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[其它] 西方占星師對未來世界大勢之預測

發表於 2009-3-24 23:47:05 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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http://www.aquariuspapers.com/as ... evolutionary_t.html

Post at February 08, 2006

Pluto was between 21-24 Sag from November 2004 through February 2005, and from May through December 2005. Pluto was between 23-26 Sag from December 2004 through August 2005, October 2005 through February 2006, and will be May through November 2006. Pluto has been or will be between 25-28 Sag from February through May 2005, December 2005 through January 2007, and June through November 2007. Pluto will be between 27-30 Sag from February through May 2006, December 2006 through January 2008, and June through November 2008. Pluto will be between 30 Sagittarius-2 Capricorn from January through July 2008, October 2008 through January 2009, and June through November 2009.

So in terms of echos of the past, 2001-2005 paralleled 1755-1760, while 2006-2007 will parallel 1759-1762. Things are obviously in ferment, preparing for major developments when Pluto enters Capricorn, bringing forth similarities with the years from 1762-1778. Giving you a couple of brief hints about the hot zones, Saturn squares Pluto November 2009 through March 2010, and again July through October 2010. Uranus in Aries will square Pluto in Capricorn between May 2010 and August 2010, and from March 2011 through April 2017. The obvious zone of max intensity is when the Uranus square Pluto is exact; this will occur between June 2011 and October 2011, occurs exactly between May and October 2012, is again exact between April 2013 and June 2013, September 2013 through May 2014, November 2014 through April 2015, and finally December 2015 through March 2016.

Of specific note are the Jupiter quincunx Saturn May 2012, Jupiter square Neptune June 2012, Mars' exact T-square opposed Uranus square Pluto with Jupiter quincunx Pluto in July 2012, Saturn quincunx Uranus November 2012, and the Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus Yod, or Finger of God, in December 2012. To pull it together a little, 2012 will be similar to 1765-1767.

 樓主| 發表於 2009-3-24 23:54:25 | 顯示全部樓層
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Submitted by Benjamin on Wed, 07/16/2008


The forces of authoritarianism and ever-increasing government control are likely to gain power through about May of 2010. On May 27 of that year, however, Uranus brings the planetary energy of revolution and paradigm shift out of its seven-year stint in Pisces (dreaming, visualizing and imagining) and into Aries (the leader or warrior taking impulsive action). At that point, we may well experience the start of something resembling another American Revolution in order to set our ship of state on a more enlightened course.

This idea is also supported by the fact that Uranus is aspecting three planets in the United States' natal chart around that time (Pluto, the moon and Mercury), and conjuncting the nadir! (I'm using the Sibley chart for the U.S.) The U.S. is also about to undergo the most powerful Pluto transits it has experienced since the 20's and 30's: between now and 2015, Pluto will oppose the United States' Venus, Jupiter and Sun. Venus and Jupiter rule the U.S. midheaven and ascendant - powerful and public points - and the Sun is the core of identity and vitality.

These Pluto transit alone are enough to guarantee that the U.S. will be profoundly transformed over the next seven years. My feeling is that we will emerge a more humble country, either by choice or because the rest of the world finally got fed up with us! Hopefully, we will move away from the arrogant "cowboy diplomacy" of recent years, and will instead adopt the spirit of harmony and cooperation that has become so essential for the well-being of the global community.

The Pluto oppositions just discussed are unique to the United States, but Uranus' entry into Aries will have a global impact. Other countries and institutions will experience revolutionary events relevant to their particular situations.

By 2010, Uranus and Pluto will already have been radiating some of the energy of their impending square (a 90° angle of challenge for growth). These two planets create revolutionary transformation and powerful paradigm shift when their energies connect. They were most recently conjunct 1964-1966, when the revolutionary fervor of the 60's shifted into high gear. (Their prior conjunction coincided with the French Revolution.)

Uranus and Pluto will make seven exact squares to each other from 2012 through 2015, wiping out old structures of all kinds that have outlived their usefulness. A square is much more dynamic and challenging than a conjunction, so this wrecking ball effect may make the 60's look tame by comparison.

This may sound scary, but look at the stakes. Nothing less than a radical shift in how the global powers-that-be operate - be they governments or multinational corporations - will be sufficient to save the planet from an environmental catastrophe too horrible to contemplate. Archaic assumptions that have held sway for hundreds of years must fall by the wayside if mankind, as well as most of Earth's other species, is to survive.  These include the outmoded ideas of endless economic growth, unrestrained population expansion, and mankind's right to exploit Gaia's resources without regard to future consequences or future generations.

