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[八卦時聞籮] 缅甸果敢地区发生战事 上万边民涌入中国

發表於 2009-8-31 04:19:49 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 2009-8-31 08:06:23 | 顯示全部樓層

Conflict flare up in Triangle

SOMETHING IS BREWING in the Burmese corner of the Golden Triangle and it's more than just the chemicals boiling in the clandestine heroin and methamphetamine labs.

Bluffing between the military government and one of the cease-fire groups - the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), also known as the Chinese Kokang - turned into an armed clash last Thursday. Tens of thousands of residents were sent fleeing to China's Yunnan province, Thai and Chinese officials monitoring the border situation said.

With the help of Burmese government troops, Kokang's stronghold Laogai has now come under a splinter group led by the MNDAA's second in command, Bai Souqian, who broke away with about 200 troops, who accounted for 20 per cent of the outfit's total troop strength.

"It's a classical divide-and-conquer tactic. This is not the first time that the Burmese junta has done this," said a senior Thai Army officer on the border who spoke on condition of anonymity.

In response, MNDAA chairman Peng Jiasheng has dispatched a small outfit to carry out hit-and-run attacks against a Burmese outpost near the Kokang capital of Laogai and pockets manned by Burmese government troops.

Peng has also reportedly secured the support of other cease-fire groups, namely the 20,000-strong United Wa State Army (UWSA), Shan State Army-North and Mong La-based National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA), an outfit headed by his son-in-law Lin Mingxian, also known as U Sai Leun. Incidentally, the NDAA, on June 30, celebrated its 20th anniversary of "peace" with the Burmese.

Both Thai and Chinese sources downplayed the so-called military pact between the Kokang and other ethnic armies. Personal connections and common political and security interests aside, mobilising troops to take on the Burmese soldiers is easier said than done.

"It's all about logistics," said the senior Thai Army officer.

"The Burmese have all the holes plugged to prevent any major movement of troops along the border," added a senior officer from Thailand's' Narcotics Control Board.

In spite of the disturbing nature of the development, Chinese officials along the border area say it would not be in the interest of any stakeholder to let the situation escalate out of hand into an all-out war.

Behind-the-scenes diplomatic efforts are being taken to minimise the damage before the situation spirals out of control, the Chinese officer said.

But even if the shooting stops, where all sides go from here is anybody's guess. It is undeniable that the two-decades-old cease-fire agreements that were orchestrated by then security chief Lt General Khin Nyunt in 1989 have been effectively shattered.

But for observers of the Golden Triangle, the real aim of this latest development is not to smash the Kokang's hold on Laogai but to send a brutal message to the 20,000-strong UWSA whose members are made up of some very interesting characters. The Wa rank-in-file include opium warlords and head-hunters turned militia. Chinese Red Guards who first entered the areas three decades ago to preach Marxism later discovered that opium was as good as gold, thus the moniker Golden Triangle.

They, too, joined forces with the Wa to seek fortune and glory. Prior to the 1989 cease-fire, Wa foot soldiers formed the largest block within the Communist Party of Burma. And when the CPB broke up in 1989 along ethnic lines, Khin Nyunt quickly neutralised the CPB remnants with a series of cease-fire agreements.

The end of the CPB didn't mean the end of cross-border personal and political ties, however. It means a proxy army has just changed its uniform.

Ever since Khin Nyunt was ousted in October 2004, the UWSA leadership, as well as other cease-fire groups, have felt that their days were numbered. Almost five years later, their worst fear came true. Their two-decades-old cease-fire has effectively crumbled.

"Picking on the much smaller Kokang reflects the old Thai saying of 'slit the chicken's throat to scare the monkeys'," said a Thai intelligence officer. The monkeys in this case are of course the Wa.

The Burmese junta will continue with its divide-and-conquer tactic, said the Thai Army officer, pointing to the SPDC's relentless drive to split the UWSA. They succeeded in bringing down the Karen National Union in 1994.

The UWSA's geographical foothold in the Golden Triangle resembles that of a dumbbell - with the northern stronghold on the Chinese border, while three regiments are situated near the Thai border. Boa Yuxiang and his brothers control the north while Wei Hsueh-kang and his brothers dominate the south.

The two families can't stand each other but there is an understanding that divided they fall. But that traditional acknowledgement is about to end, said a Chinese official, pointing to the recent mobilising of troops from Wei's Military Region 171 to head to the northern region.

According to the Chinese officer, Wei wants to break away from the UWSA and dispatching troops to Bao's turf is a way of testing the waters. So why can't Wei just announce the breakaway from a distance?

According to Thai and Chinese officials, Wei has been under tremendous pressure from the SPDC to press the UWSA to transform their outfit into a border security guard under the control of the government's army, known as the Tatmadaw. One leverage the SPDC can bring to bear on Wei is that much of his money is invested in Burma while Bao does his banking and money laundering in China.

Since the 1989 cease-fire, Burmese troops were not permitted to enter the territories under the control of these ethnic armies unescorted. In most cases, they had to be disarmed.

Last week's clash was a rude indication that things are about to change. In real terms, this could mean hundreds of thousands of villagers running for their lives to China. Thailand is watching the development closely in case the UWSA's three regiments along its border are drawn into the fight.

For Thailand, it would mean more refugees to look after. For China, it could very well mean the annihilation of an old friendship, namely with the UWSA, whose bonds with the Chinese leadership go all the way back to the days of the communist insurgency.

Loyalty dies hard in the rugged Golden Triangle where warlords play for keeps. Some said friendship between the Chinese leaders and their proxies are forever. Apparently, the Burmese junta is saying it's time to part.

發表於 2009-8-31 08:26:42 | 顯示全部樓層

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818日早上,中国驻缅甸大使馆经贸处处长余冬良先生、中国gung on bou驻缅甸警务联络官侯勇先生一行在佤邦对外关系部部长赵岩纳、勐波县副县长陈尼林、佤邦驻四特区办事处主任鲍岩纳等领导的护送下,离开邦康,经小勐拉、景栋返回仰光。


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针对目前邦康城区三多(小偷多、吸毒多、拆卖多)的现状,佤邦司法委经讨论,于200782日召开了由司法委警察局和邦康特区有关领导参加的治安工作会议。经过会议充分协商,制定了由佤邦司法委警察局和邦康特区警察局负责实施的"邦康地区治安严打行动。"同时成立了由乐江科长任组长、三木忠科长和三恩副局长任副组长的严打领导小组(乐江、三木忠属佤邦司法委干部、三恩属邦康特区警察局干部)。此次严打为期一个星期(即82日晚上11时至89日下午)。 会后,根据会议安排,严打小组随即召开了严打领导小组工作会议,对此次严打所涉及的人力、武器、任务、纪律等等进行了周密研究。同时决定由邦康特区警察局 组成一个便衣行动组、一个巡逻组,负责清理废铁收购站与城郊几个村寨。由司法委警察局组成一个抓捕组、一个巡逻组、一个审讯组、一个材料组。


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这些游击队的出现,鼓舞了人民求解放的愿望,受到了人民的拥护和爱戴。人民群众积极参军参战、传递情报,队伍发展迅速。但这些游击队组织都是自发的、分 散的。对统一佤邦、解放佤邦很有局限性。各游击队领导人不谋而合地意识到:必须统一组织、统一领导、统一指挥。赵尼来、鲍有祥、鲁兴国、岩肯等领导人加强 了联络,经过很多曲折,找到了缅甸CCP。以诚恳的态度请缅甸CCP来领导游击队闹革命。









198599日, 缅共召开了第三次全国代表大会。赵明同志,被选为中央委员。赵尼来、鲍有祥、李自如被选为中央候补委员。缅共第三次全国代表大会前后,内部发生了许多问 题:根据地越来越小,阶级斗争越搞越激烈,中央主要领导年龄老化,思想僵化,教条主义十分顽固。大民族主义、宗派主义日趋明显,干部中培置亲信,拉帮结 伙。连年战争,群众生活逐年下降,部队供给短缺……对此形势,当时许多中下层干部提了许多改进意见,但缅共主要领导听不进,还加上反党帽子。在这种情况下,311日,原缅共东北军区副司令员彭家声在果敢宣布脱离缅共领导,成立了果敢民族民主同盟军。





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国安总参谋长对觉丘准将的上任表示祝贺,希望金三角军区今后能在佤邦人员、车辆往来佤邦南北两地给予便利;希望金三角军区准许佤邦南部地区生产的大米北 运,以解决佤邦北部地区人民吃粮难的问题;并希望金三角军区准许还来不及办理缅甸国民身份证的佤邦公民继续办理身份证;赵国安总参谋长表示:佤邦将继续一 如继往地支持金三角军区的各项工作,为建设更美好的明天而共同努力……!


