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[南派功夫] [转帖]响外國网頁見到有一篇文章,借嚟翻译埋仳大家!

發表於 2004-10-28 09:16:01 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
响外國网頁見到有一篇有用嘅文章,借嚟翻译埋仳大家睇! 依篇文章前面喺介绍一個师傅对詠春拳发扬嘅個人见解,有d宣传成份,所以就唔翻译啦,但喺佢后半部分好无私噤介绍一d個人嘅练功建议,所以只翻译后半部份,基于忠实于原作者嘅本质,我将其原文整份转贴过嚟,有兴趣嘅朋友可以睇下前文。 睇完译文之后嘅朋友请发表一下意见,等我知道有几多人睇,仲继唔继续译其他嘅文章,ths!~ em6:
 樓主| 發表於 2004-10-28 09:18:24 | 顯示全部樓層


文章嘅前半部份: a path to wing chun -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- kenneth chung is a master of the soft approach to wing chun. he is what some have in mind for the ideal master. many martial artists can totally demolish their opponent's but the master can do so with perfect control, with relaxation, without the need to intimidate or hurt the student in any way. kenneth chung fits this ideal master image. at the same time kenneth chung is a humble individual. he feels he is good, but doesn't claim to be the best. he says, "just call me ken." ken suggests a two hour private lesson in order for him to explain his wing chun method fully. the first thing he does is to feel your touch. often you can boast all you want but you can't hide your lack of skill when you are in contact with an expert. ken is able to uprooot you easily, yet you can't uproot him. students who thought they were quite rooted were surprised by their lack of root. ken is one teacher who allows the student to have hands on experience. many teachers don't let you touch them but ken wants you to feel the touch so that it will leave a lasting impression. when the student first touches ken, they are surprised by the feel. ken offers nothing to work with. he seems to offer no resistance, nothing to slap, nothing to jerk. ken is totally relaxed the whole time. students who have a fairly high success rate at their club suddenly find they have a zero percent success rate against ken. even people with fast hands find that the attack is neutralized before it can even start. the attack never reaches the flurry stage. ken says too many people have flowery hands. the movements are too excessive, too hurried, too big. too much signal is given by the student. students who thought their techniques were simple find that ken's are even simpler. when ken moves there are no signals, nothing moves. he hits powerfully and effortlessly. he does not intimidate, but handles you with masterful skill. ken is always one step ahead. ken shows many many things but always stresses that the important things are the fundamentals such as stance. where have you heard that before? ken does not teach many specific techniques, nor does he show many drills. yet he also doesn't hold anything back. there just are no secret moves. ken can change/improve your wing chun skill in just two hours. in a period of six months, your wing chun would not be recognizable from what is was. having hands on practice with an expert and having the right mental concept is what makes the difference. ken can talk wing chun nonstop for 24 hours a day, every day. he is like an inexhaustable pool of knlowledge. if you can absorb it, then ken is happy to give it. em2:ken doesn't believe in the concept that you have to hide things in wing chun. ken thinks only if your wing chun was limited, would you have to hide that fact? em2: 我用公仔头圈住嗰句好有意思,译文喺:ken 并唔认为詠春拳有乜嘢技术喺值得你去隐瞒,除非你自己嘅技术好有限。你可唔可以隐瞒得到事实嘅真相?~ em6:
 樓主| 發表於 2004-10-28 09:19:57 | 顯示全部樓層


