<P>基督教密宗經文譯粵</P><P><BR>各位, </P>
<P><BR>Kabbalah 系 <U>猶太--基督系宗教</U>(Christianity) 嘅密宗, 近年渠嘅一啲經文被譯成英文, 使普羅大眾有機會一窺其堂奧.</P>
<P><BR>而家我嘗試將渠一啲經文片段譯成粵文, 其中或有錯漏之處, 歡迎大家指正</P>
<P><BR>English text extracted from <B>Introduction to Kabbhala</B>:<BR><A href="http://fraktali.849pm.com/text/archive/jud/kabintr.htm" target=_blank>http://fraktali.849pm.com/text/archive/jud/kabintr.htm</A></P>
<P><BR>"The soul is a veiled light. This light is triple:<BR>靈魂, 系被包住嘅光. 呢個光有三重:</P>
<P><BR>"Neschamah =the pure spirit<BR>Neschamah = 純淨嘅靈</P>
<P><BR>"Ruach =the soul or spirit;<BR>Ruach = 靈或魂</P>
<P><BR>"Nephesch =the plastic mediator.<BR>Nephesch = 可塑嘅中介.</P>
<P><BR>"The veil of the soul is the shell of the image."<BR>靈魂嘅紗罩就系映象嘅殼.</P>
<P><BR>"The image is double because it reflects alike the good and the evil anyel of the soul.<BR>映象系雙重嘅, 渠反映咗靈魂嘅善惡兩面.</P>
<P><BR>"Nephesch is immortal by renewal of itself through the destruction of forms;<BR>Nephesch 系不滅嘅, 渠通過形質嘅毀滅來重生;</P>
<P><BR>"Ruach is progressive through the evolution of ideas;<BR>Ruach 隨著念頭而演變;</P>
<P><BR>"Neschamah is progressive without forgetfulness and without destruction.<BR>Neschamah 亦會演變, 而且唔會忘記或消滅.</P>
<P><BR>"There are three habitations of souls:-<BR>靈魂有三個居所:</P>
<P><BR>"The Abyss of Life; <BR>命之淵;</P>
<P><BR>"The superior Eden; <BR>高級伊甸園;</P>
<P><BR>"The inferior Eden." <BR>次級伊甸園;</P>
<P><BR>"The image Tzelem is a sphinx which propounds the enigma of life.<BR>Tzelem 呢個映象系 sphinx (獅身人面) 出嘅生命之迷.</P>
<P><BR>"The fatal image (ie., that which succumbs to the outer) endows Nephesch with his attributes, but Ruach can substitute the image conquered by the inspirations of Neschamah.<BR>(屈從於外界嘅)命運嘅映象會影響 Nephesch, 但系, 依靠 Neschamah 嘅啟迪, Ruach 可以改變呢個映象.</P>
<P><BR>"The body is the veil of Nephesch, Nephesch is the veil of Ruach, Ruach is the veil of the shroud of Neschamah.<BR>身體系 Nephesch 嘅紗罩, Nephesch 系 Ruach 嘅紗罩, Ruach 系 Neschamah 嘅包裹嘅紗罩.</P>
<P><BR>"Light personifies itself by veiling itself, ard the personification is only stable when the veil is perfect.<BR>光用紗罩包住自己, 變成咗人. 但系, 要等個紗罩達致完美, 呢種人格化先至穩定.<BR>( Translator's Note: 可參考佛教、道教之 " 道器" 概念 )</P>
<P><BR>"This perfection upon earth is relative to the universal soul of the earth (i.e., as the macrocosm or greater world, so the microcosm or lesser world, which is man).<BR>呢種喺地上達成嘅完美, 同大地嘅宇宙之靈(作為宏觀宇宙)相關. (微觀宇宙, 即系人身, 亦系咁)</P>
<P><BR>"There are three atmospheres for the souls.<BR>靈魂有三種氛圍.</P>
