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[純水無大礙] 古人用什么擦屁股

發表於 2009-9-7 14:51:13 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式


2005 年5月25日 19:22                                   古人大便后用何物拭秽?港剧《寻秦记》提出了这一问题。剧中有这样一个情节:香港特警项少龙被时空穿梭机送到战国时代的赵国,夜宿一居民家中,内急要 上厕所,项少龙向老翁要「卫生纸」,老翁懵然不知何物,项说:「怎么擦屁股」?老翁从茅坑边拿起一块竹片说「这就是啊!请随便用」。看到此处,不禁使人失 笑。对呀,古人用什么擦屁股呢?

   清朝人用纸拭秽,有多处文献可以考证。此处仅举一例,红楼梦第四十一回有段刘姥姥拉肚子的文字:刘姥姥觉得腹内一阵乱响,忙的拉着一个小丫头,要了两张 纸就解衣。众人又是笑,又忙喝他「这里使不得!」忙命一个婆子带了东北上去了。这段描写说明,在曹雪芹生活时期,无论是大观园还是乡下的人物,都已经使用 手纸拭秽了。
   明清之际宋应星所著《天工开物》杀青第十三记载:「凡纸质用楮树(一名榖树)皮与桑穰、芙蓉膜等诸物者为皮纸。用竹麻者为竹纸。精者极其洁白,供书文、 印文、柬、启用。粗者为火纸、包裹纸」。又记载:「此纸(火纸)十七供冥烧,十三供日用」。由此可知,纸因其原料不同而分为「皮纸」和「竹纸」,但无论何 种纸都有「精」、「粗」之分,其中精者用来写字,粗者百分之七十用来做焚烧祭鬼神,百分之三十为日用品。
  分清了纸的种类,我们还 要知道,敬惜字纸在中国有很久的传统。民间传说用印了字的纸拭秽要遭到报应。清朝时,社会上有大量的《惜字律》被看作是文昌帝君制定的天条圣律而流传,今 天我们仍然可以看到《惜字律》、《惜字新编》、《惜字征验录》、《文昌帝君惜字律》、《文昌惜字功过律》等。官方甚至明文禁止在可能用来拭秽的纸上印字。 「1873年3月14日《申报》刊载消息说,一女子用字纸拭秽,扔入便桶,遭雷击跪倒。同年12月3日两江总督李宗羲通令各纸坊铺:不准于草纸等项纸边加 盖字号戳记,更不许将废书旧账改造还魂纸,以免秽亵」。
  使用手纸的最早记载见于元朝,唐宋之前,人们用的是一种叫做「厕筹」的木 头片或竹片,大概是因为元朝统治者文化落后,没有汉民族「敬惜字纸」的意识。据《元史》列传第三后妃二记载,「裕宗徽仁裕圣皇后」伯蓝也怯赤当太子妃的时 候对婆婆「昭睿顺圣皇后」非常孝顺,她要在婆婆拭秽之前用自己的脸试试手纸的柔软度:「后性孝谨,善事中宫,世祖每称之为贤德媳妇。侍昭睿顺圣皇后,不离 左右,至溷厕所用纸,亦以面擦,令柔软以进。」
   近来日本考古发现了许多古代厕所,1992年在奈良县高殿町发掘藤原京遗址过程中,发现了被称为「日本最古老的厕所」遗迹,厕所遗迹出在7世纪末的藤原 京右京七条一坊建筑遗址的外侧,「厕坑中出土筹木150余根」类似的厕筹还在福冈市发掘的大约公元720~730年间的鸿胪馆厕所遗址中发现。时间在 11-12世纪的岩手县平泉町的柳之御所遗址也出土了大量厕筹,其规格「平均长24、宽0.5-0.8、厚0.5厘米」。唐宋间,中日交往密切,中国人的 生活方式对日本影响很深,因此日本的这些考古发现对推论唐宋时期中国人的拭秽工具很有参考价值。
  除了考古实物佐证外,唐宋间使用 厕筹的记载也多见于史籍,宋马令《南唐书。浮屠传》:「后主与周后顶僧伽帽,披袈裟,课诵佛经,跪拜顿颡,至为瘤赘。亲削僧徒厕简,试之以颊,少有芒剌, 则再加修治。」《资治通鉴》唐纪四十七记载,韩滉任镇海节度使,运送大量物资至关中,其中就有厕筹:「则资装器用已充舟中矣,下至厕筹,滉皆手笔记列,无 不周备。」
  唐代高僧道宣所述《教诫新学比丘行护律仪》上厕法第十四记载了僧人的日常规范,其中上厕法要求僧人「常具厕筹,不得失 阙」,并明文规定:「不得用文字故纸」。这个记载证明了唐朝时代的僧人用厕筹拭秽,同时很有意思的是禁止用「文字故纸」拭秽,既然禁止,那么现实生活中一 定有人这样做,不然何来禁止呢?
  唐宋之间,纸已经不仅仅用于写字,而且用作日用和焚烧祭鬼神。宋人《爱日斋丛钞》记载「南齐废帝 好鬼神,常剪纸为钱,以代束帛,而有纸钱」;《唐书》王屿传:「汉以来葬者皆有瘗钱,祷神而用纸钱,则自王屿始」;唐以后焚烧纸钱记载开始在史料中频频出 现。又《天工开物》记载:「盛唐时鬼神事繁,以纸钱代焚帛,北方用切条名曰板纸。故造此者名曰火纸。。。。。。此纸十七供冥烧,十三供日用,其最粗而厚者 名曰包裹纸,则竹麻和宿田晚稻稿所为也」。既然出现了日用的纸,那么,人们用它拭秽也是顺理成章了。
   唐朝僧人道世所著《法苑珠林》卷第十三之「感应录」记载:「吴时于建邺后园平地。获金像一躯。讨其本缘。谓是周初育王所造。镇于江府也。何以知然。自秦 汉魏未有佛法南达。何得有像埋瘗于地。孙皓得之。素未有信。不甚尊重。置于厕处令执屏筹。」此事若为真,则是三国时期就使用厕筹的明证。
   用厕筹之法疑随佛教而传入中国。在早期的佛教诸律中,记载了释迦牟尼指导众比丘使用厕筹的事情,如毗尼母经卷第六:尔时世尊在王舍城,有一比丘,婆罗门 种姓。净多污,上厕时以筹草刮下道,刮不已便伤破之,破已颜色不悦。诸比丘问言:「汝何以颜色憔悴为何患苦」?即答言:「我上厕时恶此不净,用筹重刮即自 伤体,是故不乐」。针对这种情况,释迦牟尼佛说:「起止已竟,用筹净刮令净。若无筹不得壁上拭令净,不得厕板梁栿上拭令净,不得用石,不得用青草,土块软 木皮软叶奇木皆不得用;所应用者,木竹苇作筹。


