

Jüen jūe g?k, dāi y? wu, j?u mòu mìn.
Bāt yīng yáu han, hò si cèong h?ong bit sì yùen.
Yàn yáu bēi fūn lèi hap, yuet yáu yām cèng yùen küet,
c? si g? nàan cùen.
Daan yuen yàn cèong g?u, cīn léi gung sìn gūen.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Cēotb?an Jiyàu Pàaihàng B?ng



tone  1 2 3 4 5 6
marker  ā ? ? à á a

1. Fānlàan, Bīngd?u, Nòwāi, Hòlāan (Finland, Iceland, Norway, Netherlands)
5. Gānàdaai (Canada)
6. ?iyílàan (Ireland)
7. Dākgw?k, Pòutòungà, Seoid?n (Germany, Portugal, Sweden)
10. Dāanmaak (Denmark)
11. F?atgw?k (France)
12 ?ujāu, Bêileisì (Australia, Belgium)
14. Sīlokmànnèi? (Slovenia)
15. Gōsīdaatlàigā, Seoisi (Costa Rica, Switzerland)
17. Méigw?k (United States)
18. Hēongg?ng (Hong Kong)
19. Hēilaap (Greece)
20. ?akgwādōyí (Ecuador)

Friday, August 12, 2005




tone  1 2 3 4 5 6
marker  ā ? ? à á a

Syllable-by-Syllable Version

Y?n C?ong Jê: PixelToy
Jūen Cāp Mìng Cīng: ?i - Fō Hok
Yúe Yìn: Yuet
Cēot B?n Sēong: Wà Naap
2005 Nìn 7 Yuet F?at Hòng

G?an G?ai:
Wòng Yiu Mìng g? duk laap yām ngok b?n pàai "Yàn Sāan Yàn H?i" g?i sìng gūng d? jou j? màn yìu j?u hap "at 17" jī hau, 2005 nìn j?i c? cēot gīk, dak bit tēoi j?n yàn h?i din wun yām ngok j?u hap "PixelToy".

Yàu Hò Sāan (pīn kūk, gāam j?i), Wù Wing Sī (j?e yām, tìn cì) kwài s?u hap j?k, PixelToy dai 1 jēong cùen sān AVCD jūen cāp "?i - Fō Hok" g?u h?u g?u jo séong sí!

Jūen cāp j?ng gung sāu luk j? 18 j?k kūk muk, bāau küt 4 j?k MV tùng 14 j?k jīng c?i gō kūk. Tēoi j?n gō kūk "C?en Yāt H?u H?i" hai yāt s?u cùen sān nàam si wu fū b?n pàai gw?ng g?u j?i j?k dak cāp yām ngok.

Word-by-Word Version

Y?nc?ongjê: PixelToy
Jūencāp Mìngcīng: ?i - Fōhok
Yúeyìn: Yuet
Cēotb?nsēong: Wà Naap
2005 Nìn 7 Yuet F?athòng

Wòng Yiumìng g? duklaap yāmngok b?npàai "Yànsāanyành?i" g?i sìnggūng d?jou j? mànyìu j?uhap "at 17" jīhau, 2005 nìn j?ic? cēotgīk, dakbit tēoij?n yành?i dinwun yāmngok j?uhap "PixelToy".

Yàu Hòsāan (pīnkūk, gāamj?i), Wù Wingsī (j?eyām, tìn cì) kwàis?u hapj?k, PixelToy dai 1 jēong cùensān AVCD jūencāp "?i - Fōhok" g?uh?u g?ujo séongsí!

Jūencāp j?nggung sāuluk j? 18 j?k kūkmuk, bāauküt 4 j?k MV tùng 14 j?k jīngc?i gōkūk. Tēoij?n gōkūk "C?en Yāt H?u H?i" hai yāt s?u cùensān nàamsi wu fū b?npàai gw?ngg?u j?ij?k dakcāp yāmngok.

Cantonese Google in Yuetyúe Lòmáji



tone  1 2 3 4 5 6
marker  ā ? ? à á a


Friday, August 05, 2005

Dūnggīng 5 Tīn Jijo Yàu Hàngcìng



tone  1 2 3 4 5 6
marker  ā ? ? à á a

Dai 1 Yat

Hēongg?ng > Dūnggīng

Jīutàuj?u 8:30 gēi, jūngńg 13:55 h?oid?u Dūnggīng Sìngtìn Gēicèong. Check-in jīhau h?yí s?iwài h? há, haj?u jīk d?u Yùensūk Beams Gāai shopping, yemáan h?oi Yétìnngàam t?an n?ns?u maanyùe faan.