nothing replaces a real seminar or lesson with ken but here are: 文章嘅后半部份(亦喺我凖备译出嚟嘅部分,译文在后面): 1.0 just a few tips from ken to help your wing chun improve. don't be greedy with the hits. often people are already hit without realizing it. you don't always have to strike high. this exposes you to low hits. many people have no rooting. the stance is weak, not sunken. the knees should be in. you should feel like you are melting into the ground. you can practice for a lifetime but if your stance is poor you will have wasted all of your effort. if you meet the right wing chun guy, you will be in big trouble. don't act before you know what is going on. you must feel what is happening first. people act before they feel. random flurries won't work. you can't just rely on speed. the head should not be forward. keep the head back or it will get hit and it also brings the whole posture down to stiffen up the hands. keep the head up and rely on your touch. many students use too much force. remember, wing chun is a ladies style and therefore brutal energy or brute strength should not be used. we are all getting older, some day you can no longer rely on your muscular strength. the speed and power approach is limited. you can only take that approach so far. ken has yet to see a limit in the soft approach. 2.0 stance and movement it is important to connect the hands with the feet. many people get shoved back instead of being able to neutralize the force by absorbing it or by turning the stance. stance training, such as stepping and turning is very important. when the opponent retreats, don't just stand there. you must come forward. if you stand there you will get kicked. most people's hitting is too tense and relies too much on muscle power. yip man, who was 120 pounds and five feet four inches tall, had a very heavy but relaxed hitting power. when you feel my force you will feel it is very soft but yet it is very substantial. it has a bite which you cannot ignore. the force doesn't come from tensing, it doesn't come from speed. the shoulders should not come forward. they should stay back. practice the first set slowly in the mirror and watch that the shoulders stay back. face the opponent square and hit down the centerline. face the opponent properly first before you hit. don't chase the opponent's hands. just hit the central axis of the opponent. flowery movements are not good in wing chun. simple connected movements will do. sore shoulders come fom trying to fight against energy. you should not lift the bong sau, it should spiral forward with minimal shoulder use. try to use the concept of neutralizing force along the tangent of a circle. the circle can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. many people apply their energy at the wrong moment. try to feel when is the best time to apply your energy. try to feel when the opponent's energy starts up. don't push the force away. when nearly all students apply the pak sau, the bong sau, the fook sau, the popai, they are pushing the force away. they are scared of the force, they want to get rid of that force. instead you should accept that force, welcome that force. the principle in wing chun is "receive what comes." receive means to really accept it, don't push it away. 3.0 staying on the wing chun path when you are studying wing chun, don't think about weight lifting, about tournament competition, about self defense, about the other styles. this is going off the wing chun path. your training will take much longer if you do. first pack in the proper wing chun concepts. get the wing chun skill, then think about self defense. most people's fighting is too fast for them to realize what is going on. they should feel what is going on first. don't just move in random ways. every action in wing chun should produce a result. don't just play with hands (note: master wong shun leung also said:don't just play with hands.). 4.0 relaxation, and softness, and the first set. you have to constantly remind yourself to relax. the tense way cannot work. you will get tired and it will fail against strength. it will take 1/2 a year to change from your old habits to new habits. changing habits starts with having the proper concept in your mind. the sets or forms should be performed slower and softer. the first set should take 20 minutes to perform. more is of no benefit. when the tan sau comes out, you should not see it visibly move. similarly when the fook sau goes back, you should not see it visibly move. use "wet paste" energy, not brutal energy. proper standing and turning will develop muscles which you have not so far developed. these are around the knee area. without these muscles, your stance will be weak. the slow first set tan sau, fook sau sequence also develops muscles around the elbow area which you cannot see. wing chun power is hidden from view. we do not want large bicep muscles. repetition is the key. try to relax, slow down, be soft. find out what is going on. 5.0 position, sensitivity, timing speed and power position comes first by training the form accurately. without proper position your hitting accuracy will be off and your power transfer will be reduced. without proper position, you cannot neutralize force. without proper position, you will be off balanced. proper position comes from performing the first set accurately in front of a mirror. sensitivity to force comes next. this comes over a long period of time from slow sticking hands practice. timing comes next. power comes last. speed comes before power. 6.0 more general principles in fighting, don't trade punches with your opponent, worry about your defense first. always travel the shortest distance which is the straight center line. the opponent can start first but we get there sooner. wing chun is sneaky. it uses the surprise element. you cannot just rush into a kick. if he can kick you, you can kick him. if he can punch you, you can punch him. when he lifts the leg to kick, you can lift the leg to kick his supporting leg or groin or shin area. then step in. 7.0 youth vs age, small vs large with age your body deteriorates. you cannot rely on muscle power. you must rely on position and sensitivity. every opponent has weak points. you must find the weak points. a larger opponent does not have the advantage with position and sensitivity. with protection, the larger opponent will win. brute force methods have the advantage in this case. for wing chun, it is more fair on the street with no protection. the smaller person cannot have a good chance against a larger opponent with protection. 