請大家一齊上去 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Yue_Chinese ,救救Cantonese。
如果不是鄭立大大通知,我也沒想到原來有人如此無聊。 我不贊成濫用「膠」字,但這次除了「膠」之外沒有更貼切的形容詞。 事緣是有人竟然把英文維基的「粵語」條目,由「Cantonese language」改為「Yue Chinese」。但正常人都知道,廣東話是「Cantonese」(雖然這英文詞還有其他意思),於是這一改引起激烈辯論。 (你要在學術專著裡用 Yue Chinese 我不反對—反正我不是語言學家,但維基百科是公用的,當然以便民為先。你改個沒人認得的條目名﹖﹗「Hong Kong」你不改成「Zhanggang」﹖﹗)
於是英文差勁的方某,不得不寫少許意見以正視聽﹕ I could only say that the people who want to change "Cantonese language" into "Yue Chinese" is really paranoid. An paranoid of "unifying". Anyone
question about this should go and ask the foreigners "how you call this
language?" I'm sure that they only know "Cantonese" and not "Yue"
(what's that?!) Everyone could also prove this by checking titles in an
English book store. Insist on "Cantonese" is not paranoid, this is an insistense on COMMONSENSE. What is the main purpose of wikipedia? Let people searching information in convenience? Or to fulfill somebody's ambition on unification of language? In the Wikipedia:Naming_conventions_(Chinese)#Culture, "For the cuisine of China, use established terms that are understandable", I think that the naming of language should also follow this principle. Even in the Wikipedia:Naming_conventions_(Chinese)#Language.2Fdialect_NPOV you quoted, Min_Nan does not changed into "Minnan Chinese", your suggestion is redundant and ridiculous.
究竟改來幹啥﹖是怕名字裡沒 Chinese,粵語就不算中文,廣東省就獨立了嗎﹖ 只有那種在一元獨立洗腦思想下受教育的人,才會想得出這種違反常理的事。 (當然,更違反常識的,是聲稱「普通話教中文」比較好。但難得家長又肯信。 算啦,反正香港人已經為學英文而犧牲中文—雖然英文不見得好了,又何妨再連廣東話也犧牲掉﹖ 把自己的皮脫下來漂白,米高積遜也不會變白人的,只會令自己像不人不妖,香港亦同。你們即管去破壞自己的文化吧,那只是以自救包裝的自殺。)