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闫生炳指出:佤邦地处缅中边境,长期以来,历届联邦政府均未直接控制佤邦地区,和内地隔离。由于历史和地缘的原因,这里的人民群众、各级干部大都讲华语、用华文,懂缅语、缅文的人不多。办的学校也是教华文的学校比教缅文的学校多,教缅文的学校约占学校总数的40%,教华文的占45%,教佤文、拉祜文的学校占15%,有50%的学校是双语、多语混合授课。现有各种教师1170名,有从周边国家和地区聘用的,有政府派来的,也有我们自己培养的师范毕业生,政府派来的教师约占佤邦教师队伍的10%左 右。由于佤邦的财政收入少,无法拨出足够的资金来办教育,所以现有的学校类型呈现多样化:有公家办的,有民办公助的,有老百姓自己办的,有联邦政府帮助办 的,也有私人办的,有联合国禁毒署及国际人道援助组织帮办的,还有教会办的。由于采取了多种模式办教育的措施,教育才有现在这种发展的好形势。以上这些就 是佤邦教育的特殊性和复杂性。


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昂 丹吞司令官说,上级领导一直都十分关心佤邦,十分关心我们部队与各和平组织相处的问题。我也一再的对上级表示:本军区与佤邦等和平组织一直相处得十分愉 快,对于佤邦,我随时想去就可以去,想住就住。对于和平组织提出的要求,我能做到的就尽量做,不能做的我及时向上级反映,尽力争取解决!几个月前,我到佤 邦访问时,本人与肖明亮副主席的合影还被你们的记者拿来刊登在《佤邦教育》杂志的封面上,我看后又设法要了几本送到仰光给国家领导看,他们看见我与佤邦领 导那么亲密,与佤邦的关系搞得那么好,也很高兴,指示我要继续搞好与佤邦的关系。


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發表於 2009-8-31 09:09:09 | 顯示全部樓層
  • Wei Hsueh-kang
    Wei Hsueh-kang. (c 魏学刚 | p Wèi Xuégāng also known as Prasit Cheewinnitipanya or Charnchai Cheevinnitipanya, born May 29 , 1952 , Yunnan , ...
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    financial and commercial network of designated significant foreign narcotics trafficker Wei Hsueh-kang and the United Wa State Army (UWSA)." ...
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  • Panghsang
    the largest petrol station and over 10,000 tons of teak in a warehouse in Panghsang, both belonging to one of the Wa leaders Wei Hsueh-kang ...
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  • Hpakant
    headed by Wei Hsueh-kang , a former drug trafficker and leader of the Wa insurgent group UWSA turned entrepreneur after the cease-fire deal ...
發表於 2009-8-31 09:31:38 | 顯示全部樓層

May 21 2009 that held in Loi Tai LengMay 21 2009 that held in Loi Tai Leng
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Battle between Burmese Army and Kokang intensifies
Sunday, 30 August 2009 07:46


 The battle between Burmese troops and ethnic Kokang rebels is becoming fiercer and intensifying in the rebel territories along the Sino-Burma border in northeast Shan State, said frontline sources.

Fighting Stops as Kokang Surrender Arms to Chinese
Sunday, 30 August 2009 07:34

Fighting near the Sino-Burmese border came to an abrupt halt today after about 700 Kokang troops handed over their weapons to Chinese officials following days of clashes that sent thousands fleeing across the border.

Burmese Ceasefire Breaks Down
Saturday, 29 August 2009 07:50

The ceasefire in northeastern Shan State between the Burmese military junta and several ethnic armies, including the Kokang and the Wa, was broken on Thursday when a combined force of ethnic insurgents exchanged gunfire during at least three skirmishes in and around Laogai, the Kokang capital, which is located on the Salween River bordering China. 

China Urges Myanmar to Safeguard Border Stability
Saturday, 29 August 2009 07:34

China hoped Myanmar could properly solve its domestic issue to safeguard the regional stability of its bordering area with China, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu Friday.

Tense Situation in N. Myanmar's Shan State Prevails
Friday, 28 August 2009 07:17

The situation in Myanmar's special region-1 in northern Shan state, bordering China's southwestern Yunnan Province, has been tense in past few days, triggering influx of Myanmar border inhabitants and local Chinese merchants into the Chinese territory.

Fighting Breaks Out in Kokang Area
Friday, 28 August 2009 06:53

Several skirmishes broke out between the Burmese army and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) on Thursday near the Kokang capital, Laogai, in northeast Shan State, as tension between Naypyidaw and the ethnic Kokang ceasefire group boiled over.

Junta Tries to Discredit Kokang Leaders Linked to Drugs
Wednesday, 26 August 2009 20:25

The recent tension between government troops and the Kokang ceasefire group in northern Shan State is seen by observers as a tactic to pressure the Kokang into joining the junta』s border guard force.

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發表於 2009-8-31 09:42:37 | 顯示全部樓層

"Shooting an Elephant" is an essay by George Orwell, written during the autumn of 1936. Orwell tells of shooting an elephant in British-controlled Burma as an Imperial Policeman in 1926.

Britain conquered Burma over a period of sixty-two years (1823—1886), during which three Anglo-Burmese Wars took place, and incorporated it into its Indian Empire. Burma was administered as a province of India until 1937 when it became a separate, self-governing colony; independence was attained as a result of the Aung San–Attlee agreement which guaranteed Burmese independence. Aung San was assassinated after the agreement was formalized, but before it took effect and Burma attained its independence on January 4, 1948.

With a strong interest in the lives of the working class, George Orwell (born 1903 in India to a middle-class family but brought up in Britain) held the post of Assistant Superintendent in the British Imperial Police from 1922 to 1927. Obliged to enforce the laws of an imperial power with which he came to disagree, Orwell's distaste for totalitarian regimes developed. His criticisms of totalitarianism that came to fruition in Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm have their foundations in his years in Burma.


In Moulmein, the unnamed narrator is a police officer during a period of intense anti-European sentiment. Although his intellectual sympathies lie with the Burmese, his official role makes him a symbol of the oppressive imperial power. As such, he is subjected to constant baiting by the local people.

After receiving a call regarding a normally tame elephant's rampage (due probably to the animal coming into 'musth'), the narrator, armed with a .44 caliber Winchester rifle and mounted on a pony, heads to the bazaar where the elephant has been seen. Entering one of the poorest quarters, he receives conflicting reports and contemplates leaving, thinking the incident is a hoax. The narrator then sees a village woman chasing away children who are looking at the corpse of an Indian whom the elephant has trampled and killed. He sends an orderly to bring an elephant rifle and, followed by a crowd of roughly two thousand people, heads toward the paddy field where the elephant has stopped to graze.

The narrator originally sent for the elephant gun for his own protection, and when he sees that the elephant has reverted to its normal docile state he knows that he ought not to shoot it. He is aware, however, that the crowd fully expects him to kill the elephant, and realizes that he is, in fact, trapped by their expectations. At that moment, he becomes aware that to be a tyrant is to be unfree: in dealing with the "natives," a white man must always be resolute, and above all must never be laughed at. If he were to go closer in an attempt to gauge the musth of the elephant and prove to have misjudged its mood, a sudden charge would see him reduced to a hideous corpse - probably to the amusement of the crowd. "That would never do," he concludes.

Aiming for the location of the elephant's brain (inaccurately, as he later learns) he fires a shot that brings it to its knees. After another shot, the elephant regains its footing only to be brought down with a third round. It is still alive, and the narrator fires two more heavy rounds and then a clip of regular rifle rounds into the beast—all to no avail. He leaves the scene, while the crowd wait for the elephant to die so that they can strip it of its meat. Afterwards his white colleagues are divided in their opinion as to whether he acted correctly in shooting the elephant; he wonders whether any of them ever grasped that his sole reason for doing so was to avoid looking like a fool.

[edit] Symbolism

An anti-imperialist essayist, Orwell frequently and clearly states his displeasure with colonial Britain: "I had already made up my mind that imperialism was an evil thing... I was all for the Burmese and all against their oppressors, the British." Trapped in a system not of his own making, he adds, "all I knew was that I was stuck between my hatred of the empire I served ... I was only an absurd puppet pushed to and fro by the will of those yellow faces behind." Reflectively, the narrator realizes that being forced to impose strict laws and to shoot the elephant--he states his feelings against the act, but submits after comprehending he "had got to shoot the elephant"--illustrates an inherent problem of hegemony: "when the white man turns tyrant it is his own freedom that he destroys." By enforcing the strict British rule, he is forfeiting his freedom while concurrently oppressing the Burmese. A call to end imperialism, "Shooting an Elephant", ironically, appeals to the British to cease colonialism to maintain their freedom.