8.0 energy and force distribution in striking you should hit through the person's body, not aim for the surface. it is where the energy is applied that makes the difference. a chop to the shoulder is different than a palm hit to the front of the body. it takes 20 pounds of force to smash a nose. a small person cannot play around but must hit seriously. if you are lazy, you won't learn much. if you are too greedy and want too much, you will also stop your progress. if the attack is not committed, then don't react. with a commited punch or kick, you can react and win because the opponent cannot recover. the centerline path will get you there before him. don't look at your hands. feel what is going on. don't look down. in wing chun we do not talk in terms of chi or internal energy or in terms of isotonic or isometric exercise. it doesn't matter who learned from whom in the wing chun world. what matters is how much training you have put in, how good is your skill and having the right guidance. remember, yip man did not sign any credentials. this leaves room for a lot of manipulative people to twist wing chun around. ignorance is no bliss.with the external method of training wing chun, you will reach your limit very fast. you can train for ten years, then all of a sudden, someone with one year's training can match your skill. you will wonder what happened to those nine years? 9.0 remember the soft path always! ken said he still has to repeat the same advice to his students even after ten years. the students get pressured by outside forces (martial arts, movies, articles) to drift away from the wing chun path. they have to be constantly reminded of the same thing over and over again like a broken record. ken said the soft touch works. plant this seed in your head. it is very difficult to break down an existing structure. if you come to wing chun from another martial art, it is very difficult to change you. it is easier to build a structure from the ground up (someone who knows nothing) than to break down your old habits, your old prejudices. it takes at least two years to build a proper foundation. it takes six months of effort to break a two year habit. ken said the first set of wing chun looks stupid and feels tedious to others but it is very good martial art. after 15 minutes of proper first set training, you should feel very warm. the above is only a small sample of some of the kinds of things that kenneth chung said. each point you have probably heard before. every point, you may think, is common sense, but when students apply their wing chun, all this common sense goes out the window in the heat of the battle. ken could apply what he said. it is only when you feel how ken performs his wing chun that you start to appreciate many of the things you may have heard before. even videos do not do the job. one student had seen ken in a video and didn't think that much of it. he thought ken was too soft, no balance of yin and yang. when this student met ken, he was very shocked at how much ken really knew and how little he knew himself about wing chun. ken's wing chun is a feeling art. ken is not one for many drills. often, when two people do wing chun drills, the position, the feeling, and the timing will interact in the wrong way. however, both people will be having a good time but are really learning nothing. in ken's mind the most important training at the start is correct positioning. correct positioning starts with the correct stance. without the stance being correct the hands and feet will not be able to coordinate in the proper way. the drills will turn into disconnected hand exercises which make the practitioners think they are learning something but they are not. they are feeding their ego by thinking, "oh, my hands are getting pretty good!" when the position is correct it means the stance, the arm angles, and the centerline are accurate,then you are ready to work on the second step which is to apply the feeling to tell you when and how to change your structure to match your opponent's structure. we must feel what is happening first, then change our structure to the best one to match the opponent's structure. this part of the training is difficult to get without one-on-one practice with someone who has got it. for this reason, ken wanted you to feel him. to probe and experiment with him so that you could feel how he reacts and changes according to the input you give him. when you try to push him, pull him, disengage from him, turn your stance on him, how does he react? what does he change to? what movements change to what other movements and why? after long hours of such practice your wing chun takes on a new form. when the positions are correct, the proper feeling can be applied. when the positions and relaxation levels are good, then timing can be applied. timing means during what part of the opponent's energy cycle do you apply your energy? when working with ken he will let you feel the peaks and valleys of his energy and guide you when to apply your movement. he will point out, if you are using too much strength or too little strength, or you are leaning forward, or your stance is not sunk, or your head is not back, or your hip is not straight. he can make you feel the difference. it is the feeling element which is very important. a two person drill without concern for these proper elements will not lead to a good level of skill. ken knows people do many drills but the proper position, the feeling and the timing are often not correct. therefore he wants students to feel these things on him first so they can be convinced they must change to improve. ken tries to tell you the proper concept: first intellectually, second by having you feel it and third by telling you his personal experience. from his experience, people can practice very hard for years and years without getting anywhere because they have the wrong concept. in ken's mind, just doing drills, leads to an unconnected art. instead, all positions, feelings and concepts should be linked together within the framework of sticking hands. this should be practiced very slowly at first. 10.0 ken's background in wing chun ken learned from leung sheung from 1963 to 1968, for 5 years. then again from 1973 to 1978 for another 5 years. leung sheung always pushed the soft way. ken said, "at first many of us did not appreciate his words. it takes a long time to realize the proper way. words cannot adequately describe the way. you have to feel it before you can understand." (note: ken does pure wing chun but has had experience with some of the top people in chen style tai chi.this experience convinced him even more that he is on the right track.) remember wing chun stresses the soft touch. it is a woman's style. yip man was a small man but none could touch him. leung sheung was a large man so why should he learn from a small man? wing chun is not an externally powerful style. don't think power, speed and beautiful form. we don't want the pumping iron kind of energy. we acquire energy through the soft touch. in wing chun you cannot see the muscles that are developed. bicep muscle build-up is not required. in wing chun we are always ready to fight. we do not need to warm up, take off our glasses and get into a strong fighting pose. whether you can defend yourself depends on who is your opponent. first pack in your wing chun skill, then worry about defense.
 樓主| 發表於 2004-10-28 10:50:12 | 顯示全部樓層