厕 筹传到中土后,一时在士大夫中传为时尚, 成为身份的象征. 但正如那位可怜的印度和尚,中国领导人使用厕筹也经常会」刮破下道」,血染内衣,十分的痛苦,但中国人自古就是很将面子的:屁眼疼算什么,士大夫的面子更 重要呵!照样用厕筹刮屁股眼! 时间长了,就在屁眼周围产生了象阿扁枪伤一样的伤口, 一用力气, 就会崩裂, 文官还无所谓, 武将就麻烦了: 两军阵前,敌人一招立劈华山,你接是不接?不接就要落慌而逃,回去轻则被揍军棍, 重则砍头;接了却就屁眼崩裂!血透过征袍,就会染红座骑, 尤其对于骑白马的将军,手下小兵马上就知道自己的主将被人家震破屁眼, 这可是巨丢面子的呀! 打也不是, 不打也不是, 骑白马的武将在战场上的表现就必然会打折扣.这也是为什么好多人认为「的卢」白马是不祥马匹的原因, 刘备因为不上两军阵, 自然骑白马就无所谓了. 吕布为什么那么厉害,除了自己本身武艺高强外, 也沾了坐骑赤兔马的光,由于赤兔马是红马, 沾了血也看不见,所以吕布打架时就不怕屁眼崩裂,敢拼老命拍人!没有赤兔马的关圣人被曹丞相逼到小土岗子上,被迫投降;有了赤兔马,却能把河北第一名将颜 良一刀砍下. 其巨大变化,也是因为无」后顾之忧」啊!

