粵語協會三位成員應邀接受香港電臺訪問,將於2006年12月17號(星期日)晚上7點30分,喺亞洲電視本港臺嘅《香港故事》節目內播出。 該集《香港故事》將會講述粵語喺呢幾十年嚟嘅演變,並特意邀請嚟自粵港兩地嘅粵語協會成員,親身表達對粵語嘅睇法同感情。訪問內容主要圍繞粵港兩地嘅粵語發展、語音轉變、懶音問題、兩地用詞區別、粵語寫作、文化,以及粵語被邊沿化嘅問題等等。 三位上節目嘅粵語協會成員係 Desmond(香港), Highyun(佛山)同埋 LHK(廣州)。 - 電視臺︰亞洲電視本港臺
- 節目時間︰2006年12月17號、星期日、晚上7點30分
- 節目名稱︰香港故事
參考網址 - 香港電臺 http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/tv/hkstories/
- 亞洲電視 http://www.hkatv.com/index2.html
------------------------- Three members of Cantonese Association have been interviewd by Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) on the television programme "The Story of Hong Kong". The show will be broadcasted at 7:30pm on 17 December 2006 (Sunday), on ATV Home in Hong Kong. This episode focuses on the changes of Cantonese over the past few decades. The members of Cantonese Association from Hong Kong and Kwang Tung were invited to express their views on the Cantonese language. Their discussion mainly focused on the evolvement of the language, the phenomenon of pronunciation shift and incorrect pronunciation, differences between Hong Kong and Kwang Chow Cantonese in terms of the choice of vocabulary, Cantonese writing and culture, and the issue of Cantonese being losing ground to Mandarin and English. The three members of Cantonese Association on the show are Desmond (Hong Kong), Highyun (Fat Shan) and LHK(Kwang Chow). - Television Channel: ATV Home
- Programme Schedule: 7:30pm, 17 December 2006 (Sunday)
- TV Programme: The Story of Hong Kong
Links - RTHK http://www.rthk.org.hk/rthk/tv/hkstories/
- ATV http://www.hkatv.com/index2.html
[此帖子已經被作者於2006-12-7 23:29:06編輯過]