1.0 ken 向你提供的一点练功心得: (练功时)不要只注意攻击别人,人们常常在不自觉地做出这些动作; 攻击不要只留心上三路,这会使你下三路露出破绽; 有部份人马步站不稳,落马没有落足够,导致脚步虚浮; 膝盖必须内扣; (练习时)你必须溶入于环境; 也许你用了一生的时间去练习,但是如果姿势不正确将会把你的努力付诸东流,而当你见到一个好的詠春拳手,你会因此而吃尽苦头; 要先谋而后动,行动前应对自己的行动有所感觉,大多数人都在有感觉前就采取行动; 鲁莽和慌张是不会有用的; 速度并不代表一切; 头不要向前倾; 头向后仰也会令你受创和使手部僵硬; 头部保持向一个水平位置并相信自己的触觉; 很多学员(在练习时)都投入太多的力气,请记住,詠春拳是一套女性化的拳术,因此,蛮力和暴力都不应在这套拳内出现;我们都会变老,某一天我们都不可能再依靠肌肉为我们带来力量;速度和力量压迫都是有限的,力量的压迫只能用于目前,ken 现时专注于柔软压迫的运用。 em6:ps:好眼瞓吖,译住第一点先,剩低嗰d听日有时间再译!~ em6:
發表於 2004-10-28 20:10:53 | 顯示全部樓層