[edit] Fact or fiction

The degree to which the story is fiction has been disputed. Bernard Crick, who wrote a biography of Orwell, George Orwell: A Life, has cast doubt on the idea that Orwell himself actually shot an elephant. No independent account of Orwell's actions has been found and there was no official record of the incident, which was unusual considering the destruction of valuable property. Peter Davison, the editor of Orwell's Complete Works, includes an interview with George Stuart, a contemporary of Orwell's in Burma, who said that Orwell was transferred to Kathar as punishment for shooting an elephant. Davison also includes in the complete works a news item from the Rangoon Gazette, 22 March 1926 which describes a Major E. C. Kenny shooting an elephant in similar circumstances.

[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Bott page 175
  2. ^ Penguin Books page 7
  3. ^ Bott page 182
  4. ^ Penguin Books
  5. ^ Bott

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Mandalay (poem)

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Samuel Bourne. 1870. Moulmein from the Great Pagoda

Mandalay is a famous poem by Rudyard Kipling that was first published in the collection Barrack-Room Ballads, and Other Verses, the first series, published in 1892.

The Mandalay referred to in this poem was the sometime capital city of Burma, which was a British colony from 1885 to 1948. It mentions the old Moulmein pagoda, Moulmein being the Anglicised version of present-day Mawlamyine.

The British troops stationed in Burma were taken up (or down) the Irrawady River by paddle steamers. Rangoon to Mandalay was a 700 Km trip each way.


Kipling's text was adapted for the song "On the Road to Mandalay" by Oley Speaks (among others). The song was popularised by Peter Dawson. It appears in the album Come Fly with Me by Frank Sinatra.

The song is published with only first, second and last verse of the poem, with the chorus; although singers sometimes omit the second verse. The Kipling family objected to Sinatra's version of the song. When the album was initially released in the UK, the song "French Foreign Legion" replaced "Mandalay", whilst apparently the song "Chicago" (and "It Happened in Monterey" on some pressings) were used in other parts of the British Commonwealth. Sinatra sang the song in Australia, in 1959, and relayed the story of the Kipling family objection to the song. In 2008, in the Family Guy episode Tales of a Third Grade Nothing, Sinatra's Son and Seth MacFarlane spoofed the song.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

發表於 2009-8-31 10:32:49 | 顯示全部樓層







Fire in Panghsang

Fire in Panghsang

Sunday, 19 April 2009 17:18 Hseng Khio Fah


Pasted from <http://www.shanland.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2536:fire-in-panghsang&catid=86:war&Itemid=284>

Wei Hseuh-kang's Hong Pang Group is the biggest enterprise in the Wa State, with numerous business interests throughout Burma. These include a cement factory, liquor distilleries, petrol stations, department stores, road building, construction, agricultural ventures, electronics, jewelry and gem business, communications, textiles and many others. The company also has thousands of acres of fruit orchards and owns coal and jade mines.


Pasted from <http://www.bangkokpost.com/060708_Perspective/06Jul2008_pers11.php>


Tay Za (Burmese: တေဇ, also spelled Tayza or Teza) (born 18 July 1967)[1] is a Burmese business tycoon, and a close associate of the country's Head of State, Than Shwe.


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U.S. Focuses on Myanmar Tycoon


Pasted from <http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119316668917168700.html?>


Than Shwe Watch


Pasted from <http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=5597&page=6>


At home with the general


Pasted from <http://www.mg.co.za/article/2008-05-24-at-home-with-the-general>


Govt dominates foreign trade as gas sales pump up exports

By Ye Lwin and Kyaw Thu


Pasted from <http://www.mmtimes.com/no369/b004.htm>


Tracking the Tycoons


Pasted from <http://www.irrawaddy.org/article.php?art_id=14151>




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Soe Win


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Thein Sein


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Category:Burmese people of Chinese descent


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發表於 2009-8-31 11:20:45 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 2009-8-31 11:30:42 | 顯示全部樓層
  1. ^ 參考土司後裔所撰寫的《楊家》[1][2][3]

    Pasted from <http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9E%9C%E6%95%A2%E5%85%AB%E5%85%AB%E4%BA%8B%E4%BB%B6>


發表於 2009-8-31 11:36:46 | 顯示全部樓層

China Urges Burma to Bridle Ethnic Militia Uprising at Border

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Washington Post Foreign Service
Saturday, August 29, 2009

BANGKOK -- A Burmese government crackdown on powerful ethnic militias that have challenged its rule for more than 60 years has driven 10,000 refugees into neighboring China, prompting a rare rebuke from Chinese authorities, the Burmese regime's key allies.

The refugees fled over the border into China's Yunnan province in the past few days after fighting erupted between Burmese government troops and ethnic militia fighters from the Kokang region of the nation also known as Myanmar.

China called on the Burmese authorities to "properly handle domestic problems and maintain stability in the China-Myanmar border region," according to a statement from Foreign Ministry spokesman Jiang Yu. "We also urge Myanmar to protect the security and legal rights of Chinese citizens in Myanmar."

China has been balancing support for the Burmese government with backing for the armed ethnic groups that occupy much of the Burmese side of the border. The border regions are heavily influenced by China, with many Chinese businesses taking advantage of the trade in gems, timber and jade.

Analysts say the fighting is just the most obvious sign of tensions arising from the Burmese government's desire to control the armed ethnic groups with which it has co-existed uneasily since a round of cease-fires that began 20 years ago ended decades of open conflict.

The recent fighting in the Kokang region has pitted government troops against the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army as well as drawing in other ethnic groups involved in the cease-fire including the United Wa State Army, which with about 20,000 fighters is the largest ethnic army in the country.

A cease-fire agreement between the government and the National Democratic Alliance Army had been in place since 1989.

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發表於 2009-8-31 12:07:20 | 顯示全部樓層

Sunday, August 30, 2009

China seals Myanmar border

One person on Chinese territory has been killed by a bomb flung across the border

LINCANG (Yunnan) ST- FRESH fighting in north-east Myanmar erupted yesterday morning after days of clashes that killed at least one person on Chinese territory and sent dozens of wounded to hospitals along the Chinese border.

Tens of thousands of people have fled to the border town of Nansan in China's Yunnan province this month after clashes in Kokang in Myanmar's Shan state, following the deployment of Myanmar government troops in the area.

'Our information is that as many as 30,000 people may have taken shelter in Nansan since Aug 8, saying they were fleeing fighting between Myanmar government troops and ethnic minority groups,' said spokesman Andrej Mahecic for the UN refugee agency.

Chinese soldiers are guarding the border area, which has been sealed off, said a staff member at the Zhenkang County Public Security Bureau, who gave only his surname, Hui.

One person was killed and several people were injured by a bomb thrown across the Chinese border on Friday, Mr He Yongchun, deputy president of Yunnan branch of the Chinese Red Cross, told the China Daily.

'We have received at least 22 injured people sent from Nansan. Most of them are from Myanmar,' a woman working at the surgical department of Zhenkang People's Hospital told Reuters by phone.

Nansan is a town in Zhenkang county.

China has called on Myanmar to maintain stability in the border region and sought more measures to protect the security and legal rights of Chinese citizens there.

Beijing is one of Myanmar's few diplomatic backers, often coming to the rescue when it is subjected to pressure by Western governments over issues such as the imprisonment of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

The leader of the Kokang Group which is fighting Myanmar's army said his forces had captured at least 50 soldiers as well as killed more than 30 troops on Thursday and Friday, the Chinese-language Global Times newspaper reported on its website. -- REUTERS, AP

READ MORE---> China seals Myanmar border...

Rebel leader says more than 30 junta soldiers killed in Burma

(ABC Radio) -In Burma, the leader of rebel ethnic forces claims they have killed more than 30 government soldiers.

Chinese state media says fresh fighting broke out on Saturday in the country's remote northeast between the military and rebel ethnic forces.

The United Nations says clashes in Burma's remote northeast have also driven up to 30-thousand refugees across the border into Nansan in China's Yunnan province.

It says this has led to China issuing a rare warning to its neighbour and ally to resolve the conflict.

Battles that erupted this week in Kokang, a mainly ethnic Chinese region of Burma's Shan state, have violated a 20 year ceasefire.

There are fears the fighting could escalate into full-scale civil war.

READ MORE---> Rebel leader says more than 30 junta soldiers killed in Burma...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Impotent China

The Irrawaddy Editorial

The increased tension and fighting between Burmese troops and ethnic armies along the Sino-Burmese border has sent thousands of refugees fleeing to China. This has prompted Chinese foreign ministry officials to express hope that Burma can 「properly deal with its domestic issue to safeguard the regional stability of its bordering area with China.」

Authorities in the southeastern Chinese province of Yunnan say some 10,000 people have already fled across the border from Burma in recent days due to the recent clashes. Most are Burmese-born Chinese and Chinese nationals living along the border.

Over the past few months, Beijing has been engaging in quiet diplomacy with Naypyidaw to urge the Burmese junta to solve the ethnic issue along the border in a peaceful way. When Gen Maung Aye visited Beijing in June, Chinese leaders again requested him not to use force against ethnic ceasefire groups and to maintain stability there.

