1 See M. G. Dietz, "Patriotism: A Brief History of the Term,"in I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism (Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002). 2 Ian Mclean and Alistair McMillan eds., The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), p. 400. 3 See Maurizio Viroli, For Love of Country: An Essay on Patriotism and Nationalism (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1995), pp. 1-2. 4 Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (MICRA Inc., 1998). 5 Ian Mclean and Alistair McMillan eds., The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003), p. 400. 6 由於詛咒美國,Philip Nolan被流放,但他卻對一位年輕軍官說,這(美國)是「你的祖國。你屬於她,好比屬於你的母親。」當他臨死前得知美國領土已經大大擴展時,他感到非常高興。在他死後,有人如此評價他:「他熱愛祖國甚於所有人,得到祖國的關照少於所有人。」這是一個虛構的故事,但已經被美國人當成是真實的事情來看待。See Cecilia E. O』Leary, To Die For: The Paradox of American Patriotism (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999), pp. 27-28; John J. Pullen, Patriotism in America: A Study of Changing Devotions, 1770-1970 (New York: American Heritage Press, 1971), pp. 66-68. 7 David Miller ed., The Blackwell Encychpaedia of Political Thought (London: Blackwell Reference, 1987), p. 369. 8 在中國,對愛國主義的討論更多用於政治教育目的。例如,有不少詞典有「愛國主義教育」詞條,但卻沒有「愛國主義」詞條。又比如,雜誌上發表的有關愛國主義的文章大多是談論「愛國主義教育」的,幾乎沒有對「愛國主義」的概念進行學理梳理的。書籍中也大多是進行教育宣傳的,大部分書籍是以「愛國主義講座」、「愛國主義教育辭典」、「愛國主義教程」等作為標題的。 9 《辭海》(1999年版縮印本),上海辭書出版社,2000年,第1810頁。 10 沃爾特·拉塞爾·米德:《美國外交政策及其如何影響了世界》,曹化銀譯,中信出版社,2003年,第242頁。 11 Quoted in S. Nathanson, Patriotism, Morality, and Peace (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 1993), p. 3. 12 愛國主義的政治層面不應當被包括到其定義中,因為它事實上是不為真正的愛國主義所接受的,而且涉及到愛國主義的倫理價值。因此,第三節將對愛國主義的政治層面進行詳細討論。 13 例如,當時的一位英國詩人阿爾弗雷德·德尼森(Alfred Tennyson)就此寫下了流行一時的《輕騎兵旅的衝鋒》(The Charge of the Light Brigade):「有人犯了大錯,但戰士們沒有應答,也沒有人問為什麼,他們只是執行命令,邁向死亡之谷、隨時赴死,騎著那六百匹馬。……他們的榮耀何時退去?哦,他們的英勇衝鋒!整個世界為之震驚。他們的衝鋒萬歲!高貴的六百騎士、輕騎兵萬歲!」See Alfred Tennyson, "The Charge of the Light Brigade," in Henry S. Pancoast ed., English Prose and Verse (New York: Holt, 1915), p. 601. 14 盧梭在《愛彌爾》中就講述了一個非常經典的故事:一位斯巴達母親有五個孩子在軍隊中,她焦急地等待著來自戰場的消息。一個奴隸來了,這位母親戰慄地問他有何消息。「你的五個兒子都戰死了。」「賤奴,我是問你這個嗎?」「我們已經勝利了!」於是,這位母親便跑到廟中去感謝神靈。Rousseau, ?mile, quoted in Walter Berns, Making Patriots (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2001), p. 10. 15 John Somerville, 「Patriotism and War,」 Ethics, Vol. 91, No. 4 (July 1981), p. 568. 16 普裏莫拉茲對「愛國主義」的定義與本文相似,二者的差異在前文及第二節都有涉及。他認為,愛國主義是「對某一國家及其政體的熱愛,部分是由於那是其祖國這一事實所激發的,並以對其國家與同胞的福祉的特殊關切的形式表現出來。」See I. Primoratz, 「Introduction,」 in I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism ( Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), p. 12. 17 Alasdair MacIntyre, "Is Patriotism a Virtue?," I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism ( Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), p. 44. 18 Alasdair MacIntyre, "Is Patriotism a Virtue?," I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism ( Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), p. 45. 19 Alasdair MacIntyre, "Is Patriotism a Virtue," I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism ( Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), p. 44. 20 尤爾根·哈貝馬斯,《包容他者》,曹衛東譯,上海人民出版社,2002年,第138頁。 21 I. Primoratz, "Introduction," in I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism ( Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), p. 10. 22 該影片講述的是一個真實的故事:1967年,美國國防部長羅伯特·麥克納馬拉設立了一個專門工作小組,編寫1945至1967年間美國的對越政策史。作為小組成員,來自蘭德公司的丹尼爾·埃爾斯伯格(Daniel Ellsberg)對美國的越南政策存在懷疑與不滿,試圖將小組研究報告《五角大樓文件》公諸於眾,但未成功。最後,埃爾斯伯格將其透露給《紐約時報》和《華盛頓郵報》。1971年6月,《紐約時報》兩次連載《五角大樓檔》的部份內容,在全美掀起軒然大波,並導致政府與媒體間的直接衝突、官司打至最高法院。儘管最高法院的判決並未涉及埃爾斯伯格及《紐約時報》是否愛國的問題,但該案例仍顯示了愛國主義在愛國與愛政府之間的激烈爭論。有關該案例的內容及討論,可參見Thomas M. Susman:「好的,壞的,醜的:電子政府與人民的知情權」,《交流》,2003年第3期;西米:「埃爾斯伯格,美國歷史上最偉大的叛徒」,《華盛頓觀察》週刊,2003年第11期(總第27期),2003年3月19日,http://www.washingtonobserver.org/SocCul-Ellsberg-031903CN27.cfm,2005年7月10日訪問。 23 Alasdair MacIntryre, "Is Patriotism a Virtue," in I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism ( Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), p.44. 24 Igor Primortz, "Patriotism: Morally Allowed, Required, or Valuable?" in I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism ( Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), esp. pp. 192-196. 25 David McCabe, "Patriotic Gore, Again," in I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism ( Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), p. 121. 26 I. Primoratz, "Introduction," in I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism ( Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), p. 10. 27 See T.W. Adorno, E. Frenkel-Brunswik, D.J. Levinson, and R.N. Sanford, The Authoritarian Personality (New York: Harper, 1950); Daniel Bar-Tal and Erving Staub eds., Patriotism (Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1997). 