Dai 2 Yat

Dōu hai Dūnggīng

Jeon w?an Dūnggīng Diksinèi Lokyùen, g?u sìg?an g?wa h?yí j?i j?n Diksinèi H?iyèong, gēib?nseong sēoiy?u sèng yat, yemáan h?yí h?oi Cùngūk s? ngàuyuk faan máansin.

Dai 3 Yat

G?ijuk Dūnggīng

Sànj?u hêisān h?oi Sausīdaai sik j?oi sānsīn sausī, jūngńg sìgāan f?n yāt f?n ?anj?u g?au, jīhau h?yí h?oi gāsī p?u hhstyle.com hàang háa.

Dai 4 Yat

Sêis?u Dūnggīng

T?u jūk jīngsàn yìngj?p fāf? daaiw?i, h?yí sīn h?oi Yùetìncūen fāf? daaiw?i fugan g? Cùngmuk sēongd?m, máai s?u yīnfā w?an jue sīn, j?i h?oi C?nc?u jaam cìn kìu bīn b? w?i. Fāf? daaiw?i jīhau hêoi Aprecio yau w?an yau f?n, lìn j?ud?m c?n dōu hāan màai.

Dai 5 Yat

Dūnggīng > Hēongg?ng

Làm j?u cìn h?oi FLAGS j?k j?oi hau cūngc?, jīhau có ngāaimāan 18:30 gēi fāan Hēongg?ng, daaik?i 21:55 fāan d?u.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Yuetyúe Lòmáji g? Bīu Diu Fùh?u



tone  1 2 3 4 5 6
marker  ā ? ? à á a

Yuetyúe Lòmáji g? bīu diu fùh?u

Sīngdiu 1: ā ē ī ō ū
Sīngdiu 2: ? ê ? ? ?
Sīngdiu 3: ? ? ? ? ü
Sīngdiu 4: à è ì ò ù ?
Sīngdiu 5: á é í ó ú ń
Sīngdiu 6: a e i o u n

Bīu diu fùh?u g? g?iyīkseot

Yuetyúe 6 g? sīngdiu g? süetmìngtòu

Bākfūng tùng T?aiyèong



tone  1 2 3 4 5 6
marker  ā ? ? à á a

Yáuyātc?, bākfūng tùng t?aiyèong h?idou ?aug?n bīng? lēkdī. Kéoidei āamāam t?id?u yáu g? yàn hàanggw?, nēig? yàn j?okjue gin daailāu.

Kéoidei jau wa lak, bīng? h?yí j?ngd?u nēig? yàn cèoij? gin lāu nē, jau süen bīng? lēkdī lak.

Yūesi, bākfūng jau b?kmengg?m cēoi. D?mjī, kéoi yuet cēoidāk sāilei, g?g? yàn jau yuet hai n?sat gin lāu. J?oihau, bākfūng móu s?ai fù, wàiyáu f?ngh?i.

Gānjue, t?aiyèong cēotlèi s?aij? yātjan, g?g? yàn jau jīkhāk cèoij? gin lāu lak. Yūesi, bākfūng wàiyáu y?ngsūe lā.

Yuetyúe Lòmáji is a Romanization system used to write Cantonese in Roman letters. The aim is to standardize spoken Cantonese from the status of a vernacular to that of a literary language. Traditionally Cantonese is written using Chinese characters. But it was decided to use Yuetyúe Lòmáji rather than Chinese characters to promote Cantonese learning. Yuetyúe Lòmáji is slightly modified from Yale Romanization, the current most widely accepted system for Cantonese Romanization.



Yuetyúe Lòmáji is not an established Cantonese script.


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[ 本帖最後由 粵嚟粵掂III 於 2007-12-16 19:36 編輯 ]




 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-16 18:59:48 | 顯示全部樓層




Yuetyúe Lòmáji g? Bīu Diu Fùh?u


tone  1 2 3 4 5 6
marker  ā ? ? à á a

Yuetyúe Lòmáji g? bīu diu fùh?u

Sīngdiu 1: ā ē ī ō ū
Sīngdiu 2: ? ê ? ? ?
Sīngdiu 3: ? ? ? ? ü
Sīngdiu 4: à è ì ò ù ?
Sīngdiu 5: á é í ó ú ń
Sīngdiu 6: a e i o u n
 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-16 19:30:46 | 顯示全部樓層

Cantonese Tones



Tones are related to music. When you say 「do re mi fa so la ti do」, the tone rises each word up. In Chinese languages like Cantonese, tones are important in conveying meaning. Mandarin has 4 tones, Shanghainese has 5 and Teochew 6. Cantonese has 6 tones. If you think that is a lot, it is really not. It is actually easy for intuitive Cantonese speakers.