<P><BR>"The third atmosphere finishes where the planetary attraction of the other worlds commences.<BR>開始受到其它世界嘅行星吸引嗰陣, 第三種氛圍就結束.</P>
<P><BR>"Souls perfected on this earth pass on to another station.<BR>喺呢個大地上達致完美嘅靈魂, 會轉去下一站.</P>
<P><BR>"After traversing the planets they come to the sun; then they ascend into another universe and recommence their planetary evolution from world to world and from sun to sun.<BR>遊歷過所有行星之後, 渠哋會去到太陽; 然後, 渠哋昇到另一個宇宙, 再次開始渠哋喺行星上嘅進化. 就咁樣, 渠哋從一個世界到另一個世界, 從一個太陽到另一個太陽.</P>
<P><BR>"In the suns they remember, and in the planets they forget.<BR>喺太陽度, 渠哋會記得; 喺行星度, 渠哋會遺忘.</P>
<P><BR>"The solar lives are the days of eternal life, and the planetary lives are the nights with their dreams.<BR>喺太陽度嘅生活, 系永恒生命嘅白天; 喺行星度嘅生活, 系發緊夢嘅長夜.</P>
<P><BR>"Angels are luminous emanations personified, not by trial and veil, but by divine influence and reflex.<BR>天使系人格化嘅發光體. 渠哋唔系靠試驗或者紗罩, 而系靠神聖嘅感應力來維持.</P>
<P><BR>"The angels aspire to become men, for the perfect man, the man-God, is above every angel.<BR>天使渴望成為人, 因為, 一個完美嘅人 -- 人中之神, 高於每個天使.</P>
<P><BR>"The planetary lives are composed of ten dreams of a hundred years each, and each solar life is a thousand years; therefore is it said that a thousand years are in the sight of God as one day.<BR>喺行星度嘅生活由十個夢組成, 每個夢一百年; 而每次喺太陽度嘅生活系一千年. 所以話, 喺上帝眼中, 一千年就系一日.</P>
[ 本帖最後由 茗荷介 於 2007-12-6 15:47 編輯 ] 拓展粵文使用範圍, 好~~ <P> </P>
<P>佛教密宗就聞名遐邇,回教裡頭亦都有神秘主義教派,不過耶穌教有密宗我就第一次聽。</P> <P>原帖由 <I>libran</I> 於 2007-12-4 14:46 發表 <A href="http://bbs.cantonese.asia/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=66156&ptid=8900" target=_blank><IMG onclick=zoom(this) alt="" src="http://bbs.cantonese.asia/images/common/back.gif" onload="attachimg(this, 'load')" border=0></A> 基督教密宗經文譯粵各位, Kabbalah 系 猶太--基督系宗教(Christianity) 嘅密宗, 近年渠嘅一啲經文被譯成英文, 使普羅大眾有機會一窺其堂奧. 而家我嘗試將渠一啲經文片段譯成粵文, 其中或有錯漏之處, 歡迎大家指正 ... </P>
<P> </P>
<P>Hi ! LIBRAN !</P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P>
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<P>"<U>Nephesch is immortal by renewal of itself through the destruction of forms;<BR>Nephesch 系不滅嘅, 渠通過形質嘅毀滅來重生</U></P>
<P> </P>
<P>重有,你覺唔覺的上一段經文系是否對應咗"SAMSARA THEORY"(輪迴理論)呢?, 因為我有好多基督教朋友都對SAMSARA THEORY嗤之以鼻.同佢哋傾偈,難有共識.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>簿伽梵歌(BHAGAVAN GITA)內,有一段經文,如是說:"<U>我無生,於不同時代,以不同形態顕現</U>" 睇落與你上面段經文意義好相同,不妨研究下.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>粵恊會員兄弟真系人才多多,各式各樣通識學問都唔少,真系可喜可賀!</P> <P>???? 兄乃在下知音也.</P>
