List of Our Creative Translation Works會員原創「粵譯外文經典」一覽
<P> More and more members participate in our creative topic "Translate Foreign Classic into Cantonese". All of their works are listed below for quick index (sequence as per the post time). Any fresh supplies shall be highly appreciated:</P><P> 由粵語協會始創嘅「粵譯外文經典」Topic,得到唔少會員嘅踴躍支持,喺呢度將咁多位會員原創嘅翻譯作品列晒出嚟(以發帖時間排序),方便查閱,並期待不斷有新血補充:</P>
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<P> Take 1: 日譯粵 <A href=""><FONT color=red>《挪威的森林》(《ノルウェイの森》》)選段</FONT></A> by 馬萬千</P>
<P> Take 2: 英譯粵 <FONT color=red><A href=""><FONT color=red>豪情詩句</FONT></A></FONT> by Canton-Loka</P>
<P> Take 3: 英譯粵 <A href=""><FONT color=red>基督教密宗經文</FONT></A> by Libran</P>
<P> Take 4: 英譯粵 <FONT color=red><A href=""><FONT color=red>《簡·愛》第五章選段</FONT></A></FONT> by Pippo</P>
<P> Take 5: 英譯粵 <FONT color=red><A href=""><FONT color=red>Tunguska Event(通古斯神秘事件)</FONT></A></FONT> by 광몽왕국</P>
<P> Take 6: 法譯粵 <FONT color=red><A href=""><FONT color=red>安南嘅Francophonie</FONT></A></FONT> by 廣州人喺圖盧茲</P>
<P> Take 7: 日譯粵 <FONT color=red><A href=""><FONT color=red>NYフィルが平壌公演を正式発表</FONT></A></FONT> by 광몽왕국</P>
<P> Take 8: 日譯粵 <FONT color=red><A href=""><FONT color=red>道教寺院で獅子舞、新年を祝う中国·広東省</FONT></A></FONT> by 광몽왕국</P>
<P> Take 9: 英譯粵 <FONT color=red><A href=""><FONT color=red>陳冠希道歉英文稿</FONT></A></FONT> by 眾人</P>
<P> Take 10: 英及多種語言對照 <FONT color=red>哈利·波特與魔法石</FONT> by 余OK</P>
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<P> To be continued待續...</P>
[ 本帖最後由 余OK 於 2008-5-7 23:25 編輯 ] 建議參與此話題嘅會員發帖嘅時候,標題都以「粵譯外文經典」開頭,後跟所選名著標題,以便標識,多謝合作。 但系, 「粵譯外文經典」太多字嚄, 搞到題目好長.... <P>原帖由 <I>茗荷介</I> 於 2007-12-6 15:42 發表 <A href="" target=_blank><IMG onclick=zoom(this) alt="" src="" onload="attachimg(this, 'load')" border=0></A> 建議參與此話題嘅會員發帖嘅時候,標題都以「粵譯外文經典」開頭,後跟所選名著標題,以便標識,多謝合作。 </P>
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<P><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=5>No Problem !</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT> </P>
<P><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=6>ROCK ON !!!<IMG style="WIDTH: 34px; HEIGHT: 31px" height=33 alt="" src="" width=20 border=0 smilieid="14"></FONT> </P> <P>To neogeo:外語版目前主題重係比較天馬行空,有啲散亂,難得OK牽頭開咗個咁有針對性嘅欄目,標題長啲咪重好認?<IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="1"> </P>
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<P>To ????:多謝支持。有幸拜讀幾位嘅發言,都學到唔少嘢。</P> <P> There are a great number of websites and forums concerning foreign languages. How to feature our speciality here as a part of Cantonese culture? We had better offer something never seen elsewhere, I figure this topic is a good try to such direction.</P>
<P> Let's move it forward!</P>
<P> 互聯網上高大把外語網站同論壇,點先體現到我哋協會外語版嘅獨特之處呢?應該係提供到為我獨創,不讓人專美嘅元素,呢個topic正正係實踐此理念嘅嘗試。</P>
<P> 繼續開拫佢!</P>
<P>原帖由 <I>余OK</I> 於 2007-12-6 15:34 發表 <A href="" target=_blank><IMG onclick=zoom(this) alt="" src="" onload="attachimg(this, 'load')" border=0></A> More and more members participate in our creative topic "Translate Foreign Classic into Cantonese". All of their works are listed below for quick index (sequence as per the post time). Any fresh s ... </P><P> </P>
<P>版主,可否將怪碼" ???" 改正為 "광몽왕국"</P>
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<P><FONT face=新細明體>感謝합니다 !</FONT></P>