It many help to envision these tones drawn out in a diagram. The white horizontal lines show pitch levels, while the blue lines show tones.


In representing the tones, the accent mark of each tone is placed above the very first vowel letter in a word, e.g. sêoi (water), hàang (to walk), gw?i (expensive), g?ok (foot). Pronounce a word listed next to each tone and then look at the corresponding tone diagram.


Tone Mark Contour  Pitch Level  Fu  Si
1 ā Level  High (5-5)   (husband)   (poem)
2 ? Rising  Mid to High (3-5)  f? (bitter)  s? (history)
3 ? Level  Mid (3-3)   (rich)  s? (to try)
4 à Falling  Low-Mid to Low (2-1)   (to lean)   (time)
5 á Rising  Low to Mid (1-3)   (woman)   (city)
6 a Level  Low-Mid (2-2)  fu (father)

 si (event)


Here are two examples to give you a clear idea of the differences between the 6 tones:


fū, f?, fü, fù, fú, fu

夫 (husband), (bitter), (rich), 扶 (to lean), 婦 (woman), 父 (father)

sī, s?, s?, sì, sí, si

(poem), (history), (to try), (time), (city), (event)


Tone Mark Mnemonics

The following mnemonics should help create visual associations between the tones and accent marks.





[ 本帖最後由 粵嚟粵掂III 於 2007-12-16 19:32 編輯 ]
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Cùenkàu Wàyàn gung g?n, j?oidaai Yuetyúe móngjaam.




Cùen kàu Wà Yàn gung g?n, j?oi daai Yuet Yúe móng jaam.

[ 本帖最後由 desmond 於 2007-12-16 21:29 編輯 ]
發表於 2007-12-16 21:36:14 | 顯示全部樓層









3、唔使 upgrade 手機,其它電子設備都可以隨時使用




如果要分清楚每一個單詞(多數都係單音詞),就有可能要喺后便加 1 個或者 2 個字母嚟區分。

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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-16 22:57:07 | 顯示全部樓層

原帖由 desmond 於 2007-12-16 20:58 發表 粵語羅馬字係我兩年前對粵文羅馬化嘅探討。你同芬對粵語羅馬字有咩意見呢?粵語羅馬字嘅設計定位係貼近英文拼寫規則同埋現有香港坊間粵音拼法。   以下係粵語羅馬字嘅拼寫方法介紹網頁︰ http://input.foruto.com/ ...













tone  1 2 3 4 5 6
marker  ā ? ? à á a










又或者,參照越南文嘅做法(越南語同我哋粵語親緣好近,佢都係六聲調嘅),用 a à   ? á   嚟替代 1 2 3 4 5 6 調。








[ 本帖最後由 粵嚟粵掂III 於 2007-12-16 23:11 編輯 ]


8.59 KB, 下載次數: 157

 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-16 23:26:05 | 顯示全部樓層


序号 越南语名称 汉译名称 汉越语对应中古汉语声调 调值描述 例字
1 ngang 平声(阴平) 清平、次浊平 44,平,长,类似普通话阴平声 ma
2 huy?n 玄声(阳平) 全浊平 31,中降,长,类似普通话去声
3 h?i 问声(阴上) 清上 21(4),低降或低降后升,长,紧喉,类似普通话上声 m?
4 ng? 跌声(阳上) 部分浊上 32/4,中,紧喉且中断 m?
5 s?c 锐声(阴去、阴入) 清去、清入 45,高升,短
6 n?ng 重声(阳去、阳入) 浊去、部分浊上、浊入 21,低降,短 m?



喺粵語裡頭:1陰平 2陰上 3陰去 4陽平 5陽上 6陽去


喺越南語裡頭:1陰平 2陽平 3陰上 4陽上 5陰去 6陽去


兩者 1 2 3 4 5 6 調嘅定義係唔同嘅。















 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-16 23:35:15 | 顯示全部樓層

至於標調嘅部位,係喺 a e i o u 五個元音字母嘅頭殼頂,標調嘅次序係 a > e > i > o > u 。



 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-16 23:47:50 | 顯示全部樓層






 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-16 23:50:04 | 顯示全部樓層






Quy t?c vi?t hoa và vi?t hoa danh t? riêng fficeffice" />





Quy t?c vi?t hoa





-Chào bác ! Bác ?i ??u ?