<P><BR>Were the real and sublime philosophy of the Bible better known, there would be fewer fanatics and sectarians. And who can calculate the vastness of the harm done to impressionable and excitable persons by the bigoted enthusiasts who ever and anon come forward as teachers of the people? How many suicides are the result of religious mania and depression! What farragos of sacrilegious nonsense have not been promulgated as the true meanings of the books of the Prophets and the Apocalypse! Given a translation of the sacred Hebrew Book, in many instances incorrect, as the foundation, an inflamed and an ill-balanced mind as the worker thereon, what sort of edifice can be expected as the result? I say fearlessly to the fanatics and bigots of the present day: You have cast down the Sublime and Infinite One from His throne, and in His stead have placed the demon of unbalanced force; you have substituted a deity of disorder and of jealousy for a God of order and of love; you have perverted the teachings of the crucified One. Therefore at this present time an English translation of the Qabalah is almost a necessity, for the Zohar has never before been translated into the language of this country, nor, as far as I am aware, into any modern European vernacular.</P>
<P><BR>喺地球上, 古今中外都有好多成道嘅聖人. 中國有, 印度有, 埃及有, 歐洲亦有. 其實萬法歸一, 世界各大宗教可以互相幫助合作, 利益更多眾生.</P>
<P> </P> 對 Kabbalah 嘅更多介紹:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kabbalah 睇來呢度高人幾多啵, 幸會幸會~ 呢段Kabbalah經文同其它宗教嘅教義有咩相似/相同點呢? 可否指教下? <P>如果系指以下呢一段:</P>
<P> </P>
<P>"Nephesch is immortal by renewal of itself through the destruction of forms;<BR>Nephesch <U>系不滅嘅, 渠通過形質嘅毀滅來重生</U></P>
<P> </P>
<P>KABBALAH 與 VEDA(韋陀經)精華"簿伽梵歌(BHAGAVAN GITA"嘅"輪迴學說"有相同之處</P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P>
<P>簿伽梵歌有一段經文,如是說:"<U>我無生, 於不同時代, 以不同形態顕現.</U></P>
<P><U></U> </P>
<P><U></U> </P>
<P><U></U> </P>
<P> </P> <P>各位兄台客氣嘞. 咁我就引用下各教聖典, 若有引用不當之處, 望諸君指正:</P>
<P> </P>
<P><BR>"The soul is a veiled light. This light is triple:<BR>靈魂, 系被包住嘅光. 呢個光有三重:</P>
<P><BR>"Neschamah =the pure spirit<BR>Neschamah = 純淨嘅靈</P>
<P><BR>"Ruach =the soul or spirit;<BR>Ruach = 靈或魂</P>
<P><BR>"Nephesch =the plastic mediator.<BR>Nephesch = 可塑嘅中介.</P>
<P><BR>"The veil of the soul is the shell of the image."<BR>靈魂嘅紗罩就系映象嘅殼.</P>
<P><BR>"The image is double because it reflects alike the good and the evil anyel of the soul.<BR>映象系雙重嘅, 渠反映咗靈魂嘅善惡兩面.</P>