Burmese leaders are also reportedly unhappy, as Chinese continue to support ethnic groups along the border. Many Burmese military leaders harbor anti-China sentiments, as China has in the past heavily backed ethnic armies and the now defunct Communist Party of Burma (CPB). The Wa and Chinese from the Kokang region were former members of the CPB.

However, it seems the Burmese leaders did not listen to China』s advice. Instead, the regime went ahead with plans to press the ethnic groups near the border to disarm and form border guard forces. The regime aims to complete this transformation before elections are held next year.

The current conflict has been 20 years in the making. It is a direct result of the regime』s refusal to grant the ethnic ceasefire groups the self-determination they seek within the framework of a federal union.

The greatest irony of this situation is that China, a major arms supplier and staunch ally of the repressive regime for the past two decades, has proven to be impotent in its efforts to persuade the junta leaders to find a political solution to this issue.

China has consistently backed the regime at the UN Security Council, exercising its veto power to block resolutions condemning the regime for its brutal repression of dissent, arguing that these actions do not represent a threat to international security.

In early August, Chinese foreign ministry officials even defended the regime』s decision to sentence detained Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi to a further 18 months under house arrest, saying that the international community must respect Burma』s judicial sovereignty.

After decades of defending the junta, China』s leaders are learning the hard way that the Burmese junta』s sole concern is its own self-preservation. It cares as little about what Beijing wants as it does about the democratic aspirations of Burma』s people.

Like it or not, Beijing』s approach to Burma—and its status as an emerging superpower—is being put to the test. Unless it can find a way to rein in the generals, China risks not only instability along its border with Burma, but also appearing to be powerless to defend its own interests.

READ MORE---> Impotent China...

Fighting Stops as Kokang Surrender Arms to Chinese

The Irrawaddy News

Fighting near the Sino-Burmese border came to an abrupt halt today after about 700 Kokang troops handed over their weapons to Chinese officials following days of clashes that sent thousands fleeing across the border.

Aung Kyaw Zaw, a Burmese military analyst who is close to the Kokang, told The Irrawaddy on Saturday that at least 700 soldiers from the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), an ethnic-Kokang militia, crossed the border into China today and surrendered their arms to local officials.

Kokang troops at a ceremony marking the 20th anniversary of the founding of the MNDAA.
He added that troops from the United Wa State Army (UWSA), a much larger force allied to the Kokang, have been repositioned to Wa-controlled territory.

The Irrawaddy was unable to verify this information with other independent sources.

The sudden end to the fighting came a day after Kokang and UWSA troops ambushed a convoy of Burmese army vehicles in Kokang territory. According to unconfirmed reports, more than a dozen Burmese soldiers were killed in the attack.

On Thursday, a 20-year ceasefire between the Burmese army and the armed ethnic groups broke down after government forces moved to occupy Kokang territory. Since then, the Burmese army has sent reinforcements into the area from Light Infantry Divisions 33 and 99.

The crisis began on Monday, when tens of thousands of refugees, including Chinese businessmen, started flooding across the border into China from Laogai, a town in Kokang territory. Cross-border trade in Laogai has since come to a standstill and trading at other border checkpoints has decreased, say sources in the area.

The rapidly deteriorating situation caused consternation in Beijing, which has long had close relations with both sides in the conflict. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu said China hoped the Burmese junta would deal with the situation properly and ensure stability along the border and protect Chinese citizens in Burma.

「China is following the situation closely and has expressed concern to Myanmar [Burma],」 said Jiang.

Some observers said that junta head Snr-Gen Than Shwe』s decision to send troops into Kokang territory despite China』s concerns showed his determination to demonstrate that he will not be constrained by Beijing.

「The Burmese junta doesn』t care what anybody thinks, so I don』t think the generals are thinking about China』s response,」 said Chan Tun, a former Burmese ambassador to China.

But while Naypyidaw showed little concern about the consequences of renewed fighting in the area, Beijing couldn』t ignore the worsening situation, as Chinese living near the border expressed outrage at the Burmese military』s actions.

「I feel upset with the Burmese government. The Kokang people have Chinese blood. And in China, many people are so angry that they are urging the Chinese government to send troops to help the Kokang,」 said a Chinese journalist who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Although Beijing appears to have defused the potentially explosive situation for the time being, it remains to be seen if fighting will resume between the Burmese and the Wa, who command a much larger military force than the Kokang.

The current conflict stems from the refusal of ethnic ceasefire groups, including Kokang, Wa, Kachin and Shan militias, to transform themselves into border security forces under Burmese military command.

The 20,000-strong UWSA presents the greatest obstacle to Burmese ambitions to pacify the country』s borders after six decades of civil conflict. Although they were among the first ethnic groups to sign a ceasefire agreement with the current regime in 1989, they have also been the most resistant to any effort to weaken their hold over their territory.

In Rangoon, news of the clashes in the country』s north has revived memories of the insurgencies that wracked the region for decades.

「People here are talking about it at teashops. They are saying that this is the return of civil war,」 said an editor of a private weekly journal in Rangoon.

Meanwhile, Burma』s main opposition party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), called for a peaceful resolution of the ongoing conflict in northern Burma.

「We want the junta to resolve the issue in a peaceful way with ethnic groups,」 NLD spokesman Han Thar Myint told The Irrawaddy on Saturday. 「The cause of the conflict is the Burmese regime』s failure to resolve problems in the country politically.」

READ MORE---> Fighting Stops as Kokang Surrender Arms to Chinese...

New US policy is important for Burma's future

By Khin Maung Win - Oslo

(The Nation) -The visit by US Senator Jim Webb to Burma, in which he won the release of John William Yettaw, who was sentenced to 7 years' imprisonment with hard labour for swimming across Inya lake to the home of Burmese democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi, draws scepticism from some stakeholders in Burmese politics.

Since the administration of President Obama stated that its Burma policy is under review, those in the camp who supported the previous US sanctions policy are concerned about the direction of the prospective new policy.

The major concern is that the policy shift would change the equation between the regime and its opponents by favouring Burma's ruling State Peace and Development Council (SPDC), and would legitimise the regime and its controversial 2010 election. As of now the election is a critical battlefield on which the fight between the SPDC and the opposition groups will be played out.

It is a fact that both engagement policies advocated by Asean, Burma's neighbours and other Asian nations, and the sanctions and isolation policy held by the US and EU have equally failed to bring any positive change in Burma. Looking for an alternative becomes a natural reality.

Previous attempts by the US to use its power via the UN Security Council have never been realised due to vetoes from China and Russia. These two countries also intervened when the US, along with the UK and France, tried to practise "Responsibility to Protect" to save the victims of Cyclone Nargis that hit Burma in May 2008, leaving 135,000 dead and over two million homeless while the Burmese regime denied immediate humanitarian aid from outside. The US must find an alternative policy so that it can exercise its power to help 55 million Burmese people.

The US is the power the SPDC despises most, but at the same time, will listen to most if it has to. Some suggest that Senator Webb's success in meeting with Senior General Than Shwe and Aung San Suu Kyi is a result of mounting international pressure, which the regime wants to defuse following Aung San Suu Kyi's sentencing on August 11.

While the US needs to send a former president, Bill Clinton, to North Korea to secure the freedom of two Americans and to meet reclusive leader Kim Jong-il, it was politically cheaper for it to send only a senator to secure the freedom of Yettaw and meet Burma's reclusive leader. It indicates that the Burmese regime will listen to the US when it has to, even though unwillingly.

But the US cannot unilaterally exercise its power. Bringing more nations on board, along with a new policy, whilst remaining in the driving seat, would make a difference.

Some suggest the Obama administration is sending a mixed message to the regime, with the US president's recent renewal of Burma sanctions contradicting calls from some senior US officials for "affirmative engagement". Should we not see the renewal as a signal from the US that sanctions remain a possible punishment, whereas the doorway has been opened for engagement? Should it be understood as a "carrot and stick" policy which offers engagement in the first place and punishment later? This is not a new approach in dealing with Burma. Australia, for example, in the early 1990s advocated a similar concept using the name of "Benchmark Policy".

The division among the international players has allowed the regime's survival over the last two decades. Once the US develops a new policy, it must be able to bring more nations on board from both camps - those advocating engagement and those advocating sanctions and isolation.

The carrot and stick approach, offering engagement and sanctions, with proper use of both in a balanced manner, could be a bridge to bring both camps closer. It means that the new US policy must be multilateral, not unilateral.

Some Asian countries, including Asean members, India and China, may have prioritised their own interests when engaging with the regime. They are also major trading partners of the regime, and some supply weapons. A few may even wish that Burma never becomes a democracy. Some democracies, namely India and Japan, compromise universally-accepted values that are in practise in their countries, just for national interest - by giving in too much to the SPDC. This shows that countries in the engagement camp have less interest in changing Burma's status quo. Unlike these nations, the US is freer from any conflict of interest when it comes to Burma policy, whether using sanctions or engagement. It mainly sticks to the idea of sympathy for 55 million Burmese suffering under repressive military rulers for half a century.