传说慈禧太后上厕所是很讲 究的,皇族大便不能叫拉屎,也不能叫出恭,有个专业词汇叫「传官房」,「官房」就是专指皇族的马桶. 一旦太后有了便意,就会给小安子个眼色, 小安子再吩咐几个宫女去分头准备:一个宫女去叫太监把马桶请进来, 太监不能用手拎,只能放在脑袋顶上顶进来,一个宫女去拿铺垫,一个去拿手纸。太后官房是用檀香木做成的,外表雕成大壁虎的形状,壁虎的四条腿是官房的四条 腿,壁虎的鼓肚就是放太后大便的地方;在鼓肚的底部先铺了一层厚厚的炒焦了的枣,太后的屎厥厥砸下去后,由于枣轻,屎厥厥翻个个儿,就沉到底下了.因为焦 枣很香,所以什么味儿都能盖住。太后的威严不能因为拉屎而受损失呀! 太后拉屎完毕, 就会再给小安子一个眼色,小安子就会接过宫女递过来的撒了香水的上等擦屁股纸, 嘴里低声说一句太后吉祥, 慈禧就微抬屁股,小安子抓住时机, 连擦3下除去污垢,然后再沾着水做清洗3次,最后喷上香水.太后起立,宫女给其整装. 威严的太后就出去处理朝庭大事了!

给 太后擦屁股需要很高的技巧.擦的时间长了,手劲用重了,都是要掉脑袋的, 更不要说擦不干净了, 那可是灭九族的大罪.但能给太后擦屁股,却也是无上的荣耀. 你想呀, 太后当然把自己的屁股眼交给最信得过的人手里了!民间传说小安子为了得到给太后擦屁股的工作,也是冬练三九, 下练三伏, 把皇宫里宫女的屁股都擦了3遍才练到太后舒心, 放心的.

和中国相比, 外国皇族的屁股虽然擦的没有那么雍容华贵, 却也很有特点:

15世纪以前,英国王室的屁股是用新鲜的鲑鱼肉片擦的, 但是不用佣人帮忙,是自己来擦的.据说鲑鱼有除臭和消痔的作用, 有痔疮的朋友不妨从超市买上2磅鲑鱼一试.

[源氏物语]中记载,日本皇族是用蝉的翅膀来擦屁股. 由于蝉翅很硬, 一般先把它们放到温水泡上三天, 然后在使用. 因为蝉翅是透明的, 所以肛门有什么病变就会一目了然.这是这种擦屁股方法的好处.

最 有意思的是中世纪末的法国,皇宫里擦屁股是用粗麻绳,这绳子从豪华的厕所屋顶吊下来,正好垂在蹲位的旁边.拉完屎后,就把绳子从两腿中间穿过,前面一手 拉, 后面一手拽, 象拉大锯一样, 搓屁股眼!更妙的是,这根绳子是公用的,皇上用完了皇后用,皇后用完了宠臣用,都使那一根,常年不换。以体现君臣万众一心.这种讲团结的方法,我们在学习 光辉的「三讲」理论时,是不是可以借鉴一下呢?

   释迦牟尼佛生活于公元前六、七世纪,这些戒律则成文于他逝世之后的一百多年,所以从目前的文献资料看,印度使用厕筹的历史要比中国早得多。东汉时期佛教 开始传入中国,最初传入的只是一些「经」,而对信众的日常起居做出明确要求的「律」则是从三国开始,而中国人使用厕筹的最早纪录也自三国始,所以厕筹由印 度传入说目前还是站得住脚但是不排除中国人在此之前就使用厕筹,只是目前没有证据而已。最终的答案,可能还要今后的考古发现来给出。
 樓主| 發表於 2009-9-7 14:51:46 | 顯示全部樓層

Wooden toilet paper from the Nara period (710 to 784) in Japan. The modern rolls in the background are for size comparison

Although paper had been known as a wrapping and padding material in China since the 2nd century BC,[1] the first use of toilet paper in human history dates back to the 6th century AD, in early medieval China.[2] In 589 AD the scholar-official Yan Zhitui (531–591) wrote about the use of toilet paper:
"Paper on which there are quotations or commentaries from Five Classics or the names of sages, I dare not use for toilet purposes".[2]