<P><BR>"Nephesch is immortal by renewal of itself through the destruction of forms;<BR>Nephesch 系不滅嘅, 渠通過形質嘅毀滅來重生;</P>
<P><BR>"Ruach is progressive through the evolution of ideas;<BR>Ruach 隨著念頭而演變;</P>
<P><BR>"Neschamah is progressive without forgetfulness and without destruction.<BR>Neschamah 亦會演變, 而且唔會忘記或消滅.</P>
<P><BR>"There are three habitations of souls:-<BR>靈魂有三個居所:</P>
<P><BR>"The Abyss of Life; <BR>命之淵;</P>
<P><BR>"The superior Eden; <BR>高級伊甸園;</P>
<P><BR>"The inferior Eden." <BR>次級伊甸園;</P>
<P><BR>"The image Tzelem is a sphinx which propounds the enigma of life.<BR>Tzelem 呢個映象系 sphinx (獅身人面) 出嘅生命之迷.</P>
<P><BR>"The fatal image (ie., that which succumbs to the outer) endows Nephesch with his attributes, but Ruach can substitute the image conquered by the inspirations of Neschamah.<BR>(屈從於外界嘅)命運嘅映象會影響 Nephesch, 但系, 依靠 Neschamah 嘅啟迪, Ruach 可以改變呢個映象.</P>
<P><BR>"The body is the veil of Nephesch, Nephesch is the veil of Ruach, Ruach is the veil of the shroud of Neschamah.<BR>身體系 Nephesch 嘅紗罩, Nephesch 系 Ruach 嘅紗罩, Ruach 系 Neschamah 嘅包裹嘅紗罩.</P>
<P>【道教】【三清】: 玉清、上清、太清.</P>
<P><BR>《黃帝陰符經》云: 九竅之邪,在乎三要</P>
<P><BR>二、引出佛性, 依修行之功,而本有之佛性漸為引出者。三乘之行人具之。</P>
<P><BR>【Christianity】【Trinity】:<BR><A href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity" target=_blank>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trinity</A></P>
<P><BR><B>* 關於輪迴:</B></P>
<P> </P>
[ 本帖最後由 libran 於 2007-12-6 18:24 編輯 ] <P></P>
<P>"Light personifies itself by veiling itself, ard the personification is only stable when the veil is perfect.<BR>光用紗罩包住自己, 變成咗人. 但系, 要等個紗罩達致完美, 呢種人格化先至穩定.<BR>( Translator's Note: 可參考佛教、道教之 "道器" 概念 )</P>
<P><BR>《大方廣佛華嚴經》云:<BR>譬如娑伽羅龍王。所霔大雨。唯除大海。餘一切處。皆不能安。不能受。不能攝。不能持。如來秘密藏。大法明。大法照。大法雨。亦復如是。唯除第十地菩薩。餘一切眾生。聲聞獨覺。乃至第九地菩薩。皆不能安。不能受。不能攝。不能持。佛子譬如大海。能安能受。能攝能持。一大龍王。所霔大雨。若二若三。乃至無量諸龍王雨。於一念間。一時霔下。皆能安能受。能攝能持。何以故。以是無量。廣大器故。住法雲地菩薩。亦復如是。能安能受。能攝能持。一佛法明。法照法雨。若二若三。乃至無量。於一念頃。一時演說。悉亦如是。是故此地。名為法雲。</P> <P></P>
<P>"This perfection upon earth is relative to the universal soul of the earth (i.e., as the macrocosm or greater world, so the microcosm or lesser world, which is man).<BR>呢種喺地上達成嘅完美, 同大地嘅宇宙之靈(作為宏觀宇宙)相關. (微觀宇宙, 即系人身, 亦系咁)</P>
<P><BR>人身即宇宙, 宇宙即人身也. 見此頁:<BR>http://home.comcast.net/~taoistresource/body/body.html</P>
<P><BR>呆堂禪師云:<BR>應無所住生其心,廓徹圓明處處真。直下頂門開正眼,大千沙界現全身。</P> <P></P>
<P>"There are three atmospheres for the souls.<BR>靈魂有三種氛圍.</P>