Its democratic structure at home is unlikely to allow the US to compromise its values of human rights, freedom, justice, multi-party democracy and market economy when it comes to Burma policy. Planting such universally-accepted values in Burma can only be good.

Sympathy for the Burmese people, within the White House, State Department and both houses of Congress, as well as strong Burma advocacy groups in the country, could reduce the risk of a new US policy becoming another failed engagement.

The regime is not afraid to insult any international organisation, including Asean, the EU and UN. A recent example of how the regime blatantly fouled the international community was during UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's trip to Burma in early July. Most people assumed that pre-arrangements for his visit included securing the freedom of Aung San Suu Kyi, or at least meeting with her. The regime easily snubbed the secretary-general by denying him a meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi.

But the regime knows that it is difficult for it to insult the US the same way. Of course, it is up to the US to determine whether it will allow itself to be insulted.

Khin Maung Win is deputy executive director of the Democratic Voice of Burma, a Burmese radio and TV station based in Oslo. The views expressed in the article are his own.

READ MORE---> New US policy is important for Burma's future...

30,000 flee as China rebukes Burma

(DVB)–Around 30,000 refugees have crossed into China according to UN estimates as fighting between Burmese troops and ceasefire groups sparked a rare admonishment from China』s foreign ministry.

A spokesperson for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said today that between 10,000 and 30,000 civilians have fled Burma』s northern Shan state into China in recent days.

Fighting broke out between Burmese army troops and the Kokang ceasefire group yesterday after weeks of heightening tension.

Kokang troops yesterday attacked a police outpost near to Laogai town close to the China-Burma border, killing one Burmese police officer and injuring two.

The Kokang group has been joined by the United Wa State Army, Burma』s largest ceasefire group who had held a 20-year truce with the government.

Today China』s foreign ministry issued a statement urging Burma to "properly deal with its domestic issue to safeguard the regional stability in the China-Myanmar [Burma] border area".

"We also urge Myanmar to protect the safety and legal rights of Chinese citizens in Myanmar," said spokesperson Jiang Yu in the statement.

China is a key ally of Burma』s ruling junta, and seldom criticizes the internal affairs of its southern neighbour.

The mass of refugees pouring into China however, in addition to reports that a Burmese army shell fired across the border today killed a Chinese troop, has created a rare fissure between the two countries.

China has reportedly increased its troop patrols along the border area, and is said to be assisting the refugees.

「We have been informed that local authorities in Yunnan Province have already provided emergency shelter, food and medical care to the refugees,」 said the UNHRC spokesperson Andrej Mahecic.

Local sources report that a number of civilians have also escaped into inner Shan state.

Reporting by Francis Wade

READ MORE---> 30,000 flee as China rebukes Burma...

發表於 2009-9-1 04:33:28 | 顯示全部樓層
这次奈比都向彭家声和鲍有祥发难,是有与北京照会的,虽然是不敬了一点,也就是说撒尿溅湿了北京的鞋。但是,对北京来说奈比都是一个比彭家声和鲍有祥都要大的客户。也就是说,这次事件,是北京的大客户吞并 云南省或者是解放军党部的 小客户。 北京没可能 将就自己的地方和支部,来惩罚自己的大客户的。

奈比都政权内部,有很多华人。缅族地区的华人,多是闽,粤,客三族群的南方汉族。 而掸邦华人,要不是国民党和知青,就是云-川族群。 文化上依附云南的佤,景颇等族,也能算是「中华文化系」的民族。

但是,除了鲍有祥的共产佤族,还有 魏学刚 所属的,曾经与国民党-掸族昆沙所部 出入泰国的 南佤族。



金三角 军阀,由于走私毒品,国际名声很臭,所以为了生存,就以周边政权的 政治美学 来伪装自己。 近泰国的克伦, 昆沙,南掸等族群,军营俨然泰国-美国军事产品的消费地。他们和素季的民主派步骤也十分协调。 素季派的海外网站,经常报道克伦,而不报道果敢。


北掸的云南边境族群,不但所有经济来自云南,而且行政结构俨然云南的某个县。网站全用汉字。教育百分之五十是华文(他们民族的识字率可能就是百分之五十)。 教师都是中国来的待业教师。 他们军队里有中国共党派的指导员。 军队领导人中很多文革知青。军服还是共产时代的毛派军服发展而来的,和南掸的美式军服差了半个世纪。

这其实是一种伪装。 云南人一定对边界那边的「新云南」同情感很大。 但是这些已经成为「历史遗留」的历史共产派系,和北京的关系却不大。和这些佤,汉军阀进行行政,警务,经济合作的中国官员,多是云南省地方官员。我想北京是很注重等级间的搭配的。 仰光中国大使馆官员参观佤邦,应该是不多的事。


榜康是 北佤鲍有祥的根据地。 南佤魏学刚在此地是有一定经济利益的。 魏学刚不但领南佤军,而且是奈比都的一个大客户,也是缅甸数一数二的大资本家(缅甸大资本家都受西方贸易禁运之苦)。 奈比都应该是很信任魏学刚。 所以在明年大选前进一步招安边境军阀的计划中,魏学刚,还有果敢白所成等人成为 奈比都的宠儿。

魏学刚心领神会,就把 同一军服的 南佤军开到 北佤,去参加二十年招安纪念。这是 很令鲍有祥 警惕的事情。

所以一场火灾神秘地在 榜康发生,烧了属于魏学刚的 榜康最大的加油站,和旁边的一个柚木仓库。少了好几亿,很心疼的。

我认为这是 鲍或其盟友对 亲奈比都的魏学刚的一个 棒喝。

跟着奈比都军代表就参加了 鲍有祥和林明贤组织的 假惺惺的 二十年招安庆祝阅兵。

鲍有祥是很强的。如果奈比都要向北掸军阀开刀削藩,必须先向最弱的 果敢彭家声开刀。 恰巧彭家声是个不乖巧的人。
所以就在 八八, 也就是 素季派被军政府镇压二十一周年那天,奈比都军队首先给彭家声下马威。 然后白所成接到了信号,在果敢内应。 然后奈比都军队在 八八的二十天后,一举攻取 果敢首府老街。

伤亡不多。 终于彭的一千兵没怎么抵抗。 他们知道,这应该不是什么生死决战。

现在彭家声,可能躲在鲍的佤部里面了。 下一步就是:奈比都政府勒令鲍有祥交出彭家声。彭家声逃入中国。 奈比都向鲍有祥开刀,勒令 林明贤 无条件接受招安。 也就是说,北京的难民问题,在届时,将更加头疼。

如果北京要避免 奈比都和北佤直接交锋,必须 提出强硬条件使奈比都放弃动武。 如果谁不听北京,北京就打谁。

但是,奈比都是比鲍有祥更大的一个北京的客户。 所以在谈判中,奈比都有优势。北京可能 会迫使鲍有祥接受很多不公平的条件。

在被招安的北掸中,法理上特区继续自治。但是 彭家声会换成白所成,鲍有祥利益可能要向 魏学刚 割让。 白所成 和魏学刚 是奈比都的客户。 届时,这两人会 同时占据 仰光和云南的直接贸易利益,使 中缅贸易更加畅顺。 这使中缅贸易 从 北掸和云南的「边境贸易」, 转变为 仰光和云南的 国际贸易。 同时,仰光的缅甸资本家,因为中缅贸易性质的改变,会 进入一个腾飞阶段,拉动仰光等上下缅地区 的 经济高速发展。

上下缅地区的经济高速发展,将是 奈比都军政府在 明年民主化大秀中,脸上能够 炫耀的金箔,也是它避免被素季派颠覆的资本。


發表於 2009-9-1 04:35:35 | 顯示全部樓層
果敢同盟军司令彭家富:不能接受整编 不敢投降

  彭家富是果敢特区主席彭家声的弟弟,果敢军方最高领导者。缴给中方,缴给中国政府。最起码中国这个泱泱大国,她是采取人道主义的,我们战士的生命是能 够得到保障的。局势稳定以后,根据他自己选择去从,生命还能得到保证。我考虑到这个,把武器弹药缴给中国,就把部队撤向中国了。以后根据情况,有条件了东 山再起,没有条件,最起码我们战士生命得到保证。如果你去投降,那是「九死一生」,根本没有希望。」彭家富说。  彭家富最后介绍,果敢首府老街现在陷入 混乱,「缅军到处洗劫一空,见华人就要杀了。它表面上好像跟中国友好,实际上它对中国是相当仇恨的。」   「下一步恐怕紧邻着就是佤邦和四特区了,它把果敢稳定了,紧接着就来了。这个中缅边界的战火是不会停的。它的阴谋要揭露出来。」(《凤凰周刊》独家专 访转载请注明)详情请见:凤凰周刊2009年第26期 总第339期