 樓主| 發表於 2004-10-28 20:48:44 | 顯示全部樓層


2.0姿势与动作 手与脚的联系不可忽视; 有部份人会使用推挤去代替利用牵引或动作转换去压制对方; 姿势训练,例如步法和转身训练都非常重要; 敌人退缩你要紧紧进迫,如果你只逗留在原地你会遭到攻击; 大部要人出手都太紧张(肌肉)和依靠太多肌肉的力量。叶问只有120磅,五尺四寸高,但却拥有非常重和放松的打击力量。 对于我的攻击你会感到非常松柔却非常充实,这一点不容轻视。 (詠春功夫的)力量不是来自(肌肉的)紧张,也不是来自速度; 肩膊应该后靠而非向前; 自己在镜前练习你会发现肩膊是向后的; 正面对敌并沿直线攻击你的对手; 在攻击对手前先要用一个自然的姿势对敌; 对敌不追手; 只要攻击对手中心区域就可以了; 花巧动作与詠春拳的简单连接格格不入; 膀手时肩膊的疼痛来自(你)尝试与自己力量的对抗; 力量是由手臂的螺旋形前进和肩部的微细移动推动的; 尝试把向前压制的力量概念运用到圆型的切线运动中,这个圆可以是水平的、垂直的甚至是斜的; 一些人在错误的动作中应用他们的力量。尝试去感觉什么时候是你攻击的最佳时机。尝试去感觉对手力量的起动; 不要把(对方的)力量推开。几乎所有学员在运用拍的、膀手、伏手、破排掌时都会把对方的力量推走; 他们害怕(对方的)力量,想尽力去摆脱对方的力量,其实,他们应该接受那股力量,迎接那股力量; 詠春的原则是“来留”,“留”表示要接受力量,不要把它推开;
 樓主| 發表於 2004-10-28 21:02:44 | 顯示全部樓層


3.0 坚持詠春之路 当你初学詠春拳,不要只想着举重、参加比赛、自卫或其他东西,这些都背离了詠春的练习途径; 你的詠春练习会持续一段很长的时间; 首先要知道何谓正确的詠春概念; 先取得詠春技术,再考虑自我防卫; 大多数人攻击时动作对于他们自身来说太快而导致他们不知道自已在干什么。他们应该先感觉自己在干什么; 不要只是胡乱地做动作; 詠春拳的每个动作都预视会产生一些效果; 不要只练手部动作(提示:詠春师傅黄淳梁也说过:不要只练手部动作)
 樓主| 發表於 2004-10-28 21:29:07 | 顯示全部樓層


4.0 放松、柔软和小念头(主讲一摊三伏手) 你必须经常提醒自己放松; 紧张是没有用的; 你会因紧张而感到疲累并且因为力量的对抗而失败; 要把后天习惯代替先天习惯要用差不多半年的时间; 习惯的改变取决于你对脑袋概念的彻底改变; 小念头的形式应该缓慢和柔软; 小念头(每次)大约只需练习20分钟左右,太多没有效果; 当练到摊手时,你看不到其明显的活动; 同样练到伏手时,你也看不到其明显的活动; 用“湿粘力(唔知喺唔喺指诛力)”而非蛮力; 正确的站立和转动可以训练肌肉,这些是围绕膝部的肌肉,这类肌肉缺乏训练就会令你脚步虚浮; 摊手与伏手的缓慢交替同样会训练你肘部位置看不见的肌肉(应该喺肘底力); 詠春拳的力量隐藏于内,肉眼是看不到的; 我们不需要强大的肌肉; 反复练习是关键; 尝试放松、缓慢和保持柔软,了解自己到底在干什么。
 樓主| 發表於 2004-10-28 21:40:52 | 顯示全部樓層


5.0 动作、灵敏度、时间、速度和力量 正确的动作首先来自于练习时的精确,没有正确的动作,你在攻击时会影响准确性和力量的传递; 没有正确的动作,你不可以压制(对方的)力量; 没有正确的动作,(攻击时)你会失去平衡; 正确的动作来源于反复的练习,如对着一面镜子练习小念头; 动作正确以后就会出现灵敏度,那要经过长时间缓慢的练习; 其次是时间性的掌握; 其次是速度的掌握; 最后是力量的掌握。
發表於 2004-10-29 00:30:37 | 顯示全部樓層


果然有d嘢, “用“湿粘力(唔知喺唔喺指诛力)”而非蛮力”应该讲的是肘底力,诛力系要两个人黎练。 4.0好似对小念头太过推崇.
 樓主| 發表於 2004-10-29 01:39:47 | 顯示全部樓層


6.0 更多的原理 在格斗中,不要意图与敌拳来拳往,首先要站稳阵脚; 保持在中心线上作短距离攻击; 你的对手可以首先发起攻击,但我们要比他更快(作出反应); 詠春拳是诡秘的,采用的是一种与别不同的攻击元素; 不要充忙作出攻击,如果对手在你攻击范围内,意味着你也在对手攻击范围内; 对手打你的同时,你也可以打对手; 当对手起脚踢你,你也可以走脚踢对方的支持脚、腹股沟或胫骨,然后进步。
發表於 2004-10-29 05:47:11 | 顯示全部樓層


