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[衣食住行] the Economist: What explains the strength of the German recovery?

發表於 2010-11-5 21:20:47 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

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The question is:


What explains the strength of the German recovery?

Aug 29th 2010 by R.A. | The Economist

2010年8月29日    经济学人

Is it sustainable? What lessons should other developed nations draw from this performance?


Guest contributions: 5


It comes down to its export orientation


Harold James our guest wrote on Aug 29th 2010, 18:04 GMT

THE surprisingly strong and successful German recovery is almost entirely a consequence of export demand, in particular from vigorous growth of emerging markets. It is not a uniquely German phenomenon, in that the same pattern of a vigorous export recovery can be seen in other countries with a similar structure (notably Switzerland and Austria), but also some of the dynamic Central European economies (Slovakia or Poland) that see the German development as a model.


It is eminently sustainable as long as the world economy continues to grow. The major threat is that Germany』s less-export oriented neighbors will worry about the increase of German power and try to apply some sort of brake on German export-led growth.


Other developed countries should imitate this model, rather than bashing it. Stimulating an economy through a dynamic export sector is not a zero-sum game, but should rather been seen as a way of driving international growth through the well-known principle of the division of labor.


It's the lack of leverage


Carmen Reinhart our guest wrote on Aug 29th 2010, 18:24 GMT

This contribution was authored by Carmen Reinhart and Vincent Reinhart.

由Carmen Reinhart 和Vincent Reinhart联名撰写

THE answer to Germany』s relatively robust comeback obviously requires a multi-part explanation. We will not attempt that here. But we will, however, focus on one very important dimension of its resilience in the current environment, where recoveries from the crisis, notably in the advanced economies, on the whole, have been disappointing.


We explored the experience of economies surrounding severe financial crises in a paper, After the Fall, presented at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City』s Jackson Hole Symposium. As we pointed out, Germany was a notable outlier in the now-notorious credit and debt boom of the decade prior to the onset of the subprime crisis. Credit relative to nominal GDP fell about 11 percentage points during 1997-2007; during the same period, credit/GDP rose 80 percentage points for most of the advanced economies. Germany』s gross external debt/GDP fell about 5 percentage points during 2003-2007, while that ratio climbed by about 50% for other advanced economies. Germany』s property market cannot even be loosely characterised as part of the global bubble. In fact, real house prices fell 11% from 1997 to 2007. Unlike Japan, which was the other notable outlier during the credit boom, it did not have the burden of a high public debt. As a consequence, despite rapid increases in government debt since the crisis, Germany does not have a private or public debt overhang of the historic proportions confronting most other advanced economies. It follows that a long and painful deleveraging is not on the horizon.

在堪萨斯城美联储银行Jackson Hole 研讨会上,我们在《衰落之后》这份论文中探讨了不同国家面对严重金融危机时的一些经验。正如我们指出的那样,在次贷危机开始之前,德国在如今已臭名昭著的十年信贷高峰中显然已经是一个偏离常轨的国家。在1997至2007期间,德国贷款跟名义GDP的比值下降了11个百分点;而在同一时期内,贷款跟GDP的比值在大多数发达国家上升了80个百分点。2003至2007年间,德国对外债务总额与GDP的百分比下降了5个百分点,而在别的发达国家,这个比值爬升了约50%。德国房地产市场甚至不能算作是全球沫型经济的一部分。事实上,真实住房价格在1997至2007年间下降了11%。日本是信贷高峰中另一个显而易见偏离常轨的国家,但德国与日本不同,它不必承受巨大公共债务带来的负担。其结果是,尽管危机发生以来政府债务急剧增加,德国并没有造成能够与多数发达国家相提并论的过剩私人或公共债务历史规模。因此眼下漫长而痛苦的减债过程并不是燃眉之急。

In this regard, Germany is the advanced economy counterpart to emerging markets in Asia and Latin America. Those economies also deleveraged during the tranquil booming years (as discussed in Reinhart and Rogoff, 2010). These emerging markets are not only recovering robustly—some are showing signs of overheating.

