China bridge jumper ‘gets a push’【譯:中國的跳橋者被推下海珠橋】——2009.05.23——英國BBC
Haizhu Bridge has been targeted by would-be suicide jumpers 海珠橋已成爲想要自殺的跳橋者的目標
A man threatening to commit suicide by jumping from a Chinese bridge was approached by a passer-by who shoved him over the edge, local media say. 壹個男人正威脅要跳橋自殺,被壹個經過的人把他推下去,當地媒體說。
Lai Jiansheng, 66, said he was fed up with the desperate man's "selfish activity" which caused huge traffic jams in Guangzhou, southern China. 賴堅生,66歲,說他厭煩了這些不顧壹切的男人的「自私的行爲」,這些行爲會造成這個中國南方的城市廣州很大的交通堵塞。
Chen Fuchao fell 26ft (8m) on to an air cushion and is recovering in hospital, the official Xinhua news agency said. 陳富超從8米的高空掉到壹個氣墊上,正在醫院治療,官方新華社說。
Xinhua said Mr Lai was "taken away by police", but gave no further details. 新華社說賴先生「被警察帶走」,但沒有給出進壹步的細節。
The drama unfolded when Mr Chen climbed on to Haizhu Bridge in Guangzhou on Thursday and threatened to jump. 這壹幕是從陳先生于星期四在廣州爬上海珠橋開始,並威脅要跳下來。
'Debt worries' 「債務困擾」
He told police he wanted to kill himself because he was 2m yuan ($293,000 or £184,000) in debt following a failed construction project, the China Daily reported. 他告訴警察他想自殺因爲他在壹個建築工程項目失敗後有2百萬的債務,中國日報報道。
Traffic around the bridge was stopped for five hours while officers tried to coax Mr Chen to safety. 當警察嘗試勸陳先生到安全的地方的期間,圍繞這座橋的交通被停下來長達5個小時的時間。
Retired soldier Mr Lai at first volunteered to try to talk Mr Chen down but was turned away by police, Xinhua said. 退役的士兵賴先生首先要求去勸陳先生下來,但被警察阻止。新華社說。
Mr Lai is said to have then broken through the police cordon, climbed to where Mr Chen sat, greeted him with a handshake - and then pushed him off the edge. 賴先生據說當時沖破警察的警戒線,爬到陳先生所坐的地方,與其握手,然後把他推下去。
Pictures in the China Daily show him saluting to the crowd after Mr Chen fell on to the partially filled emergency air cushion. 中國日報裏的圖片顯示他(譯者注:指賴先生),在陳先生掉到部分充氣的緊急氣墊後,向人群敬禮。
"I pushed him off because jumpers like Chen are very selfish," the newspaper quoted Mr Lai as saying. 「我推他下來因爲像陳先生壹樣的跳橋的人是很很自私的,」該報紙引賴先生的話說。
Their action violates a lot of public interests. They do not really dare to kill themselves. Instead, they just want to raise the relevant government authorities' attention to their appeals." 「他們的行爲違反很多的公衆利益。他們不是真的敢自殺。而是,他們僅僅想讓相關政府當局看到到們的訴求。」
Mr Chen is said to have suffered spine and elbow injuries and is recovering in a Guangzhou hospital. 陳先先據說脊骨和肘受傷,正在廣州的壹家醫院接受治療。
The bridge has gained a macabre reputation, attracting at least 12 would-be suicide jumpers since the start of April, according to the China Daily report. 這座橋已經得上讓人令人毛骨悚然的名聲,自己四月初以來,這裏吸引了至少12個想要自殺的跳橋者,據中國日報報道。
None of the 12 has jumped, although each has held up traffic for several hours, it said. 據說12個人裏沒有壹個跳下來,縱使每壹個人都讓交通堵塞幾個小時。
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