-??o này t?i kh?ng b?n .T?i ??nh v? nhà






-M?i anh ng?i !


-V?ng .






-Anh nói : 「C?m ?n Ch?!」


-C? giáo h?i : 「Các anh ch? có kh?e kh?ng






Tr?m n?m trong c?i ng??i ta ,


Ch? tài ch? m?nh khéo là ghét nhau .


Tr?i qua m?t cu?c b? d?u,


Nh?ng ?i?u tr?ng th?y mà ?au ??n lòng .


L? gì b? s?c t? phong ,


Tr?i xanh quen thói má h?ng ?ánh ghen .


Quy t?c vi?t hoa danh t? riêng :






-H? Chí Minh .


-Vi?t Nam


-Mao Tr?ch ??ng


-B ?c Kinh






-B? (比利時)


-Viên (維也納)


-Ch? Mai(阿梅姐)









- Mi-an-ma(緬甸)


- ?ng Clint?n (克林頓)


- ?ng Clin-t?n(克林頓)






-Bà Ma –ga-rét Thát- tr? (瑪格麗特.撒切爾)


-Niu ?ê-li (新得裏)





例如:-H?i ph?t giáo








- ??ng C?ng s?n Vi?t Nam


-N??c C?ng hòa X? h?i ch? ngh?a Vi?t ffice:smarttags" />Nam








-Ng? pháp ti?ng Vi?t


-T? ?i ?n Vi?t Hán


-Non N??c Vi?t Nam


-Báo Nh?n D?n


-T? ?I?N H?N VI?T

















-H? Chí Minh toàn t?p 《胡志明全集》


-H?u Hán Th? 《後漢書》


-Tam Qu?c Chí 《三國志》


-Ngh? An Chí 《義安志》







-Trong tác ph ?m 「Ng??i m? 」c?a Goóc –ki…(在高爾基的《母親》這部作品中……)








-Ta nh? m?i tên Ng??i


-Bàn tay con n?m tay M?








...theo yêu c?u c?a Qu? C?ng ty, ...


..., xin ch?n thành c?m ?n Qu? Trung t?m...


Mong s?m nh?n ???c ? ki?n c?a Qu? Ban...




 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-31 13:42:45 | 顯示全部樓層




Yuetyúe Lòmáji is not an established Cantonese script.



What is Yuetyúe Lòmáji?


Yuetyúe Lòmáji is a Romanization system used to write Cantonese in Roman letters. The aim is to standardize spoken Cantonese from the status of a vernacular to that of a literary language. Traditionally Cantonese is written using standard Chinese characters plus about 100 extra characters, which have been invented to represent sounds which do not occur in Mandarin. But it was decided to use Yuetyúe Lòmáji rather than Chinese characters to promote Cantonese learning among the young generation mainly living in English-speaking countries. Yuetyúe Lòmáji is slightly modified from Yale Romanization, the current most widely accepted system for Cantonese Romanization.



Guide to Yuetyúe Lòmáji



1. Introduction


Yuetyúe Lòmáji is based on features of the following schemes: Yale Romanization, Jyutping, Hong Kong ** Romanization, and Penkyamp. Below is a full explanation of all the letters used in Yuetyúe Lòmáji. It is recommended that you use this guide as a reference whenever writing in Yuetyúe Lòmáji.


2. The Yuetyúe Lòmáji Alphabet


The key to understanding Yuetyúe Lòmáji is that each letter or each group of letters represents only one particular sound. In English, a letter can represent many different sounds, for example: The vowel sounds in "bear", "lair", "care" are all the same, despite the fact that they are all spelt with different vowel letters. Also, the "a" in "cat", is definitely not the same sound as the "a" in "far", or "share". In Yuetyúe Lòmáji, each letter or each group of letters stands for one sound only. Just remember this: If it rhymes, then it should be spelt similarly. For example: sau (hand), hau (mouth), gau (nine), jau (to go), all rhyme with each other, so therefore they all use the "au" ending.