28 Alasdair MacIntyre, "Is Patriotism a Virtue?," in I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism ( Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), p. 52. 29 John L.Sullivan, Amy Fried and Mary D. Dietz, "Patriotism, Politics, and the Presidential Election of 1988," American Journal of Political Science, vol. 36, no. 1 (1992), pp. 200-234. 30 Robert T. Schatz, Ervin Staub, and Howard Lavine, "On the Varieties of National Attachment: Blind Versus Constructive Patriotism," Political Psychology, Vol. 20, No. 1 (1999), pp. 151-174. 31 Andrew Oldenquist, "Loyalties," in I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism ( Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), p. 34. 32 Wilfred M. McClay, "The Mixed Nature of American Patriotism," in Society, Vol. 41, Issue 1 (Nov/Dec2003), pp. 37-45. 33 參見[英]艾德蒙·伯克:《自由與傳統》,蔣慶等譯,商務印書館,2001年,第5章「法國革命的教訓」,第177-206頁。 34 Samuel P. Huntington, Who Are We? The Challenges to America's National Identity (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004), p. 339. 35 I. Primoratz, 「Introduction,」 in I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism ( Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), p. 11. 36 Alasdair MacIntyre, 「Is Patriotism a Virtue?,」 in I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism ( Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), p. 53 37 對法國大革命因追求一致而導致大規模鎮壓的經典論述,參見蘇珊·鄧恩:《姊妹革命:美國革命與法國革命啟示錄》,楊小剛譯、魯剛校,上海文藝出版社,2003年。 38 例如,著名進攻性現實主義國際關係理論家米爾斯海默就持此觀點,see John Mearsheimer, "Back to the Future," in International Security, Vol. 15, No. 1 (1990). 39 See Debbie Schildkraut and Peter Furia, "Patriotism," in Karen Christensen and David Levinson, eds., The Encyclopedia of Community (Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2003); Minxin Pei, "The Paradoxes of American Nationalism" in Foreign Policy, May/June 2003.馬基雅維利也持類似的觀點,see H. Zmora, "Love of Country and Love of **: Patriotism and Human Nature in Machiavelli," in History of Political Thought, Vol. XXV, No. 3 (2004), pp. 444-445;及[美]列奧·斯特勞斯、約翰·克羅波西主編:《政治哲學史》,李天然等譯,河北人民出版社,1998年,第325頁。 40 Martha C. Nussbaum, "Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism," in Martha C. Nussbaum, For Love of Country? (Boston: Beacon Press, 2002), p. 13. 41 有兩本書對這一爭論作了有益的介紹,see J. Cohen and M. C. Nussbaum eds., For Love of Country: Debating the Limits of Patriotism (Boston, Mass.: Beacon Press, 1996); I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism (Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002). 42 在這方面做出深入探討的是Thomas Nagel, Equality and Partiality (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991). 43 David McCabe, "Patriotic Gore, Again," in I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism ( Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), p. 137. 44 David Miller, "In Defence of Nationality," Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 10 (1993), p. 4. 45 M. Viroli, For Love of Country: An Essay on Patriotism and Nationalism (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1995), p. 9. 46 See R. Dagger, "Rights, Boundaries, and the Bonds of Community: A Qualified Defense of Moral Parochialism," American Political Science Review, Vol. 79 (1985). 47 本段論證主要參照Igor Primoratz, "Patriotism: A Deflationary View," The Philosophical Forum, Vol. XXXIII, No. 4 (Winter 2002), pp. 443-458. 48 See A. J. Simmons, Moral Principles and Political Obligations (Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 1979), chap. 7. 49 F. R. Berger, "Gratitude," Ethics, Vol. 85 (1974/75), p. 299. 50 See R. E. Goodin, "What Is So Special about Our Fellow Countrymen?" In I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism (Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), pp. 150-152. 51 F. Toennies, "TheConcept of Gemeinschaft," in W. J. Cahnman and R. Heberle eds., On Sociology: Pure, Applied, and Empirical (Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1971), pp. 65-66. 52 Alasdair MacIntryre, "Is Patriotism a Virtue," in I. Primoratz ed., Patriotism ( Amherst, NY: Humanity Books, 2002), p.44. 53 Leslie Green, The Authority of the State (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988), pp. 41-42. 54 R. B. Friedman, "On the Concept of Authority in Political Philosophy," in Joseph Raz ed., Authority (New York: New York University Press, 1990), p. 77. 55 R. B. Friedman, "On the Concept of Authority in Political Philosophy," in Joseph Raz ed., Authority (New York: New York University Press, 1990), p. 78. 56 Thomas Nagel, Equality and Partiality (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991), p. 8. 57 Igor Primoratz, "Patriotism: A Deflationary View," The Philosophical Forum, Vol. XXXIII, No. 4 (Winter 2002), pp. 457-458.
本文作者:潘亞玲 復旦大學國際關係與公共事務學院2004級博士研究生