During the later Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD) a Muslim traveler to China in the year 851 AD remarked:
"They (the Chinese) are not careful about cleanliness, and they do not wash themselves with water when they have done their necessities; but they only wipe themselves with paper."[2]

During the early 14th century (Yuan Dynasty) it was recorded that in modern-day Zhejiangprovince alone there was an annual manufacturing of toilet paperamounting in ten million packages of 1,000 to 10,000 sheets of toiletpaper each.[2] During the Ming Dynasty(1368–1644 AD), it was recorded in 1393 that 720,000 sheets of toiletpaper (two by three feet in size) were produced for the general use ofthe Imperial court at the capital of Nanjing.[2] From the records of the Imperial Bureau of Supplies (Bao Chao Si) of that same year, it was also recorded that for Emperor Hongwu'simperial family alone, there were 15,000 sheets of special soft-fabrictoilet paper made, and each sheet of toilet paper was even perfumed.[2]
Elsewhere, wealthy people used wool, lace or hemp for their ablutions, while less wealthy people used their hand when defecating into rivers, or cleaned themselves with various materials such as rags, wood shavings, leaves, grass, hay, stone, sand, moss, water, snow, maize, ferns, may apple plant husks, fruit skins, or seashells, and corn cobs, depending upon the country and weather conditions or social customs. In Ancient Rome, a sponge on a stick was commonly used, and, after usage, placed back in a bucket of saltwater.
The 16th century French satirical writer François Rabelais in his series of novels Gargantua and Pantagruel,discussing the various ways of cleansing oneself at the toilet, wrotethat: "He who uses paper on his filthy bum, will always find hisballocks lined with scum", proposing that the soft feathers on the backof a live goose provide an optimum cleansing medium[citation needed].
In many parts of the world, especially where toilet paper or thenecessary plumbing for disposal may be unavailable or unaffordable,toilet paper is not used. Cleansing is then performed with other methods or materials, such as water, for example using a bidet, rags, sand, leaves (including seaweed), corn cobs, animal furs, or sticks.


Cleaning oneself

There are also many different ways to clean oneself after using the toilet. A lot depends on national mores and local resources. The most common choice in the Western world is toilet paper, sometimes used in conjunction with the bidet. (See Toilet paper and Anal cleansing for a discussion of the many alternatives used through history and in different cultures.) In the Middle East and some countries in Asia, and South Asian countries such as India and Pakistan, the custom is to use water, either with or without toilet paper.[citation needed]Traditionally, the left hand is used for this, for which reason thathand is considered impolite or polluted in many eastern countries.[citati


Anal cleansing is the hygienic practice of cleaning the anus after defecation.[1]
The anus and buttocks may be cleansed with toilet paper or similar paper products, especially in many Western countries. Elsewhere, water may be used (using a jet, as with a bidet,[2] or splashed and washed with the hand). In other cultures and contexts, materials such as rags, sand, leaves (including seaweed), corn cobs, sponges or sticks are used.[citation needed]


[edit] Paper

Main article: Toilet paper
The use of toilet paper for post-defecation cleansing was first started in China. It became widespread in Western culture. In some parts of the world, especially before toilet paper was available or affordable, the use of newspaper, telephone directory pages, or other paper products were common. Old Farmer's Almanac was sold with a hole punched in the corner so it could be hung on a nail in an outhouse. The widely-distributed Searscatalog was also a popular choice until it began to be printed onglossy paper (at which point some people wrote to the company tocomplain), giving rise to the country folk saying in rural NorthAmerica, "as useless as a slick page in a Sears Roebuck catalog!" Withmodern flush toilets, using newspaper as toilet paper is liable to cause blockages.[1] This practice continues today in Africa;while rolls of Western-style toilet paper are readily available, theycan be fairly expensive, prompting less well-off members of thecommunity to utilize newspapers.

