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[粵譯擂臺] 我想問有關粵語嘅英文...唔該解答

發表於 2006-4-10 02:23:47 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
我想知道"羅瑞瑤"嘅英文應該係乜吖... 好似"林"就係"lam" "張"就係"cheung"哩種吖...唔該幫幫手吖...
發表於 2006-4-10 03:15:14 | 顯示全部樓層


瑤"water在2006-4-9 18:23:47說道:[br]我想知道"羅瑞瑤"嘅英文應該係乜吖... 好似"林"就係"lam" "張"就係"cheung"哩種吖...唔該幫幫手吖...
羅瑞瑤 law sui yiu
 樓主| 發表於 2006-4-10 04:32:44 | 顯示全部樓層


發表於 2006-4-10 04:43:58 | 顯示全部樓層


發表於 2006-4-10 13:26:40 | 顯示全部樓層


瑤"water在2006-4-9 20:32:44說道:[br]唔該曬
發表於 2007-5-25 22:29:21 | 顯示全部樓層
以下是引用Desmond在2006-4-9 19:15:14的發言:
瑤"water在2006-4-9 18:23:47說道:[br]我想知道"羅瑞瑤"嘅英文應該係乜吖...

羅瑞瑤 law sui yiu

發表於 2007-5-25 23:01:34 | 顯示全部樓層

羅瑞瑤: Lor Soi Yil

accuracy is always the first concern

[此帖子已經被作者於2007-5-25 15:12:37編輯過]
發表於 2007-5-26 02:01:51 | 顯示全部樓層
以下是引用libran在2007-5-25 15:01:34的發言:

羅瑞瑤: Lor Soi Yil

accuracy is always the first concern


"Lor" can be considered to be accurate but "Soi" and "Yil" are not. However, it is prevalence that always comes first.

發表於 2007-5-26 03:12:49 | 顯示全部樓層

"Soi" is not very accurate, it is kind of difficult to simulate the exact Cantonese pronunciation of 瑞, but at least it is better than "sui", "sui" would be pronounced "soo-i" by the foreigners.

"Yil" is accurate, the pronunciation of "Yil" is [jil], eg. silver, silk, silva, milk, nil, zilch, etc.

We are introducing Cantonese to the world, our goal is to make the foreigners be able to say Correct Cantonese, not "approximate" Cantonese.

[此帖子已經被作者於2007-5-25 19:41:56編輯過]
發表於 2007-5-26 17:20:48 | 顯示全部樓層


“羅瑞瑤 law sui yiu”此譯法相信可廣為接受,且可讓衆多西人念;


[此帖子已經被作者於2007-5-26 9:28:15編輯過]
發表於 2007-5-26 18:34:18 | 顯示全部樓層
我橕libran, sui yiu 畀外國人黎讀真系同粵語原音差好遠, soi yil 就好好多, 因為系符合英文單詞發音規則嘅
發表於 2007-5-26 18:53:17 | 顯示全部樓層
Mandarin拼音亦有類似問題 -- 畀外國人讀會同原音差好遠, 所以, 都系用英文發音規則黎表示粵語發音好D.
發表於 2007-6-1 18:07:39 | 顯示全部樓層
The pronunciation of "Yil" is different from that of "瑤". Think it twice.
發表於 2007-6-1 23:12:07 | 顯示全部樓層
以下是引用desmond在2007-6-1 10:07:39的發言:
The pronunciation of "Yil" is different from that of "瑤". Think it twice.

發表於 2007-6-1 23:12:50 | 顯示全部樓層

據廣州音字典: 瑤 [yiu 搖]

yiu系捞式拼音, 畀外國人讀肯定唔啱. 但至少我地可以知道 "瑤" 讀 "搖', 按英文拼些規則, 就系Yil

發表於 2007-6-1 23:33:36 | 顯示全部樓層

"law sui yiu" sounds like 罗 sui 如 actually.

In Mandarin PinYin, the pronunciation of "ui" is [uei], and the pronunciation of "iu" is [il], but most foreigners do not follow these rules.

發表於 2007-6-2 00:28:28 | 顯示全部樓層

L is a consonant while U is a vowel. That's why they are pronounced differently.

Most Cantonese native speakers can't distinguish the subtle difference between the two phonemes.

發表於 2007-6-4 03:19:42 | 顯示全部樓層
我乳名叫“楊洋”但我真係好唔鍾意呢個名,一方面係因為佢比較女性化,但最重要嘅係因為呢個名太“行”,冇啲個性,同我性格好唔夾,所以就,乾脆將佢改成英文名“Ocean Yoeng”
發表於 2007-6-14 09:41:36 | 顯示全部樓層
同意,LAW SUI YIU 應該就是羅瑞瑤身份證上的英文拼音(外省人唔算)。
除非你係想教班鬼佬讀羅瑞瑤這三個字的廣東讀音, 那就可以考慮其他幾個同志回復的方法。 
發表於 2007-6-21 22:40:15 | 顯示全部樓層
以下是引用bjytly在2007-6-14 1:41:36的發言:
同意,LAW SUI YIU 應該就是羅瑞瑤身份證上的英文拼音(外省人唔算)。
除非你係想教班鬼佬讀羅瑞瑤這三個字的廣東讀音, 那就可以考慮其他幾個同志回復的方法。 


人地而家就系問廣東話發音, 梗系 soy yil 接近D啦

[此帖子已經被作者於2007-6-21 14:47:54編輯過]
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