本帖最後由 加州阳光 於 2010-7-8 03:17 編輯
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宋美玲曾经说过,只有在他乡,才能明白故国的好。虽然不是原话,但我想表达的是那种 ...
喇叭花 發表於 2010-7-7 23:42
如果你有盘生意或家庭(老番话斋 tires)在中国,短期出国游或公干进修,梗系成日想返屋企喇。个人觉得出佐国工作生活养家后(正真在一个国度生活),故国的优点同缺点都比在国内时体得更清楚。亦能更清楚体到美国的精华和糟粕。
No place on Earth is perfect except perhaps the heaven. I certainly don't want to die to get there at this point of time-. It really boils down to where your career and family are. The place where you have more tires, the better you would feel. That's why Visa officer will check how many links (bank deposit, jobs, real estate) you have with China in order to decide if a visa should be granted. The more links the applicant presents, the less likely he/she would overstay.
5好意思,打D英文搭救。我打中文尤其满大人拼音好慢。早两个星期打电话去台湾傾公事,的国语讲到一额汗。。好鬼羡慕你地打的粤语字。我用Linux,有无得搞?? |