[edit] Water

Using water to clean oneself, often along with toilet paper or sometimes in lieu of toilet paper, is common in Europe, most of South America, the Indian subcontinent, and the Muslim worldwhere people use their left hand to clean themselves and their righthand for eating and greeting. However, the inverse is true in parts of Africa, where a right-handed handshake could be considered offensive.
In France, toilet sanitation was supplemented by the invention of the bidetin the 1710s. With the improvements to plumbing in the mid- to late19th century the bidet moved from the bedroom (where it was kept withthe chamber pot) to the bathroom. Modern bidets use a stream of warmwater to cleanse the genitals and anus. Before modern plumbing, bidetssometimes had a hand-crank to achieve the same effect. The bidet iscommonplace in many European countries, especially in Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece, and also in Japanwhere approximately half of all households have a form of bidet (oftencombined with the toilet in a single appliance). It is also verypopular in the Middle East.
The use of water in Muslim countries is due in part to Muslim sharia which encourages washing after all instances of defecation.[3]In many countries, a hand-held bidet or pail of water is used in lieuof a pedestal. In Japan, a nozzle placed at rear of the toilet bowlaims a water jet to the anus and serves the purpose of cleaning;however, this arrangement is common only in western style toilets, andis not incorporated in traditional designs.
Another popular alternative resembles a miniature shower and is known as a "health faucet".It is placed in an alcove to the right hand side of the toilet, thusenabling the person using it to have it within an arm's length for easyaccessibility.
In Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, house bathrooms usually have a medium size wide plastic dipper (called gayung in Indonesia, taboin the Philippines) or large cup, which is also used in bathing.However, most general households utilize toilet paper, "healthfaucets", or bidets (in some rich mansions) as well. Some healthfaucets are metal sets attached to the bowl of the water closet, withthe opening strategically pointed at the target anus. Toilets in publicestablishments mainly provide toilet paper for free or dispensed,though the dipper (or even a cut up PET bottle or plastic jug, ordisposed ice cream can) used for this purpose is occasionallyencountered in some establishments. Though most Thais find it difficultnot to cleanse their anus with water, most of the shopping malls do notprovide health faucets since they are considered to be dirty and couldmake it hard for them to keep the bathrooms clean.

[edit] Japanese toilet

Main article: Japanese toilet
The first "paperless" toilet was invented in Japan in 1980. It is acombination toilet, bidet and drier, controlled by an electronic panelnext to the toilet seat. Some modern Japanese bidet toilets, especiallyin hotels and public areas, are labeled with pictograms to avoid thelanguage problem, and most newer models have a sensor that will refuseto activate the bidet unless someone is sitting on the toilet.

[edit] Constipation

The anal cleansing process may be extended while constipated iffeces remain in the rectum, making it difficult to complete thecleaning process successfully. Possible remedies include using a laxative.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Anal Cleansing
  2. ^ In Japan, some toilets known as washlets are designed to wash and dry the anus of the user after defecation.
  3. ^ Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa』imah: 259, accessed 29 June 2008

[edit] External links

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anal_cleansing"
Categories: Hygiene | Feces


Home > Basic Principles > Technology Options > Anal Cleansing
Anal Cleansing

Anal cleansing isan essential part of overall personal hygiene. Not cleaning afterdefecation can lead to irritation of the surrounding skin, cystitis(mainly for girls and women), and embarrassment because of odor.Children need to be taught and motivated to follow hygienic analcleansing practices because unsanitary anal cleansing is the mainsource of risk for transmission of infections among school children.
Although hygienic analcleansing is important, discussion of anal cleansing is often ignoredin presentations on hygiene and sanitation. The reason for this isthat, in almost all cultures, dealing with or touching feces issurrounded by many taboos. Because of these taboos, it sometimes seemseasier to "just forget" about the subject.
Partly because of thisreluctance to discuss sanitary practices, in some past projects onhygiene, sanitation, and water in schools the project planners andimplementers have not understood school children's existing habits foranal cleansing. As a result, inappropriate technological choices havebeen made, such as constructing flush toilets in schools where childrenwipe with materials that block the pipe when thrown in the toilet.
This section providesinformation on different anal cleansing methods. It enables designersto select the toilet technologies that are appropriate for users'preferred cleansing methods, and gives guidelines for instructingchildren on hygienic anal cleansing.
Cleansing Methods

