Fortunately the managers are natives and not soo good at English, I can boast of using the properer English and may escape from their blame. Influenced by me other colleagues love the Hong Kong spelling style, they really understand it. However a latest version business card has been created using simplified Chinese and the said great version may retire, totall bullshit. I will insist on using it until the last day.
好彩阿頭都係本地人英文又jaa6 jaa6烏,如果畀佢哋知道,我大可以話噉樣拼法更符合英文規則,諒佢哋都唔會怪責,何況其他同事受我影響都鍾意香港拼法,唔會點講壞話。不過而家又搞咗個新版本咭片出嚟,中文部分用咗簡化字,呢個咁正嘅版本到時可能要折埋,眞係眼冤,我會堅持用到最後一刻。
[ 本帖最後由 余OK 於 2007-11-20 01:05 編輯 ] |