Some people hope for a miraculous rescue. It could be that, when the Mayan calendar ends on the Winter Solstice of 2012, mankind will experience a quantum leap into a more enlightened state of consciousness. (To hear my free lecture on that subject, "The Astrology of 2012," click here.) Or maybe the alien motherships will finally descend from the skies to save us from ourselves.

I could more easily believe in such a deus ex machina if Pluto was in Pisces, the sign of saviors. But Pluto will be in Capricorn, the sign of sweat equity, hard work and keeping your nose to the grindstone. Its spiritual motto could be, "God helps those who help themselves." If 2012 does mark an evolutionary leap, I believe that the exact nature of that transformation will be shaped by what mankind has done, individually and collectively,
up until that moment to raise its vibration. At this point in human history, more so than ever before, the work each of us does to awaken ourselves can profoundly benefit humanity as a whole.

What else can one person do when faced with such daunting astrological energies? Let's take some inspiration from Pluto itself. It's a tiny planet - not even that, if you accept its new "dwarf planet" classification. And it's nowhere near the heart of the action - so far out in the boonies of the solar system that the Sun hardly looks brighter than any other star.

Yet Pluto is astrology's most powerful transiting planet. Its diminutive size demonstrates that small things can be very powerful. It does, after all, rule plutonium, a tiny amount of which can either power or decimate a city. In the same way, one person - working with Capricornian discipline and Plutonian obsessiveness - can make a huge impact during this time. By doing whatever you are most called to do - however insignificant it might seem - you will be playing your perfect part in a leaderless web of perfect synchronicity. (For more on this idea, read Daniel Quinn's empowering book Beyond Civilization: Humanity's Next Great Adventure. And as long as you're book shopping, pick up Richard Tarnas' Cosmos and Psyche [click here for my review], which presents compelling evidence of the outer planets' powerful effect on human history.)

Pluto's entry into Capricorn isn't the only significant astrological news of 2008, although it is by far the most important. Jupiter will be making three sextiles to Uranus, on March 28, May 21 and November 13. The periods around these dates will be times when following your intuitive flashes will bring you enhanced good fortune. You would also do well to heed any lightning strikes of sudden illumination regarding religion, foreign travel, higher education, publishing or politics.

However, the astrological event that I would rank second in importance to Pluto entering Capricorn is Saturn's opposition to Uranus. It occurs on November 4, the day of the American presidential elections! It represents the struggle between Saturn (conservatism, business as usual) and Uranus (revolution, paradigm shift). This opposition, which will occur five times between November 4, 2008 and July 26, 2010, will serve to open chinks in the armor of the powers-that-be, and will pave the way for the revolutionary shifts (Uranus entering Aries, Uranus square Pluto) that we've already covered.

So what can you do to make the best of 2008's Plutonian challenges? The bottom line is to stay open to change. As I tell my clients who are having powerful Pluto transits, the more you resist transformation at such times, the more you suffer. The more you embrace change - even if it's frightening and you can't see where it's leading - the more empowered you become.

Pluto can be experienced as cruel and greedy people and institutions conspiring against you, or as a river of divine power that flows through you. And that river is always strongest when you allow your actions to be guided by your inner wisdom. As with any astrological energy, you can use it or be used by it. The choice is yours.

 樓主| 發表於 2009-3-25 00:08:50 | 顯示全部樓層


Beginning 2011 through 2015, Uranus, the planet of innovation and freedom will be in square with the planet Pluto, notorious for its desire to exert subtle but relentless power over whatever it aspects.


It is possible that during the Pluto/Uranus tug of war between freedom and control, there be periods of shortages, rationing and interruptions of services. These shortages could show up in any area where this Uranus/Pluto tug of war will want to play out. The undercurrent will always be a conflict between greater control or greater freedom. For example some areas where this conflict could be seen could be gasoline/food rationing, interruptions in electrical service. I suggest you consider acquiring some reserves and think of ways to weather through such a period.