Figure 1illustrates the main methods used for anal cleansing. The most commonlyavailable options are water, natural materials, and paper.
Figure 1. A Schoolchild's Options forAnal Cleansing (Drawing by Jaap Zomerplaag) The use of water iscommon in countries with Islamic traditions and in Asia. In schoolswater is used when it is available within the toilet building or schoolyard. However, the use of water for anal cleansing prohibits the use ofcertain types of school toilet technologies, such as dry pit toilets,in which water can create problems because of discharge problems in thepit.
Naturalmaterials, such as leaves, corn cobs, and stones, are commonly used inrural areas. While leaves can be an acceptable solution in low-incomeareas, the use of materials such as corn cobs and stones should bediscouraged because it is difficult to use them in a hygienic manner.Normally children collect the materials before entering the toilet.After using the materials, they throw them in the toilet, which leadsto rapid filling of the pits and regular blocking of the pipes.
The use of paper, suchas old newspapers and in some cases toilet paper, is common in (poor)urban areas where paper can be collected or bought. In some cases,children use pages of their notebooks or textbooks for cleansing.Often, the children throw those papers in the toilet after use, whichleads to rapid filling of the pits and regular blocking of the pipes.In cases where the materials are separately collected in a container,they must be hygienically handled.
Which of the abovemethods school children use depends on several considerations:
  • Culturalsetting: Water is commonly used in countries with Islamic traditionsand in Asia, while in Latin America wiping materials are most commonlyused. In some countries the methods used by men and by women differ.
  • Socioeconomic circumstances: Rich people and many middle-class people in developing countries use toilet paper.
  • Urbanor rural location: In urban settings natural materials such as leavesmight be scarce, whereas recycled paper might be easy to obtain. Inrural areas the opposite is true.
  • Locally available materials:If natural materials are used, the choice of material will depend onwhich materials are easy to obtain and inexpensive or free.
  • Age group: Children will use materials that they can obtain in safe, accessible locations.
If properly handled,all of the anal cleansing methods described above can be hygienic.Therefore, the decision to change school children's anal cleansingmethod should be motivated by increased convenience, availability ofsufficient materials, or environmental reasons rather than by hygienicarguments. The use of toilet paper should only be considered if theschool is in a financial position to always provide paper for allchildren or if the children can bring their own paper (which willrarely be the case for schools in developing countries).
Relation of Preferred Anal Cleansing Method to Design of Sanitary Facilities

Table 1. Correlation of SanitationTechnology to Anal Cleansing Method Method ofanal cleansing Sanitation technology Dry toilets Flush toilets Water Double chamber ecological toilet withurine and wash water diversion Alltypes Natural materials Simple pit toiletDouble pit or doublechamber ecological toilet with or without urine diversion All types as long as the materials arenot disposed of in the toilet Paper Simple pit toiletDouble pit or doublechamber ecological toilet with or without urine diversion All types as long as only toilet paperis used for anal cleansing; for other paper than toilet paper, thepaper should not be disposed of in the toilet Table derived from information provided by Ms.Mayling Simpson-Hebert
As illustrated infigure 2, solid materials used for anal cleansing must be safelycollected and disposed of. When the preferred anal cleansing methodinvolves the use of solid materials, a container with lid should beprovided in the toilet area for the safe disposal of these. The lid isessential to prevent flies from coming in contact with human feces andpotentially transmitting disease. If adolescent girls and women in theschool use disposable pads or materials during menstruation, thecontainers should also be appropriate for the collection of those.
The container forcollection of used cleansing materials must be regularly emptied andcleaned. Once the anal cleansing materials are safely collected in acontainer with lid, those containers have to be regularly emptied andcleaned. The materials can be (1) buried in a hole (as illustrated in figure 2) that has to be covered by enough soil to avoid that animals can excavate it or they should be (2) burned in a safe place. Figure 3 illustrates how solid anal cleansing materials can be disposed of using a simple incinerator.
After emptying thecontainers they have to be washed with soap. Because the task is not avery attractive one to do, the O&M plan should clearly spell out this responsibility.
Instruction for School Children on Hygienic Anal Cleansing

Instruction forschool children on anal cleansing must motivate them to follow hygienicpractices. Instruction needs to cover four basic topics.
  1. Analcleansing is important. Not cleaning after defecation can lead to skinirritation and cystitis (mainly for girls and women). Not cleaning canalso result in embarrassing odors.
  2. Cleansing materials can becollected in the area around the toilet or brought to school if noneare available in the toilet building. Children should be taught whichmaterials are safe and appropriate to collect and use, and where tofind them.
  3. Solid anal cleansing materials must be discardedsafely. Because pits fill up too quickly if solid materials are thrownin and pipes can become blocked if no or insufficient water isavailable, a lidded container should be placed inside the toilet andchildren should be taught to place used anal cleansing materials in itand replace the lid tightly.
  4. Hands must be washed after toiletuse. Following anal cleansing and material disposal, hands can carrymicrobes and other pathogens if not properly washed. Human feces arethe primary source of disease transmission among school children,particularly for diarrhea and helminth infections.The degree to which children's fingers are exposed to feces depends onthe method and materials being used, but children should always washtheir hands.