  「找我们的借口是,我们有一个武器修械厂,因为多年来我们的陈枪烂炮,需要修理。这个修械厂它是早就知道了。「大嘎萨姆」(注:缅军政府驻果敢代表) 早就知道,军情处也知道。他们去看过。现在它说有(修械厂)毒品,是个毒品厂。要抓毒贩。原先我们是不让它进去,因为说是毒品,就不得不让它进去。但是它 进去看到的是武器。它就说,这个是你们私藏武器,它说是我们彭家私人的,跟(特区政府)组织上没有关系。在我们组织内部挑拨离间。说,这是我们彭家的私人 武器修械厂。以彭老倌(彭家声)为首的,我等私人的,和其他领导人没有责任,它就在我们组织内部分化。它这个用心已经相当久了。缴给中方,缴给中国政府。 最起码中国这个泱泱大国,她是采取人道主义的,我们战士的生命是能够得到保障的。局势稳定以后,根据他自己选择去从,生命还能得到保证。我考虑到这个,把 武器弹药缴给中国,就把部队撤向中国了。以后根据情况,有条件了东山再起,没有条件,最起码我们战士生命得到保证。如果你去投降,那是「九死一生」,根本 没有希望。」彭家富说。  彭家富最后介绍,果敢首府老街现在陷入混乱,「缅军到处洗劫一空,见华人就要杀了。它表面上好像跟中国友好,实际上它对中国是 相当仇恨的。」   「下一步恐怕紧邻着就是佤邦和四特区了,它把果敢稳定了,紧接着就来了。这个中缅边界的战火是不会停的。它的阴谋要揭露出来。」(《凤凰周刊》独家专 访转载请注明)详情请见:凤凰周刊2009年第26期 总第339期
  「它(缅甸政府军)还说,这个是你们(第一特区)内部组织的事情,与你们佤邦没有关系,与四特区也没有关系。它在(各)组织之间进行挑拨。而实际上是 因为我们不接受它的「整编计划」,恼羞成怒。它要各个击破,一个一个消灭我们。它也就是说把我们果敢搞掉以后,紧接着就搞佤邦和四特区。它的计划是这样 的。」

  不敢投降,可能撤向中国  独家专访授权发布  记者 周宇  8月30日中午12点半,缅甸掸邦第一特区(果敢)同盟军司令彭家富透过《凤凰周刊》向外界独家传递声音,详解果敢战事的缘由,以及果敢同盟军的 立场。  军方苛刻整编要求无法接受  彭家富是果敢特区主席彭家声的弟弟,果敢军方最高领导者。  此次果敢战事,最早始于8月8日,故称「八八事 件」。彭家富告诉《凤凰周刊》,事件的起因是缅甸「军政府提出苛刻的,谁也不能接受的条件,来整编我们果敢同盟军部队,还有其他的和平组织的部队。」   「条件太苛刻,不但我们果敢不能接受,其他一家也不接受。因为这是历史形成的格局,一朝一夕你能改变它,谈何容易?我们不接受它整编的条件。它就在政 治上施压,经济上封锁,军事上打压。是这样引起的。」彭家富说。  公布「叛徒」名单  彭家富称,缅甸军政府挑起战争,是以查禁毒品为借口。彭家富这是 在挑拨离间:  「找我们的借口是,我们有一个武器修械厂,因为多年来我们的陈枪烂炮,需要修理。这个修械厂它是早就知道了。「大嘎萨姆」(注:缅军政府 驻果敢代表)早就知道,军情处也知道。他们去看过。现在它说有(修械厂)毒品,是个毒品厂。要抓毒贩。原先我们是不让它进去,因为说是毒品,就不得不让它 进去。但是它进去看到的是武器。它就说,这个是你们私藏武器,它说是我们彭家私人的,跟(特区政府)组织上没有关系。在我们组织内部挑拨离间。说,这是我 们彭家的私人武器修械厂。以彭老倌(彭家声)为首的,我等
  「我们战士的生命是宝贵的,我们坚持不了了,就向中方撤去,进入中方。大不了把武器弹药缴给中方,缴给中国政府。最起码中国这个泱泱大国,她是采取人 道主义的,我们战士的生命是能够得到保障的。局势稳定以后,根据他自己选择去从,生命还能得到保证。我考虑到这个,把武器弹药缴给中国,就把部队撤向中国 了。以后根据情况,有条件了东山再起,没有条件,最起码我们战士生命得到保证。如果你去投降,那是「九死一生」,根本没有希望。」彭家富说。
發表於 2009-9-1 05:34:28 | 顯示全部樓層

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News from Yangon (Rangoon)
May 2004
Vegetables in Pyin Oo Lwin are fresh and tasty. We saw carrots on sale at the stalls near the waterfall in Pyin Oo Lwin. These carrots with green leaves are not available in Yangon.

Is it a symbol of keeping pets is in vogue? At the entrance of J Donuts, there is a sign that Pets are not allowed.

Furniture shop Inner space is managed by a Frenchwoman who married a Myanmar. Orders the clients be placed here. Total interior decoration service is also available. Pieces of furniture created with striking ideas are on display at the shop. At the moment, the room next door is under renovation to open a show room of furniture. The shop is closed on Mondays. No 290 Pyay Road, San Chaung Ph: 536966.

Once we introduced you to a shop in Yuzana Plaza, which sells fishing gears. The shop, this time, is the main shop located at 9 mile on Pyay Road. Having a look at from out side, it is just like an ordinary house. Even big fishing rods and fishing lines are available here. Although it is a fishing gear shop, it also sells astronomical telescopes and tents. The interior of room next door is under decoration to open a beauty saloon.

Pyi Myanmar building at Hledan Junction is under all round renovation to make it new like other buildings with intention towards 2006. The scenes along Pyay Road seen to change gradually.

Ballet dance class opened in Yangon. Chinese woman instructor who studied the dance in China teaches dances. Instructions are generally given in Chinese. The class is so strict that small children are beaten to follow instructions. Classes are divided according to ages. Children from three year of age are accepted. There are about ten trainees in each class.

Shwe Parami Shopping mall, Yangon's biggest shopping mall at the corner of Insein Rd and Parami Rd in Hlaing Township will be opened later this month. The nine storey building was developed by Wah Wah Win International Company.

El Dorado video production distributed the 3D movie Scifi-hero "the enemy of space" at the end of April. The movie was created with computer special effects and human's action. In the Myanmar Power Ranger movie, no famous actors are used.

A beautiful building near Sandy Myanmar restaurant. Scale models are on display at the shop with intention to offer Myanmar style interior decoration service. A tea-shop is under construction near the villa. The place is intended to open a sushi bar.

Bangkok Airways started its flights between Yangon and Bangkok with effect from April 30. The air line office is at Sakura Tower. The air line has plan to fly to Mandalay and Bagan in future.

This Sandy's Myanmar Restaurant was chosen as the best Myanmar style restaurant by a local magazine. The building where restaurant is opened is said to be build over a hundred years ago. It is said that Bogyoke Aung San and his colleauges hold the first meeting for independent movement at this building.

The face of Maha Myatmuni Image in Mandalay is washed everymorning. The water for washing the face include Thanakha and other fragrance. As you can see in the picture, Thanakha barks and other fragrance are grainded on big stone slabs. Thanakha grinding competition is held there every year.

A Monghinkha contest was held at the People's Park on May 8 and 9. Hotels in Yangon took part in the event. Regional Monghinkha from Inle, Rakhine, Mawlamyaing, etc were on sale at K 200 per bowl. At the opening ceremony ballons with a coupon for a bowl of Monghinkha were flied. Inle Monghinkha prepared by Sandy Myanmar Restaurant won the best Monghinkha prize. Inle Monghinkha is available at the restaurant. (This is the picture of Inle Monghinkha. It is really tasty.)

It rained today (7th May) for the very first time this year. It was very hot until yesterday and air-cornditioner failed to make it cool. I prayed that the rain comes as soon as possible. But, we will have to face almost everyday which is wet with the rain. On the other hand, there are the days with about temperature 40'C. I am not sure which I would preyer to have.

This is photo of the new terminal at Yangon International Airport targeted to finish in December 2005. Construction work is underway 24 hours a day.

