瑤"water在2006-4-9 18:23:47說道:我想知道"羅瑞瑤"嘅英文應該係乜吖...好似"林"就係"lam"
羅瑞瑤 law sui yiu
瑤"water在2006-4-9 20:32:44說道:唔該曬 應該係「唔該晒」。 <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>Desmond</I>在2006-4-9 19:15:14的發言:</B><BR><DIV class=quote>瑤"water在2006-4-9 18:23:47說道:我想知道"羅瑞瑤"嘅英文應該係乜吖...<BR>好似"林"就係"lam"<BR>"張"就係"cheung"哩種吖...唔該幫幫手吖...</DIV><BR><BR>羅瑞瑤 law sui yiu</DIV>
<P></P>Bingo <P>羅瑞瑤: Lor Soi Yil</P>
<P>accuracy is always the first concern</P><br>
[此帖子已經被作者於2007-5-25 15:12:37編輯過]
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>libran</I>在2007-5-25 15:01:34的發言:</B><BR>
<P>羅瑞瑤: Lor Soi Yil</P>
<P>accuracy is always the first concern</P><BR><BR></DIV>
<P>"Lor" can be considered to be accurate but "Soi" and "Yil" are not. However, it is prevalence that always comes first.</P> <P>"Soi" is not very accurate, it is kind of difficult to simulate the exact Cantonese pronunciation of 瑞, but at least it is better than "sui", "sui" would be pronounced "soo-i" by the foreigners.</P>
<P>"Yil" is accurate, the pronunciation of "Yil" is , eg. silver, silk, silva, milk, nil, zilch, etc.</P>
<P>We are introducing Cantonese to the world, our goal is to make the foreigners be able to say Correct Cantonese, not "approximate" Cantonese.</P>
[此帖子已經被作者於2007-5-25 19:41:56編輯過]
<P>呵呵,libran兄深明大義,相信各位都理解;但是恐怕甚少人曉念……</P><P>“羅瑞瑤 law sui yiu”此譯法相信可廣為接受,且可讓衆多西人念;</P><P>至于準確性,本來用英文拼寫方法譯廣州話讀音(或中文)就很難保證“準確性”(即同一中文字、詞,可能出現多種譯法,不一枚舉),無需過于拘泥一法,從衆即可……</P>
[此帖子已經被作者於2007-5-26 9:28:15編輯過]
我橕libran, sui yiu 畀外國人黎讀真系同粵語原音差好遠, soi yil 就好好多, 因為系符合英文單詞發音規則嘅 Mandarin拼音亦有類似問題 -- 畀外國人讀會同原音差好遠, 所以, 都系用英文發音規則黎表示粵語發音好D. The pronunciation of "Yil" is different from that of "瑤". Think it twice. <DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<i>desmond</i>在2007-6-1 10:07:39的發言:</B><br>The pronunciation of "Yil" is different from that of "瑤". Think it twice.</DIV><p> <P>據廣州音字典: 瑤 </P>
<P>yiu系捞式拼音, 畀外國人讀肯定唔啱. 但至少我地可以知道 "瑤" 讀 "搖', 按英文拼些規則, 就系Yil</P> <P>"law sui yiu" sounds like 罗 sui 如 actually.</P>
<P>In Mandarin PinYin, the pronunciation of "ui" is , and the pronunciation of "iu" is , but most foreigners do not follow these rules.</P> <P>L is a consonant while U is a vowel. That's why they are pronounced differently.</P>
<P>Most Cantonese native speakers can't distinguish the subtle difference between the two phonemes.</P> 我乳名叫“楊洋”但我真係好唔鍾意呢個名,一方面係因為佢比較女性化,但最重要嘅係因為呢個名太“行”,冇啲個性,同我性格好唔夾,所以就,乾脆將佢改成英文名“Ocean Yoeng” 同意,LAW SUI YIU 應該就是羅瑞瑤身份證上的英文拼音(外省人唔算)。<br>按照此讀音介紹給鬼佬們就得嘞。<br>除非你係想教班鬼佬讀羅瑞瑤這三個字的廣東讀音, 那就可以考慮其他幾個同志回復的方法。
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>bjytly</I>在2007-6-14 1:41:36的發言:</B><br>同意,LAW SUI YIU 應該就是羅瑞瑤身份證上的英文拼音(外省人唔算)。<br>按照此讀音介紹給鬼佬們就得嘞。<br>除非你係想教班鬼佬讀羅瑞瑤這三個字的廣東讀音, 那就可以考慮其他幾個同志回復的方法。 <br></DIV>
<P> </P>
<P>人地而家就系問廣東話發音, 梗系 soy yil 接近D啦</P>
[此帖子已經被作者於2007-6-21 14:47:54編輯過]