 樓主| 發表於 2004-10-29 06:45:32 | 顯示全部樓層


7.0 年轻 vs 年老,细小 vs 巨大 随着年龄增长,你的身体会退化; 你不能依靠肌肉力量; 你必须依靠动作和灵敏; 每个对手有都其弱点; 你必须找到他们的弱点; 一个强壮的对手在动作和敏捷上都占不了优势; 如有外界保护条件(在擂台上),强壮的对手会获胜; 原始的力量在这种情况下会取得绝对优势; 对于詠春拳手来说,在街上使用詠春拳比较有优势; 在有保护的条件下,细小的人没有机会对强壮的对手对抗。
 樓主| 發表於 2004-10-29 06:46:28 | 顯示全部樓層


8.0 力量和力度在攻击时的分配 你对敌人的打击应具备穿透力,而不是只攻击表面; 这就是力量运用上的分别; 用骨击(对方)肩膊与用掌击打人身体前面的分别: 大约20磅的力度就可以击碎人的鼻; 一个细小的人不应四处游走而应该认真攻击。如果你懒惰,你将学不到什么东西;但如果你太贪婪太急进,也会阻止自己进步; 如果攻击不奏效,不要怆促作反应; (对方)一个错误的攻击而你能作出应并最终打败对方原因是对手未反应过来; 沿中线进攻会使你更快击中对方; 不要看着自己的手,而是感觉手部在做什么,不要向下望; 在詠春界,我们不以力量又或者练习量多少定胜负。无论你跟那位师傅学詠春拳,关键是你对训练有多投入,对技术的掌握程度和有没有得到一个好的指导。谨记,叶问没有签定任何的担保文件(凡跟其学武都成高手)。跟他学过詠春的人枝繁叶茂地围绕住整个詠春界。无知不会得到裨佑。只根据显淺的詠春技术学习,你很快会达到自己的极限。可能别人用一年的时间已经达到你练习十年的境界,你可会反思自己过去九点到底干了些什么?
 樓主| 發表於 2004-10-29 06:48:34 | 顯示全部樓層


