(The 10th International Conference on Yue Dialects)于2005年12月12日至14日在香港中文大学举行。这次研讨会由香港中文大学中文系主办,张洪年教授任大会筹委会主席,并邀得美国华盛顿大学余霭芹教授、香港城市大学邹嘉彦教授和广州暨南大学詹伯慧教授为大会主题演讲嘉宾。研讨会的主题为“语料分析及理论研究”,经匿名评审获邀出席研讨会宣读的论文118篇,数量为历届之冠。出席会议的学者一百四十多人分别来自中国的大陆、香港、澳门、台湾地区,以及日本、新加坡、马来西亚、美国、加拿大、英国、荷兰等国家。 研讨会开幕式于12日上午举行,香港中文大学副校长廖柏伟教授、文学院院长罗炳良教授以及大会主席张洪年教授分别致词,热烈欢迎各地学者重临首届国际粤方言研讨会的举行地香港中文大学。在随后三天的研讨会里,与会学者就粤语研究的各个方面进行了研讨,内容包括语音、词汇、语法及语用各层面现象的描写分析,早期文献和语料对历时研究的贡献,语言和社会文化之间的互动,方言分群和语言接触的探讨,方言地图的制作及作用,语言习得及语文教学研究等等,讨论气氛十分热烈。闭幕式于14日下午举行,由张洪年教授对会议进行总结,并就设立研讨会联络处进行讨论。会议宣布下届研讨会将在广西大学举行,林亦教授代表广西大学在会上发言,热烈欢迎大家参加下届会议。
二、英文部分 BAUER, Robert S., CHEUNG Kwan?Hin & Choi?Yeung CHANG Flynn Interaction of Intonation and Tone in Cantonese CHAN Chi Leung Localization of a standardized test in the Hong Kong context CHENG, Ken Siu Kei Songs and Rhymes: Popular Songs and Cantonese Phonology Revisited CHEUNG, Antonio Ki Shun Syntactic Alternative: Investigating the Effects of Weight in Cantonese Dative Constructions CHEUNG Kwan Hin & Robert S. BAUER The ABC Colloquial Cantonese?English Dictionary CHEUNG Yuk Man The Aerodynamic Characteristics of Sentences in Hong Kong Cantonese CHOR Winnie Oi?Wan Two Verbal Particles of Completion in Cantonese: ZO & HEI DING Picus Sizhi Lai and Wo Two Evidential Markers in Cantonese LAI Wing Sze Stress Effect on Tonal Assignment in Cantonese Loanwords LEE Siu Lun The implementation of cultural elements in learning Cantonese LEUNG Man Tak & CHUNG Hoi Ki, Flora Data analysis of Chinese Characters in primary school corpora of Hong Kong and mainland China: preliminary theoretical interpretations LUKE Kang Kwong Subjectivity and Inter?subjectivity in Cantonese grammar MATTHEWS, Stephen, CHING Hoi?Lan, Helen & YIP Choy?Yin Virginia Topicalization and the processing of relative clasuses in Cantonese MOK Pik?Ki Peggy Reassessing the notion of vowel phonemes in Cantonese and Mandarin MOK Sui?Sang & LAM Foo?Sum Negation and Cantonese durative adverbials SIO Joanna Ut?Seong Modification and definiteness in Cantonese and other Chinese languages WANG Xiaomei Loan Words in Malaysian Cantonese WONG Ying?Wai An Optimality Theoretic Study of Tones of Yue Dialects WU Weiping The key role of pragmatic tasks in every stage of the learning process YAN Jing Language Socialization of Hong Kong Internet Community: An Online Literacy Study on 明报时事讨论区 “Ming Pao Internet Forum of Current Event” YIU, Carine Yuk?man The directional complement faan 翻:An historical perspertive