Principles of Fiqh » Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings » Acts of Worship » Prayer » Rulings on prayer » Conditions for Prayer
Principles of Fiqh » Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings » Acts of Worship » Prayer » Congregational Prayer
Principles of Fiqh » Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings » Acts of Worship » Purity » Full Ablution

He prayed on his own and leading others when he was junub; what does he have to do?
I have a very important question that needs to beanswered. I performed prayer while i was in the state of junib, atfirst i did not know. Then i found out, but i was a careless muslim,performed some prayers when i was not in the state of purity. In somecases, when we pray at home, i become the imam. But i was tooembarrased to not pray and tell them i am not clean. I would like torepent. My question is do i have to make up the prayers, or do morenafillah or what??? My carelessness led me to this problem, i was toolazy and embarrased to fix my problem then, now is the time for me tofix that problem, what should i do.

Praise be to Allaah. Firstly:
With regard to the prayers that you offered when you were not aware ofthe ruling on this action, there is no sin on you for that, and you donot have to make up the prayers that you offered when you were junub.Islam excuses the one who is ignorant whether he omitted obligatoryactions or committed forbidden actions, so long as he did not fail toask and try to find out. But if he failed to ask and try to find out,then he is sinning because of that shortcoming.
The scholars of the Standing Committee said:
It is not valid to pray without purifying oneself, for one who is in astate of minor or major impurity, according to scholarly consensus,because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
「O you who believe! When you intend to offer As-Salaah (the prayer),wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub (bypassing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to theankles」
[al-Maa'idah 5:6]
Andthe Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: 「Noprayer is accepted without purification.」 Narrated by Muslim, 224.
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa』imah, 6/259.
Ifyou knew the Islamic ruling on praying when one is junub, and that itis not permissible for the junub person to pray until he has doneghusl, then you have sinned by doing that. You have to repent and seekforgiveness, regret what you have done and resolve not to go back toit. You also have to make up the prayers that you offered in thatstate.
The Scholars of the Standing Committee were asked:
I am a woman who has been married for seventeen years. At the beginningof my marriage I was unaware of some if not all of the rulings on ghuslfollowing janaabah, because I was unaware of the causes of janaabah. Myhusband was similarly unaware. This ignorance made us think that onlythe husband becomes junub. I got married approximately two monthsbefore Ramadaan. At the end of Ramadaan in the same year, I came toknow the ruling. What do I have to do with regard to the prayers that Ioffered during that period? Please note that I took showers with theintention of making myself clean, not with the intention of purifyingmyself, and I did not always do that, i.e., I did not take a showerevery time I had intercourse. Please also note that I always do wudoo』for every prayer. All this is the result of ignorance on my part, ofcourse, as I stated. And what about my fasting during the blessed monthof Ramadaan?
They replied:
Youhave to make up the prayers that you offered without having done ghuslfrom janaabah, because of your carelessness and not trying to learnabout your religion. As well as making up the prayers, you also have torepent to Allaah for that. With regard to the fasts, they are valid solong as no intercourse took place during the day.
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa』imah, 6/269.
Those who prayed behind you do not have to repeat their prayers,because their prayers are valid, and have nothing to do with thevalidity of the prayer of their imam who prayed whilst junub withouttheir knowledge.
The scholars of the Standing Committee were asked:
A few days ago when I wanted to do wudoo』 for Maghrib prayer, I noticedsome maniy (semen) on my lower garment, so I did ghusl and prayedMaghrib, but I do not know when that wet dream occurred – was it beforeFajr prayer or during the mid-day nap? The point here that I want tofind out is: I think that I prayed three obligatory prayers – Fajr,Zuhr and 『Asr – in a state of janaabah without realizing. In fact Ioffered these three prayers as an imam, leading a group of otherworshippers who numbered some three hundred. What should I do? Should Imake up these three prayers? And what is the ruling on the prayer ofthose who prayed behind me? Is there any sin in what I did? Pleaseadvise us, may Allaah reward you with good.
They replied:
Youhave to repeat your Zuhr and 『Asr prayers after doing ghusl fromjanaabah, and you have to do this soon. With regard to those whooffered these prayers behind you, they do not have to repeat them.『Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) led the people in praying Fajrwhen he was junub but had forgot, so he repeated Fajr but he did nottell those who had prayed behind him to repeat it. They were excusedbecause they did not know that he was in an impure state. But you donot have to repeat Fajr, because the maniy may have appeared duringyour sleep at midday, and the basic principle is that a duty has beendischarged and does not need to be repeated unless there is evidence tothat effect.
Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa』imah, 6/266.
And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A
 樓主| 發表於 2009-9-7 14:52:51 | 顯示全部樓層
islam wash after yourself

