The Hangul"?", refer to the Chinese Character :國, ?:refer to the Chinese Character :王, ?:refer to the Chinese Character :東 and ?:refer to the Chinese Character:廣?將佢掉轉讀就得啦!
我在何方? 身留遠處,心止於此!
ABCD !大頭綠衣 ! 捉人唔到, 吹BB!
A guy wearing a green uniform consist of ABCD
While he arresting a thief but not acheivd, then blow the alert whisle makes the sound BB.
真有幸在此認識兩位朋友999及Cantonain, 唔知系否宿世共業我哋喺呢處聚埋一堆.大家都有共同政治理想,
大家都鍾意研究佛法, HA HA 真系巧(轎) laak! |