 樓主| 發表於 2009-3-25 00:13:10 | 顯示全部樓層


written November 2007


First of all, Pluto will enter Capricorn on January 26, 2008. It will only stay there until June 13, when it retrogrades back to Sagittarius until November 26, 2008. Then it remains firmly positioned in Capricorn through March 23, 2023. Pluto’s orbit around the Sun is a very long 248-year cycle. During that time, we will expect to see many major changes in the world, which we will discuss shortly, for Pluto represents the principle of reform, and Capricorn the principle of structure and boundaries. Structures and boundaries will likely be transformed in a radical way, and this will have extremely important relevance to investment decisions, and well as political and economic ramifications.

Secondly, Pluto will be at the midpoint of a T-square involving the Saturn-Uranus opposition of 2008-2010, especially at the end of this period when both Saturn and Uranus enter cardinal signs too. This too is a very rate configuration, which last occurred in1930-31.

Thirdly, Pluto will form a waning square to Uranus 7 times over a three-year period, from 2012-2015. This is huge aspect in terms of importance. The last time this type of square unfolded was in 1876-1877.

Fourth, Pluto will be in opposition to the USA Venus and Jupiter, 2008-2010 for the first time ever. Venus rules the currency of a country, and with Pluto, its banks and institutions where values are stored.

Fifth, Pluto conjuncts the Sun in the Federal Reserve Board chart, and opposes it Pluto, in 2008-2009, for the first time ever. In this case, Pluto represents a major transformation of the institution, and perhaps its demise.

A sixth point of interest has more to do with the Saturn-Uranus opposition than Pluto’s position. On November 4, 2008, when the USA election tales place, Saturn will form its first of 5 oppositions to Uranus. It will take place at 18-19 Virgo-Pisces, forming a grand square to the chart of Fed Chair Ben Bernanke, involving his natal Sun, Moon, and Jupiter.

 樓主| 發表於 2009-3-25 00:18:54 | 顯示全部樓層


By Adrian Ross Duncan, 19th May 2007


The major event for Saturn in 2008 is its opposition to Uranus – something that takes place only once every 46 years. [See point 4. in graph.] The first opposition takes place at 18 degrees Virgo/Pisces at the time of the US election in November 2008. The aspect repeats in February 2009 at 20 degrees and in September at 24 degrees. Obviously this planetary cycle will evoke changes similar to those in the mid-sixties, notably focus on an enormous generation gap. It will be interesting to see how the virtual world of Uranus in Pisces will collide with the practical world of Saturn in Virgo. Web environments like the video world of YouTube.com will have a huge effect on attitudes. Ultimately the anarchic presentation of material that the TV media prefer to keep hidden, or do not have the resources to show, will completely change the power balance, and have a huge new effect on elections.

For Capricorns this opposition from November 2008 to September 2009, will bring the bridging on worlds on an intellectual level. Radical new educational and communication methods will bring challenges as Capricorns reorient the way they understand their position in the world. New languages, new studies, new countries, international commuting are some of many opportunities. For Aquarians there is a focus on new resources, and a struggle to create economic security with new methods. This will be a time of major psychological challenge and growth, when a balance must be found between the ghosts of the past, and the dreams for the future.

Finally on October 29th 2009 Saturn moves into Libra, where it is exalted. Whatever challenges arise at this time – and a major T-square is approaching involving Uranus, Pluto and Saturn – for Capricorns and Aquarius this will at least be a time when they have strength and dignity. While Saturn was in Cancer and Leo, its debilitated position meant that even if there were relatively good aspects, the benefits would be muted. But when Saturn is exalted, even its difficult aspects will not be enough to throw it off balance. So for Capricorns, when Saturn will be in the solar 10th house and Pluto the solar first, there will be enormous strength and power to recreate ambitions and transform the career to create a new future. For Aquarians, with Saturn now in the solar 9th, there will be a world of new opportunity, where many dreams are fulfilled – not least because of a long-running Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Aquarius all through 2009.

The first square between Saturn and Pluto takes place in January 2010, and we can expect some pretty major political reorganization at this time. What makes it considerably more spicy, is that Uranus enters fiery Aries, recreating aspect patterns that were dominant in the 1930’s. So in July 2010 there is        an extraordinary square from Pluto at 3 Capricorn to a Uranus/Saturn opposition at 0 Aries/Libra. Political unrest will sweep the world at this time, and whilst Saturn in Libra will strive to maintain balance – Congress in the USA will be particularly active trying to mediate between individual extremism and state authority – the long term political prospects seem very messy. In fact Uranus will square Pluto not three times, not five times, but an incredibly seven times between 2012 and 2015, and with Saturn moving into powerful Scorpio at this time, the world will be needing some superheroes.

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