在这一点上看来,德国是发达经济体中算得上亚洲和拉美新兴市场竞争对手的国家。那些国家在平静的高峰期间也曾大举减债(见2010年Reihart and Rogoff论文中的讨论)。这些新兴市场不仅复苏稳健——有些还出现了过热的迹象。

Credit years of reform, wage moderation, and productivity growth


Alberto Alesina our guest wrote on Aug 29th 2010, 18:41 GMT

GERMANY is notoriously the most fiscally conservative of the major economies. After having (correctly) allowed its deficit to grow during the recession it has started sooner than other countries on a plan to reduce it. Now it looks like the locomotive of Europe. The US economy with its fiscally irresponsible policies and its deficit of 10% of GDP is sputtering and possibly running into a second recession. This should give pause to those who keep arguing for even more deficit spending in the US and that fiscal prudence would push Europe into a second depression.  

德国一直以来作为发达经济体中财政政策最为保守的国家而「恶名远扬」。在萧条期间(正确地)任由赤字(政府支出)增加后,它比其他国家先一步开始计划减少赤字。如今,德国是欧洲经济的火车头。美国经济对财政政策反应不大,还带着相当于GDP 10%的赤字,如今已摇摇欲坠,可能正面临二次探底。这应该足以让那些坚持认为美国应花费更多赤字开支而财政政策将把欧洲推入二次探底深渊的人闭嘴了。

Germany』s recovery seems relatively solid. It is based on some labour market reforms in the last couple of years and a long period of wage moderation. It is also not based on the dubious and at most temporary effect of discretionary public spending increases. It is based on a private sector recovery and increases in productivity. What would sustain growth in Germany and in the rest of Europe is not more public spending but more pro-market structural reforms. If they take place, then growth will be sustainable, unless the US runs into a new recession.


Focus on the well-timed drop in the euro


Scott Sumner our guest wrote on Aug 29th 2010, 18:47 GMT

PRIOR to the second quarter of 2010, the German recovery was very impressive in terms of job creation, and very unimpressive in terms of real GDP growth. I presume the job creation story has something to do with fiscal stimulus aimed at subsidising work-sharing. I』d like to focus on the sudden acceleration in real GDP growth in the most recent quarter, to an annual rate of 8.8%. Why did German growth accelerate dramatically just as American growth slowed to only 1.6%?


Back in May and June there was a lot of talk about the bleak outlook for the euro zone. Recall that the problems in Greece, and more broadly all the so-called 「PIIGS」, had created doubts about the soundness of banks in France, Germany, and the Netherlands. In late May I made this observation in my blog:


So stocks in the heart of the eurozone, the area with many banks that are highly exposed to Greek and Spanish debts, are actually down a bit less (on average) than the US. Perhaps the strong dollar is part of the reason. Perhaps monetary policy has become tighter in the US than Europe.


The loss of confidence in the euro led to a rush for safety, and the demand for dollars rose sharply in the spring of the year. Because the interest rate in America is stuck at 0.25%, and the Fed is reluctant to use unconventional policy tools, there was no policy action taken to offset the increase in the demand for dollars. Monetary policy became effectively tighter.


The results were predictable. Whereas the euro had traded in the range of 1.35 to 1.45 to the dollar in the first four months of 2010, the exchange rate has dropped to the 1.20 to 1.32 range since the beginning of May. Because Germany has an export-based economy, this contributed to a fast rise in output. Just the opposite happened in the US, where a recovery that looked on track in the first quarter of 2010, suddenly stalled in May and June. Some have argued that the winding down of fiscal stimulus caused the recovery to weaken in the US. But spending rose briskly in the second quarter; the problem was a widening of the trade deficit.


Many economists overestimate the importance of real shocks in the business cycle of large diversified economies, and underestimate the importance of monetary shocks. That』s not to say that real shocks are unimportant. If the Greek crisis ends up costing German taxpayers a great deal of money, then it may be a net negative for German welfare, even with the short term boost to growth. But if we are focusing purely on the business cycle, then shocks to the supply and demand for money (including expectations of future changes) are the primary determinant of the pace of recovery.


