FIVE o’clock had hardly struck on the morning of the nineteenth of January, when Bessie brought a candle into my closet and found me already up and nearly dressed. I had risen half an hour before her entrance, and had washed my face, and put on my clothes by the light of a half-moon just setting, whose rays streamed through the narrow window near my crib. I was to leave ffice:smarttags" />Gateshead that day by a coach which passed the lodge gates at six a.m. Bessie was the only person yet risen; she had lit a fire in the nursery, where she now proceeded to make my breakfast. Few children can eat when excited with the thoughts of journey; nor could I. Bessie, having pressed me in vain to take a few spoonfuls of the boiled milk and bread she had prepared for me, wrapped up some biscuits in a paper and put them into my bag; then she help me on with my pellise and bonnet, and wrapping herself in a shawl she and I left the nursery. As we passed Mrs Reed’s bedroom she said, ‘Will you go in and bid Missis good-bye?’
一月十九号清晨,时钟啱啱响过五下,比丝(Bessie)就攞住支蜡烛行入我间房仔,佢见到我已经起咗身同埋差唔多执掂自己。其实喺佢入嚟之前半个钟我已经起咗床,重借住喺度下沉紧嘅嗰半边月光洗埋面,着埋衫添。呢啲月光透过我张床仔隔篱嗰个窄窄嘅窗口漏入嚟。今日我就要离开盖茨海德(Gateshead)嘞,坐一部晨早六点钟就会经过呢个大院度门嘅马车。除咗我,净係得比丝起咗身,佢入儿童室撻着火,喺度落手落脚噉帮我整早餐。谂到有得出去梗係会?(音:庆)到咩噉,冇边个细路会食得落嘢嘎,我都係。比丝谂住夹硬质我喫几啖佢专门为我准备嘅热奶同面包,但係都係嘥气。佢唯有用纸包咗啲饼干仔塞入我个袋度,跟手帮我着好大褛,戴好童帽,同埋用披肩包好佢自己。佢同我一齐离开儿童室嘞。当经过列太(Mrs. Reed)间睡房嗰阵,佢问我:「有冇谂住入去同列太打声招呼啊?」(《简?爱》第五章)
[ 本帖最後由 pippo 於 2007-12-13 08:43 編輯 ] |