2.1 The Initial Sounds


b, c, d, f, g, gw, h, j, k, kw, l, m, n, ng, p, s, t, w, y

As for the consonants, all of the single consonants should be fairly easy for an English speaker to pronounce, but examples of all sounds will be provided. In total there are 19 consonant sounds. Similar consonant sounds have been grouped together.


Letter  English Sound  Example
b  s-p-ear   (father), bêng (biscuit)
p  p-ot (aspirated)  p?au (to run), pàngyáu 朋友 (friends)
d  s-t-ar  d? (to hit), daai 大 (big)
t  t-ick (aspirated)  t?i (to see), tēng (to listen)
j  ca-ts  jou (to do), (to know)
c  ca-ts (aspirated)  cāt (seven), (car)
g  s-k-y  g?u (nine), g?ng (to speak)
k  k-ing (aspirated)  kéoi (he/she), kéi (to stand)
gw  s-qu-id  gw?i (expensive), gwā (melon)
kw  qu-een (aspirated)  kwàn (dress/skirt), kwāang (frame)
l  l-ight  luk (six), lik (force/energy)
m  m-an  máai (to buy), man (to ask)
n  n-ear  nàam (male), néoi (female)
ng  thi-ng  ngáan (eye), ngà (tooth)
f  f-un  faan (cooked rice), fèi (fat)
s  s-it  sāam (three), s?i (four)
h  h-ello  h?u (mouth), h?u (good)
y  y-es  yāt (one), y?u (to demand/need/want)
w  w-ater

 jōu 污糟 (dirty), wa (to say)


2.2 The Final Sounds


In all, Cantonese has 56 distinct final sounds that are composed of 54 compound finals and 2 syllabic nasals (m, ng). The compound finals are formed by combining 8 nuclei (aa, a, e, eo, i, o, u, ue) with 8 endings (i, u, m, n, ng, p, t, k).

The p, t, and k endings end in a clipped sound. This means that these endings are never actually aspirated (air is not released from your mouth at the end of the word). Note that this is very different from English, where the p, t, and k endings are usually aspirated.

Below are examples of all the final sounds.


2.2.1 Nucleus aa - a (aa), aai, aau; aam, aan, aang; aap, aat, aak


Letter  English Sound  Example
a  f-a-ther   (father), wa (to say)
aai  l-ie  daai 大 (big)máai (to buy)
aau  l-ou-d  p?au (to run), bāau (to wrap/bun)
aam  f-arm  nàam (male), sāam (three)
aan  aun-t  ngáan (eye), faan (cooked rice)
aang  arn + ng  hàang (to walk), ngaang (stiff)
aap  c-arp  kekjaap 劇集 (drama serials)
aat  art  laat (spicy hot), waat (slippery)
aak  ark  baak (white), ngaak (forehead)


2.2.2 Nucleus a - ai, au; am, an, ang; ap, at, ak


Letter  English Sound  Example
ai  s-i-te  t?i (to see), s?i (to wash)
au  ou-t  h?u (mouth),  s?u (hand)
am  s-um  y?m (to drink), sām (heart)
an  s-un  sān (new), man (to ask)
ang  s-ung  d?ng (to wait), pàngyáu 朋友 (friends)
ap  c-up  sap (ten), yap (to enter)
at  c-ut  yāt (one), cāt (seven)
ak  s-uck  hāk (black), bāk (north)


2.2.3 Nucleus e - e, ei, eu; em, eng; ep, ek


Letter  English Sound  Example
e  l-e-t   (car), (to write)
ei  s-ay  fèi (fat), bêi (to give)
eu  c-al-culate  deu (to drop), jeu (to chew)
em  s-am  lêm (to lick)
eng  s-ang  bêng (biscuit), tēng (to listen)
ep  m-ap  gep (to nip/to clamp)
ek  s-ec  sektàu 石頭 (stone), kekjaap 劇集 (drama serials)


2.2.4 Nucleus eo - eo, eoi; eon, eong; eot, eok


Letter  English Sound  Example
eo  f-ur  hēo (boot)
eoi  oy + ee  kéoi (he/she), sêoi (water)
eon  very short oo + n  cêon (stupid/foolish), sèon (lips)
eong  urn + ng  sêong (want to/wanna), léong (two)
eot  short p-ut  cēot (go out/come out), sēotsāam 恤衫 (shirt)
eok  j-erk  yeok (drug/medicine), jêok (bird)


