發表於 2005-2-13 07:15:48
top secret(電影「最佳拍之女皇密令」日本公開版主題曲/許冠傑&山田邦子)
作曲 佐久間正英
作詞 麻生圭子
why don't you know i love you still thinkin' of you and your beauty oh,i miss you 毎日想見 禮拜一 禮拜二 禮拜三 禮拜四 毎日想見 禮拜五 禮拜六 禮拜日 禮拜日 今晩邊度 今晩點解見唔到 when i see you in the night always another chinese boy holds you tight oh,no don't make me so down i'll never bother him top,top,top secret top,top,top secret nobody knows(最高秘密) top,top,top secret top,top,top secret nobody knows oh,mad mission 點解唔知我鐘意 但偏我心中熱情愛於 皇帝密使 you have silent lips please tell me your name please tell me what's inside you have silent lips please tell me your name please tell me what's inside don't control your nature you'll fall in love with me in future 由我初日見到 就似跌進夢郷深深処下 錯 那是命運処処控制毎一切. |