"Burmese Water Festival", celebrated in a high school,San Francisco Bay Area, California, U.S.A.A lot of people showed up to enjoy Burmese traditionalfood and to socialize. Participants had to buy ticketsto purchase food, drinks and snacks. I bought tickets, had a chance to taste a little bit of everything from one vender to another. Food were very delicious. Some Burmese food, I had no idea what they called it but they were very tasty. The food venders donated all the money to the monastery eventually.During the festival in San Francisco, We don't dousewater the way you do in Burma because the weather is way too cold to be wet. Besides, the Burmese community is not big enough to be recognized yet. However, there were some kids including my nephews who enjoyed dousing water each other until they got soaky wet.They were the happiest participants among the rest, I suppose.(Sean Lin in USA)

Arzarni San San circus Team which has been a famous team for a long time performed at Padonmar theatre from April 21 to 25. The show was sponsored by the MyanmaTheatrical Association. During three-hour show, seesaw, human tree, sky bar, etc were presented with accompaniment of humour. On the background of the stage, the photo of late U Mg Mg, Daw San San's father, was hung. Performance of animals such as elephants, monkeys, goats, bears, were also presented to audience's delight.

by Ma Khaing Khaing Aye & Nishigaki Mitsuru

Below is the image at: www.allmyanmar.com/.../myanmar%20shopping.htm

Myanmar is famous for the real "golden pearls" have a look, its beautiful.

Bogyoke Market Yangon shopping Jade and Pearls

Myanmar shopping lacquer elephant

Myanmar shopping lacquer vase

Myanmar shopping lacquer table and plate

Myanmar shopping lacquer plate

Myanmar shopping lacquer plate with rectangle pattern

What you will find on this page:

Shopping for Myanmar handicrafts, furniture shopping. jade shopping, marionettes, gold products, silver products, iron, bronze, brass casting, copper casting products, tapestry, exotic wood, relief, stucco, turnery; drawing, painting ,art ,silk, products, garment, lacquer ware products, sculpting, stone, marble, lapidary work, tapestries, wood carving, sandel wood products, textile, mother of pearl, tribal art, jewelry, ruby, sapphire, sapphire, jade, jewelry shopping,

Myanmar silverware, paintings, silver ware shopping, antiques, ivory, pearls, marble carvings, gem painting, puppets shopping, marionettes, lacquer ware. Myanmar lacquer ware are some of the most beautiful items produced in Myanmar, usually within a cottage industry around Bagan.
furniture, rattan, wicker, teak wood items
Myanmar shopping woodcarving elephant.

Myanmar shopping woodcarving figure

Myanmar department store shopping malls, furniture store, photo shop, holiday shopping, toy stores, shoe store, shopping mall.
Bogyoke shopping market in Yangon is famous for
shopping deals, furniture stores, local shopping,
jewelry stores, toy store
gift shopping, shoe stores
liquor store, flower shop
sporting goods store, souvenir shopsand many more

make money online
Myanmar shopping sapphire ruby pearl.

Myanmar shopping handicraft Buddha images and Buddha statues. In some antique shops you can find even bamboo slabs with old Tripitaka texts in pali.
Myanmar shopping cloth material curtain

Myanmar shopping marionettes

Below is the image at: francie.wordpress.com/category/se-asia/page/4/

Shwedagon Paya (Wow!)

Today was pretty amazing despite the incredible heat (100 degrees). Yangon is pretty wonderful for a big city, and as we had heard, everyone is very friendly. We are often the only westerners walking around town.

Today we changed money at the market–the money changers only take new, crisp US dollars. They also will not accept certain serial numbers because of a rumor that North Korea counterfeited the bills. Kind of crazy.
In the late afternoon we headed for Shwedagon Paya–this is THE site for Buddhism in the world. A temple built about 1500-2500 years ago, this site is founded around 8 hairs from Buddha』s head that were brought back from India.

Of course, you must remove shoes and socks while at the site so everyone is hopping around on the balls of their feet.
There are 4351 diamonds built into the structure (that』s 1800 carats according to the lonely planet) with a 76 carat diamond at the top. At night you can walk and stand in certain places and see the white, red or blue hues of the diamond.

One hour later.

Here is a picture of monks walking around the site. I talked to one monk for a while–he was one of 20 monks on a three week 』shift』 to watch the temple at night (apparently, people are a little too zealous to get in and pray at night or think they can steal the diamonds…). He said it was a very boring job and was ready to go back to his temple.

Here is a monk that came up to talk with Francie. The monks are very interested in practicing their English.

In Burma, women can study Buddha by becoming nuns. There was a troop walking around the site as well–here they are praying (I almost wrote partying) at dusk. They wear pink instead of red/orange.

Here is a Nat, or earth spirit, that had a shrine at the Paya. There are times of the year when the Burmese call up or worship the nat–but if you become possessed by the Nat you will need to be exorcised by a buddhist monk. After reading 『Beloved』 I don』t recommend this at all.

Tomorrow begins the water festival which apparently turns the entire city into one big water spraying extravaganza.

Below is the image at: www.travelpod.com/s/summit+parkview+yangon

Summit Parkview Yangon - Related Entries(3)

In Yangon finally Finally reach Yangon. It has changed so much since the last time I came 2 years ago. There are actual malls now compared to the previous time where the mall is just a 4-storey shop house. The airport has improved a lot too. It's no longer the small ...
Yangon (Rangoon), Myanmar deut2929
R&R Day ... your fork in your left hand scoops food onto your spoon and you eat off your spoon. We walked a couple of blocks to Summit Parkview (we originally wanted to stay there, but our guide said it was under renovation). The place looks intact and pretty good. ...
Yangon (Rangoon), Myanmar theresabill
One last night in Myanmar Our drive from the Yangon airport to the Parkview Summit Hotel was refreshingly tranquil. We had not appreciated the quality of the main roads and the absence of motorbikes when initially here. On reflection, Mandalay traffic was chaotic. ...
Yangon (Rangoon), Myanmar wasagadave
More Summit Parkview Yangon Entries »

Summit Parkview Yangon (Rangoon)

Below is the image at: www.shwedarling.com/.../

Myanmar Blog » Myanmar/Burmese » The Korean Stars Look-alike Photo Contest
The Korean Stars Look-alike Photo Contest

The Korean Stars Look-alike Photo Contest was organised by My Bryan from Plan-B (the same person who organised The Bollywood Stars Look-alike Photo Contest) and the contest was held at Dagon Centre Shopping Mall in Yangon, Myanmar. The winners were Aye Mya Thaw Dar (who resembles the Korean actress Eun-suh) and Chan Thar (who resembles the Korea actor/singer Rain).

Myanmar Blog

Below is the image at: www.mir.com.my/leofoo/Burma2005/index6.htm

Personsl experience on accomodation guide in Yangon, Myanmar
Dusit's Inya Lake Hotel Resort & Kandawgyi Palace Hotel

From another end of the royal lake garden, the Kandawgyi Palace Hotel looks majestic in the reflection.

The ship restaurant nearby the Kandawgyi Palace Hotel looks more like tailored to serve tourists. But its grand views and decorations worths a visit at night.

The architecture of the Kandawgyi Palace Hotel has a very oriental, Burmese looks and feel..
Anoher reflective view of the Royal Lake Garden.

On going beautification works around the Royal Lake Garden. at night falls.

Kandawgyi Palace Hotel. Royal Lake side, Yangon, Myanmar. 5 stars rated in facilities. Lovely place to stay but charged too excessive in room rates (as card cards are not acceptable due to US sanction, make sure you carry plenty of green becks). It is located next to the Royak Lake and the lake garden. The Ship Restaurant is just anchored next to the hotel. Here are some of the hotel internal and external views. It is not far from the heart of the city but very close to the Shwedagon and some of the hotel rooms or even balconies can have an excellent viewds of the Pagoda. The only complaint is, the room (I have changed twice) is smaller than comparing Lake Inya Hotel (see below).

Inya Lake Hotel Resort, is a Dusit-Chain managed hotel. I chosen it because I am a Dusit card member as well as previous good experience of its room facilities while in Chiangmai. It never disappoints in this area - in fact, the room is so spacious that it comes as a pleasnt surprise. It inherites a strong sense of colonial-type of room design. If you can live with travel from 5 km from the city but love to have a quiet environment, this hotel may serve you well indeed.

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Below is the image at: www.me-go.net/rtw/blog/2005/02/

Below is the image at: www.bicycle-adventures.com/hotels-in-yangon.html

Panorama Hotel Yangon

Governor's Residence Hotel Yangon

Strand Hotel Yangon

Below is the image at: www.myanmar.gov.mm/.../business.htm

Dagon Centre reopens after bomb blasts

Below is the image at: www.allmyanmar.com/.../Myanmar-Vacation.html

Yangon Flower Market

Myanmar cuisine

Myanmar Boys

Inle Lake Floating

Inle Lake Traffic

Myanmar Pearls Shopping

Bogyoke Bazaar at Yangon

Myanmar Snake Restaurant

Myanmar Market Fashion Jewelry

ith it.