9.0 切记保持柔软 ken 表示就算跟他学习十年詠春的学生,他仍要不断提醒其保持柔软。学生们受到外界的影响(其他功夫、电影、文章)而慢慢偏离了詠春拳的原理。他们必须坚持不懈地一遍又一遍提醒自己。 ken 说柔软接触是有效的,你必须把它植根于你的心内; 把现有的习惯抛弃是非常困难的; 如果你带艺从师,将会更加困难; 因为教导一个没有学过詠春的人不需要破除其旧习惯、旧的习性; 建立一个好的基础最少要两年的时间; 抛弃旧有的习惯就需要六个月的时间; ken 说詠春拳的小念头看上去比其他功夫显得很愚笨和枯躁乏味,但它的确是一套很好的功夫; 15分钟的小念头训练就会使你感到非常暖和; 以上只是ken对练习小念头作出的一点比如,可能你以前都曾听过,只不过是一些詠春拳的常识,但当学生们在真实的战斗中这些常识都被抛到九霄云外。 ken 能够运用他自己所说的技术,只有当ken运用其詠春功夫的时候你才见识到很多你以前听过(但没有见识过)的东西,甚至连电影都没法达到这个效果。一位学员在看过ken的录像以后觉得没什么了不起,因为ken太柔软了,(功夫中的)阴和阳达不到平衡。当这位学员见到ken的时候,他被ken的詠春技艺所折服,所明白自己对于詠春的了解是多么肤淺。ken 的詠春是一门感觉的艺术,ken不是一个经过很多对练的人,(他认为)当两人做詠春拳对练的时候,动作、感觉和时间掌握都会误导对方。因此,两人可以很好地掌握时间但无所得益。 在ken 的眼中,(练詠春拳)最重要的莫过于动作的正确性; 正确的动作由正确的马步开始; 没有正确的马步,手和脚的动作就不会得到协调; (生手)对练只会使练习者双手动作得到连贯,令他们觉得自己学到了某些东西但其实没有。对练喂招令他们自己感觉:“噢,我的双手是多么灵巧!”当(学员)动作正确即表示马步、手臂的角度和中线都正确的时候,你就要准备詠春练习的第二步,凭感觉告诉自己什么时候应该怎样改变自己结构去影响对手的结构。 首先我们要感觉发生什么事,然后用最合适的詠春结构去迎合对手的结构。 练习如果缺少一个熟练的人作一对一陪练是十分困难的。就是这个原因,ken会叫你去感觉他,和他去感觉和尝试他如何对你对他的动作作出反应,当你尝试去推他、拉他、离开他的攻击范围,改变对他的姿势和动作,他会作出什么反应呢?他会如何去改变呢? 这个变化和紧接差的变化有什么意义呢?经过数小时这样的对练,会令你的詠春拳去到另一个境界。 当动作正确,才会出感觉。当动作正确和足够放松,时间就自然可以掌握。时间掌握是指对手无论那部分攻击你时你会在什么时候运用那些力量。 当和ken对练的时候,你会感到他的力量有如使你的动作一时置身于高山一时置身于深谷。他会不时指出你的力度用得多或少,或者你已经有进步又或者你对某些东西还是欠缺,或者你的头向后仰又或者你的马步有够稳。他能令你感觉与别不同。这些感觉元素是很重要的。 两人对练缺乏这类元素的专注就不能把他们带到更高的境界。ken知道人们都注意做太多的对练却没有正确的动作(调教),感觉和时间的掌握经常出错。因此,他会要求(他的)学员先与他对练去感觉,令他们确信自己将要作出的改变对于技术的提高是必要的。ken 尝试告诉你如何做到动作正确:首先是建立自己的感性认识,二是去感觉,三是告诉你他的个人经验。 从他的经验中,学员们将会专心地一年接一年地练习而不致于练错方向。在ken的思想中,只专注于对练会令(詠春)功夫脱节。所以,所有的动作、感觉和概念必须和手的粘黐力连系在一起,这个首先就要慢慢练习。
 樓主| 發表於 2004-10-29 06:49:42 | 顯示全部樓層


10.0 ken的詠春背景 ken 在1963年1968年间跟随其师傅leung sheung 学习了五年詠春。 之后在1973年到1978年再跟随其师傅深造了五年。 leung sheung 长期保持着柔软的风格。 ken 说:“最初我们大部份学生都没有注意到师傅的说话,是经过很长的时间才能充分理解固中含义,言语无法表达出真切的感受,你在彻身体会前只有慢慢地去感觉。”(提示:ken 並不是纯詠春拳师,原因他也跟随一些师傅级人物学习陈式太极拳,这些经验使他确信自己所走的道路是正确的)。记住,詠春的功夫是柔软的,是一种女性风格的拳术。叶问体形细小但无人能伤他分毫, leung sheung 体格很强壮,但他为什么要跟随一个小个子的人学习詠春拳呢? 詠春拳不是一种外表刚强的拳术; (练詠春拳)不要顾念力量、速度和优雅; 我们不需要钢铁形的力量; 我们从柔软中获得力量;. 练习詠春拳不会使我们的肌肉特别发达; (詠春的拳师)肌肉是不需要热身的,我们随时准备战,不需要提前做热身活动,摘掉我们的眼镜就可以摆战斗姿势了。你能否有效保护自己只取决于你的对手是认,你首先注重自己的詠春技术,然后才是保护自己。
 樓主| 發表於 2004-10-29 06:50:33 | 顯示全部樓層


终于译晒十段啦,呕血噤制,有兴趣嘅就慢慢睇啦!~ em6:
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 樓主| 發表於 2004-10-29 16:14:13 | 顯示全部樓層


好,噤你帮我打埋!~ em6:
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