2.2.5 Nucleus i - i, iu; im, in, ing; ip, it, ik


Letter  English Sound  Example
i  s-ee   (to know), yi (easy)
iu  ee + ew  s?u 少 (few), jīutàuj?u 朝頭早 (morning)
im  s-im  d?m (o'clock), tìm (sweet)
in  s-in  min (face), tīn (sky/heaven)
ing  s-ing  mìng (to understand), jing (quiet)
ip  s-ip  yip (leaf), d?p (plate)
it  s-it  yit (hot)
ik  s-ick

 sik (to eat), lik (force/energy)


2.2.6 Nucleus o - o, oi, ou; on, ong; ot, ok


Letter  English Sound  Example
o  f-ou-r   (to sit), (many/much)
oi  s-oy  hōi (to open), ngoimin 外面 (outside)
ou  s-o  jou (to do), h?u (good)
on  on  gōn (dry), hon (sweat)
ong  s-ong  g?ng (to speak), f?ng (room)
ot  h-ot  h?uh?t 口渴 (thirsty), g?t (to cut/to shear)
ok  s-ock  hok (to learn), lok (go down)


2.2.7 Nucleus u - u, ui; un, ung; ut, uk


Letter  English Sound  Example
u  t-oo  jōu 污糟 (dirty), f? (bitter)
ui  oo + ee  būi (cup/glass), múi (every)
un  m-oon  mùn (door), w?n (bowl)
ung  l-one + ng  yung (to use), tùng (and)
ut  f-oot  sāngwut 生活 (life)
uk  c-ook

 luk (six), yuk (meat)


2.2.8 Nucleus ue - ue; uen; uet


Letter  English Sound  Example
ue  rounded u  sūe (book), jūe (pig)
uen  rounded u + n  d?en (short), yúen (far)
uet  rounded u + d  yuet (month)


2.2.9 Syllabic Nasals - m, ng


Letter  English Sound  Example
m  mmm...  m`gōi 唔該 (thank you)
ng  su-ng  ng? (five)



3. Cantonese Tones


Tones are related to music. When you say 「do re mi fa so la ti do」, the tone rises each word up. In Chinese languages like Cantonese, tones are important in conveying meaning. Mandarin has 4 tones, Shanghainese has 5 and Teochew 6. Cantonese has 6 tones. If you think that is a lot, it is really not. It is actually easy for intuitive Cantonese speakers.

It many help to envision these tones drawn out in a diagram. The white horizontal lines show pitch levels, while the blue lines show tones.


In representing the tones, the accent mark of each tone is placed above the very first vowel letter in a word, e.g. sêoi (water), hàang (to walk), gw?i (expensive), g?ok (foot). Pronounce a word listed next to each tone and then look at the corresponding tone diagram.



Tone Mark Contour  Pitch Level  Fu  Si
1 ā Level  High (5-5)   (husband)   (poem)
2 ? Rising  Mid to High (3-5)  f? (bitter)  s? (history)
3 ? Level  Mid (3-3)   (rich)  s? (to try)
4 à Falling  Low-Mid to Low (2-1)   (to lean)   (time)
5 á Rising  Low to Mid (1-3)   (woman)   (city)
6 a Level  Low-Mid (2-2)  fu (father)  si (event)


Here are two examples to give you a clear idea of the differences between the 6 tones:

fū, f?, fü, fù, fú, fu

夫 (husband), (bitter), (rich), 扶 (to lean), 婦 (woman), 父 (father)
sī, s?, s?, sì, sí, si

(poem), (history), (to try), (time), (city), (event)



3.1 Tone Mark Mnemonics


The following mnemonics should help create visual associations between the tones and accent marks.




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4. Text Sample


Bākfūng tùng T?aiyèong


Yáuyātc?, bākfūng tùng t?aiyèong h?idou ?aug?n bīng? lēkdī. Kéoidei āamāam t?id?u yáu g? yàn hàanggw?, nēig? yàn j?okjue gin daailāu.

Kéoidei jau wa lak, bīng? h?yí j?ngd?u nēig? yàn cèoij? gin lāu nē, jau süen bīng? lēkdī lak.

Yūesi, bākfūng jau b?kmengg?m cēoi. D?mjī, kéoi yuet cēoidāk sāilei, g?g? yàn jau yuet hai n?sat gin lāu. J?oihau, bākfūng móu s?ai fù, wàiyáu f?ngh?i.

Gānjue, t?aiyèong cēotlèi s?aij? yātjan, g?g? yàn jau jīkhāk cèoij? gin lāu lak. Yūesi, bākfūng wàiyáu y?ngsūe lā.



5. References




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