《New world in the morning》呢首1960年代嘅英文歌曲,原英文詞、曲作者及原唱係著名歌手Whittcker,小弟除試下翻唱原曲外,又嘗試將歌詞重新改編為一首反映無牌小販為題材嘅粵語歌曲---《小販生涯》并試唱,於去年試錄。噉下面就將一英一粵兩個版本都Send晒上嚟同各位分享下,希望大家鐘意. 喺度要特別多謝老伍一派兄重新幫手做過個伴奏音樂;而華声主席就於小弟錄製呢兩首歌曲嘅當晚親臨錄音室作現場指導,又給予我相當多嘅支持同埋鼓勵;
Everybody talks about a new world in the morning New world in the morning, so they say I myself don't talk about a new world in the morning New world in the morning that's today
And I can feel a new tomorrow coming on And I don't know why I have to make her song Everybody talks about a new world in the morning New world in the morning takes too long
I met a man who had a dream he's had since he was twenty I met that man when he was eighty-one He said, too many folks just stand and wait until the morning Don't they know tomorrow never comes
And he would feel a new tomorrow coming on But when he smiled his eyes would twinkle up in fun Everybody talks about a new world in the morning New world in the morning never comes
And I can feel a new tomorrow coming on And I don't know why I have to make her song Everybody talks about a new world in the morning New world in the morning never comes