Good policy, fundamentals, and luck


Beatrice Weder our guest wrote on Sep 1st 2010, 15:48 GMT

WHAT a difference four months make. Four months ago the question on economics blogs was whether Germany was ever going to grow. It was accused of not living up to its responsibility to the European/global community due to its dedication to savings and addiction to exports. The announcement of a fiscal consolidation was considered extremely selfish and ultimately counterproductive. Now the world looks on with astonishment and wonders why Germany is growing faster than the US. Why?

四个月时间足以改变很多东西。四个月前,经济博客上的问题是:德国经济到底会不会增长。德国被认为没有对欧洲/全球共同体尽到责任而受到指责, 这都是因为它对储蓄的热衷以及对出口的过度依赖。当它宣告要采取财政巩固政策的时候,被认为自私到了极点,而且是不可能达到预定的经济目标。现在世界陷入了震惊,还为德国比美国增幅更快而感到纳闷。到底是什么原因产生这样的增幅呢?

Not because of the exchange rate. Some 40% of Germany』s trade is in Europe where (nominal) exchange rates play no role. Trade outside the euro area will be positively affected by the depreciation of the euro but this is never an immediate effect. The recovery of exports in spring coincides with the pressure on the euro but is caused by stronger foreign demand for German-type products. If you doubt this, look at Switzerland, which exports similar products and saw its exports jump in spring—at the same time as the exchange rate appreciated massively.


The more important part of the story is actually not about net exports. The news that did not make the news is that the growth contribution of domestic demand in Germany was larger that of net exports. Domestic demand contributed 1.3% and net exports only 0.8% in the second quarter (quarter-on-quarter) to growth. In the first quarter the relative contribution of domestic demand was even stronger (1.6% domestic versus -1.1% foreign). So the real question is why domestic demand is growing so un-Germanly. There are three parts to the answer:

整件事中更重要的部分其实不是出口。没有成为新闻的新闻是,德国国内需求对增长的贡献要大于总出口。国内需求在第二季度(同比)增长中的贡献为1.3%, 而出口的贡献仅为0.8%。第一季度中,国内需求的相对贡献甚至还要大些(国内1.6% VS 国外-1.1%)。因此真正的问题是,为什么国内需求以这么不符合德国一贯作风的方式增长。答案分为三个部分:

First: Policy was right. Labour markets were flexibilised and the response to the crisis was well designed. In particular the combination of a continued fiscal stimulus and a credible commitment to consolidation struck the right balance.


Second: Fundamentals were ok. There was no bubble in real estate, and no private sector leveraging. The corporate sector has undergone a decade of fitness training—outsourcing, offshoring, and restructuring—to regain competitiveness. It has played an important role in maintaining employment through the slump—with some state support but also with contributions from employers and employees—and was ready to expand production as soon as demand picked up. It´s worth mentioning that the banking sector has not undergone the same fitness test and is still in poor shape. This may well be a drag over the next years.


Third: Chance. Part of the story is a rebound after a sudden stop in production in 2009. Some of it is a lagged effect of the resurgence in worldwide demand for capital goods, which Germany happens to produce. Some of it is pure coincidence, such as a weather-related construction spike.


Overall, there is certainly a more complicated picture than the simplistic demand story that was so popular four months ago. But it does not follow from this that now Germany is on the path to high growth. The medium-run growth potential has been estimated between 1 and 1.5%. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise if in another four months Germany's growth rate has decelerated and the blame game resumed.


 樓主| 發表於 2010-11-5 21:31:38 | 顯示全部樓層
德国的地产市场完全没有沾染世界泡沫大潮,楼价不升反跌;德国民众对 炒股、碌卡 都不太热衷,习惯储钱入银行。


 樓主| 發表於 2010-11-5 21:46:13 | 顯示全部樓層

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