<P><BR>"The third atmosphere finishes where the planetary attraction of the other worlds commences.<BR>開始受到其它世界嘅行星吸引嗰陣, 第三種氛圍就結束.</P>
<P><BR>"Souls perfected on this earth pass on to another station.<BR>喺呢個大地上達致完美嘅靈魂, 會轉去下一站.</P>
<P><BR>"After traversing the planets they come to the sun; then they ascend into another universe and recommence their planetary evolution from world to world and from sun to sun.<BR>遊歷過所有行星之後, 渠哋會去到太陽; 然後, 渠哋昇到另一個宇宙, 再次開始渠哋喺行星上嘅進化. 就咁樣, 渠哋從一個世界到另一個世界, 從一個太陽到另一個太陽.</P>
<P><BR>《大方廣佛華嚴經》云:<BR>佛子。是名菩薩第三發光地。菩薩住此地。多作三十三天王。<BR>.....<BR>佛子。是名略說菩薩摩訶薩第四焰慧地。菩薩住此地。多作須夜摩天王。<BR>......<BR>佛子。是名略說菩薩摩訶薩第五難勝地。菩薩住此地。多作兜率陀天王。<BR>......<BR>佛子。是名略說菩薩摩訶薩第六現前地。菩薩住此地。多作善化天王。<BR>......<BR>佛子。是名略說菩薩摩訶薩第七遠行地。菩薩住此地。多作自在天王。<BR>......<BR>是名略說諸菩薩摩訶薩第八不動地。若廣說者。經無量劫。不可窮盡。佛子。菩薩摩訶薩。住此地。多作大梵天王。主千世界。最勝自在。<BR>......<BR>佛子。是名略說菩薩摩訶薩第九善慧地。若廣說者。於無量劫。亦不能盡。佛子。菩薩摩訶薩。住此地。多作二千世界主。大梵天王。<BR>......<BR>佛子。是名略說菩薩摩訶薩第十法雲地。若廣說者。假使無量阿僧祇劫。亦不能盡。佛子。菩薩住此地。多作摩醯首羅天王。</P> <P></P>
<P>"In the suns they remember, and in the planets they forget.<BR>喺太陽度, 渠哋會記得; 喺行星度, 渠哋會遺忘.</P>
<P><BR>"The solar lives are the days of eternal life, and the planetary lives are the nights with their dreams.<BR>喺太陽度嘅生活, 系永恒生命嘅白天; 喺行星度嘅生活, 系發緊夢嘅長夜.</P>
<P><BR>《妙法蓮華經》云:<BR>爾時佛告舍利弗:『吾今於天、人、沙門、婆羅門、等,大眾中說,我昔曾於二萬億佛所,為無上道故,常教化汝,汝亦長夜隨我受學。我以方便引導汝故,生我法中。舍利弗,我昔教汝志願佛道,汝今悉忘,而便自謂、已得滅度。我今還欲令汝憶念本願所行道故,為諸聲聞說是大乘經,名妙法蓮華、教菩薩法、佛所護念。』</P> <P></P>
<P>"Angels are luminous emanations personified, not by trial and veil, but by divine influence and reflex.<BR>天使系人格化嘅發光體. 渠哋唔系靠試驗或者紗罩, 而系靠神聖嘅感應力來維持.</P>
<P><BR>"The angels aspire to become men, for the perfect man, the man-God, is above every angel.<BR>天使渴望成為人, 因為, 一個完美嘅人 -- 人中之神, 高於每個天使.</P>
<P><BR>man-God, 即肉身成道之聖者, 古今中外都有好多. 可參見《列僊傳》、《神僊傳》、《大明高僧傳》、《歷代法寶記》等等.</P>
<P><BR>鍾離權《破迷正道歌》云:<BR>祖祖相傳古到今。一理變合大地理,神僊口訣不為虛</P> <P>萬法歸一</P>
<P><BR>《金剛般若波羅蜜經》云:<BR>須菩提, 如來所得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提,於是中無實無虛。是故如來說:一切法皆是佛法</P>
<P><BR>《圓悟佛果禪師語錄》卷第二十( 大正藏 1997 )雲:<BR>修禪道人。隨身卓庵。取名於佛果、老子。因與名之若虛。乃會三為一也。而不出本分事及禪教。永嘉雲。體若虛空沒涯岸。佛經云。佛真法身猶若虛空。混元雲。深藏若虛。宣尼雲。實若虛。雲一滴滴水一滴滴凍。只麼平常表裏空洞。根塵絕偶六門互用。快住此庵十八不共。要戲罅隙灼然無縫。應物非緣誰為幻夢</P>
<P><BR>《重陽全真集》(正統道藏 1176)雲:<BR>釋道從來是一家,兩般形貌理無差。<BR>識心見性全真覺,知汞通鉛結善芽。</P> <P> </P>
<P>Libran 兄亦以恊會員應化身<U>為汝等</U>說法!</P>
<P> </P>
<P>如各位兄弟有興趣,請馬上"印心"down load 呢啲經文,慢慢參詳,佛法住世,非常幸福,正所謂"百千萬劫難遭遇"</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Om Namaste ! ( 眾生平安, 合十!)</P>
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