Inle Lake

Inle Lake Monastery

Bogyoke Aung San Bazaar Mother of Pearl

Yangon Flower Market

Myanmar cuisine

Myanmar Boys

Inle Lake Floating

Inle Lake Traffic

Myanmar Pearls Shopping

Bogyoke Bazaar at Yangon

Myanmar Snake Restaurant

Myanmar Market Fashion Jewelry

Myanmar Beach Vacation at
Max Hotel
Chaung Tha Beach

Below is the image at: www.myanmar.gov.mm/.../business.htm

Specialtycoffees strengthen local business

AN INCREASING appreciationof specialty coffee is proving to be a boonfor coffee shops in Yangon, a Myanmar Timessurvey has found.Four of the most popular cafésin Yangon, Café Aroma

Below is the image at: francie.wordpress.com/2007/04/

Sights and Sounds of Yangon

We had an amazing night here in Yangon. We ventured out to a teashop and ate at a Chinese night market with another American named Shea.
Here is the tea and snacks we ate at the teashop.

A view of the city as we walked to Chinatown.

We had a few 『Myanmar』 beers.

This was a great people watching place. Nuns stopped by and asked for Alms.

Below is the image at: www.allmyanmar.com/.../myanmar%20jewelry.htm

Below is the image at: www.myanmarchitchat.net/2005_08_01_archive.html

News from Yangon (Rangoon)


Tar Yar Min Wai - poems




Name : Nansuyatisoe Nick Name : Susanna Date of Birth : 18-9-87 Education : University of Pharmacy
(first year)
Parents Name
: U soe Linn
Daw Tin Tin Win
: Color-sky blue




Cartoon continued



Myanmar Cartoons


BB+Daniel+Alexander [Rock]


Cartoon - another Team Singers at hip hop


mg_ko_chit_yin Listen Download

school_song Listen Download

tha_nge_chin Listen Download

way_twar_tat_a_nan ListenDownload

Big Bag ( One of the star vocalists in Myanmar)


listen here
Rea Myanmar mango
Myanmar Cartoons


Re Beers in Myanmar


Tiger Beer and Skol are also well known.
Below is the image at: www.hotelinyangon.com/location.htm

Below is the image at: www.myanmar.gov.mm/.../business.htm

Fashion accessory businesses boom

Parami mall to open this year
SHWEParami Mall, which is set to become Yangon』sbiggest shopping mall, will debut later this yearinstead of opening this month as previously planned,the marketing manager of the developing company saidlast week.

L-shaped house with colourful façade

Below is the image at: www.notashopaholic.com/tag/places-to-shop/
Bogyoke Aung San Market, Yangon

Posted Thursday, May 14th, 2009
Tags: Myanmar, Places to shop
Posted in Uncategorized | 6 Comments »

發表於 2009-9-1 10:56:41 | 顯示全部樓層

 Results 1 - 10 of about 252 for "孟撒拉". (0.23 seconds) 


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比较有趣的是,在李尼门兵变10天后,麻门发起反攻,结果又重新占领了勐古;更有趣的是,这一反攻还让麻门营救出了孟撒拉与早腊。作为被拯救的回 报,孟撒拉与早腊在被救出的当日即宣布「弃政从农,不再过问勐古事务」。孟撒拉们的「撤离」,使这一地区仅剩下李尼门与麻门两支对峙的力量。后来的结果表 明,孟撒拉要「弃政从农」,可能还要等若干年,因毒品问题孟撒拉被缅甸政府判刑7年。孟撒拉毕竟不如坤沙,他不可能轻易得到缅政府的宽恕。缅甸政府掌握了 孟撒拉向中国、泰国、香港与澳大利亚贩毒的确凿证据,不打击孟撒拉,无法平息这一地区的制贩毒。


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我从小是在缅甸长大的,从我懂事以来,就知道缅人一直都很排斥华人,但这并不影响我们的生活,直到我们全家都搬到果敢,我对果敢不是很了解,直到不读书 了,才回到果敢,在这里工作,跟我的家人在一起,而果敢跟缅甸一直都说是友好的,可是自从今年8.8事件开始,据说缅甸要打果敢 810日,我们集体 大逃亡


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中国战友联盟论坛 » 首页


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發表於 2009-9-2 12:14:35 | 顯示全部樓層



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    Pasted from <http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/090902/4/e0cq.html>


    [edit] Thai army enters Burma


    Pasted from <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burma_Campaign>




    Pasted from <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconnaissance>


  1. Thailand
  2. The Northern Campaign

    Pasted from <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phayap_Army>


    According to a message received from our Military Attaché in Bangkok, PHIBUN, who for some time has been complaining that to leave the Thai army which has been stationed on the north border to face the coming rainy season with no activity in view, would result in the incease in unrest, in the discontented parties in Thailand, and especially among the Military, which might even become the cause of making his own position insecure, requested the following of our Attaché on April 30th.


    Pasted from <http://www.geocities.com/thailandwwii/shans.html?20091>


    Royal Thai Armed Forces

    In cooperation with Vip Klykoom

    Order of Battle

    1st Field Army



    Pasted from <http://orbat.com/site/ww2/drleo/082_thailand/43/_army-field_01.html>


    Ba Maw


    Pasted from <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ba_Maw>




    Pasted from <http://news.163.com/09/0902/10/5I6V64NP000120GR.html>




    Pasted from <http://news.sznews.com/content/2009-09/02/content_4022830.htm>


    消息称缅甸政府军向佤邦进发 或触发全面内战


    Pasted from <http://news.sznews.com/content/2009-09/02/content_4022830.htm>




    Pasted from <http://blog.huanqiu.com/?uid-54577-action-viewspace-itemid-320745>




    Pasted from <http://xian.qq.com/a/20090902/000113.htm>


    视频:佤邦联合军加入果敢军 缅甸可能爆发内战


    Pasted from <http://news.sohu.com/20090830/n266324185.shtml>


    專家:彭家聲大勢已去 性命無憂


    Pasted from <http://paper.wenweipo.com/2009/08/31/CH0908310006.htm>


    【东方卫视 《看东方》】据新加坡《联合早报》29日报道,随着缅甸果敢战事的持续,媒体和分析家担心,缅甸可能爆发全面内战。


    Pasted from <http://news.sohu.com/20090830/n266324185.shtml>




    Pasted from <http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2009-09-01/102216220722s.shtml>


    2.中缅边界局势未定 CCP严控新闻报道


    Pasted from <http://soundofhope.org/programs/161/135865-1.asp>


    Q+A-Will the conflict in northern Myanmar intensify?


    Pasted from <http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSBKK462807>


    Results for ""wa state""

    Q+A-Will the conflict in northern Myanmar intensify? Monday, 31 Aug 2009 08:00pm EDT 

    ANALYSIS-Myanmar ethnic offensive tests vital China ties Monday, 31 Aug 2009 08:00pm EDT 

    Q+A-Will fighting in northern Myanmar escalate? Friday, 28 Aug 2009 08:00pm EDT 

    Australian oil, gas sector over-regulated, says report Wednesday, 3 Dec 2008 07:00pm EST 

    Treasury adds to Myanmar drug trafficker list Wednesday, 12 Nov 2008 07:00pm EST 

    More results for ""wa state""...


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    China's Burma refugees 'return'


    Pasted from <http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8229998.stm>


    Burmese refugees flee to China town


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    您的 "缅甸" 的检索结果 980


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    Pasted from <http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/search?s=myanmar&ok=Search&q=quick&m=all&o=time&SX=4a9da7fd786faaa998a4dc002d97a7d0a09ddbcd>




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    Myanmar Army Routs Ethnic Chinese Rebels in the North


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    Q+A: Will fighting in northern Myanmar escalate?


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    Q+A-China's complex relationship with Myanmar


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    Myanmar fighting forces up to 30,000 to flee to China


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    Fleeing Battle, Myanmar Refugees Head to China


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發表於 2009-9-2 13:17:07 | 顯示全部樓層
Google 地图解释

佤邦首都 Panghsang 正对的是云南省勐阿镇(属于孟连傣族拉祜族佤族自治县)


缅军现在装甲镇开出的 景栋,就是这条孟拉-勐海公路的起始。

景栋有两条公路,一条通往孟拉-勐海, 另一条通往孟养-户吉。

这第二条路,就在 佤邦榜桑 和  孟拉之间。


等军事部署完毕后,缅军可以以静势威逼中国和两个特区接受利于缅军的条件。 中国由于利益的暧昧,可以就形势的实际性,反过来逼迫佤邦和林明贤就范,尽早向缅妥协,接受招安,成为缅在选举前的边境部队。

缅军的目的,现在不是直捣 佤窝 榜桑 或 林窝 孟拉,而是陈兵于其间, 让鲍有祥 冒「开头一枪」 的大不讳。

而鲍有祥的现策略,是赶在缅军之头,首先部属在 孟养-户吉公路上,让缅军犯「开头一枪」的大不讳。


Below is the image at: my.reset.jp/adachihayao/index090605.htm



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