Islamic toilet etiquette

I half-heard an interview with a young Muslim woman on Today FM a fewminutes ago and decided to find out for myself what Muslims really think of squat toilets. The first link is this Wikipedia page on the subject which states,
TheIslamic faith has particular rules regarding personal hygiene whengoing to the toilet. This code is known as Qadaahul Haajah [1] and isextremely prescriptive. The rules were established during times beforethe invention of toilet paper or toilet seats. In many parts of theMuslim World, squat toilets are the norm and toilet paper remains rareand its use a matter of dispute. It should be borne in mind that noneof the following points is contained within the Koran and all arederived from hadith sources and the collected opinions of peoplethroughout history. The Koran is silent on any of the issues belowincluding issues of sidedness such as whether one uses the left orright hand, order of stepping into or out of toilet areas, or whichfoot stress is placed upon. The only issue which it does touch upon inrelation to toileting, is the one of washing one』s hands especiallyfollowing going to the toilet which is mentioned in verse 5:6 of theKoran.
I recall from the interview Ray D』Arcy asked the woman ifthe Koran said that squat toilets should be used. She artfully dodgedthe question by replying that Muslims use squat toilets all over theworld, while also implying that it was in the Koran if I remembercorrectly.
As Islam is now the third largest religion in Ireland I think the sales of new toilets might be affected by future trends..


  • Donncha says:
    April 3, 2007 at 12:39 pm
    BTW – why do I feel slightly uneasy when even thinking about discussinganything related to Islam? I wouldn』t bat an eyelid at pointing out thestrange customs of the Catholic Church or Church of Ireland.
  • Hatem says:
    April 3, 2007 at 2:31 pm
    LOL this have nothing to do with religion, you can use whatever youwant. This is more about culture in arab countries, if someone usedsquat toilet during all his life why should he change to something else?
    Islam teach how to be clean after, by washing … etc. Personally I don』tfeel comfortable with squat things, even that I got one at home (butrarely use it).
    And btw someone told me once that squat toilets are much better andgave me a scientific explanation of the position and so on but I forgotit. Maybe it』s just toilet marketing ? lol what a topic !
  • kral says:
    April 9, 2007 at 11:24 am
    It』s not very hygenical to put ur ass on a cover on which thousands ofpeople put,in the WCs especially in the shopping centers, soccer fields.
    Muslims like Ottomans use squat toilets now for 1000 years. But, onlytwo hundred years ago, no one know toilet and hygen in Europe includedIreland, U.K. Even, Versailles Palace hadn』t toilets when it was made
  • Donncha says:
    April 9, 2007 at 11:34 am
    Thanks for the feedback guys! It』s a different culture to what I』m used to, but that doesn』t make it bad or good either.
    And just because it was used for 1000 years doesn』t mean that it shouldstill be used. Ah yes, I remember travelling through O』Hare Airport inChicago and they had these plastic toilet seat covers that would changewhen a button was pressed or a hand waved over it.
    Kral – I totally agree with you about the hygene aspect of sitting on atoilet that many others may have sat on. Use toilet paper to cover theseat next time you』re caught out and worried about health issues!
  • Anonymous says:
    September 12, 2007 at 2:47 am
    if u dont use tp what do u use??
  • Rey says:
    October 28, 2007 at 8:34 pm
    Your hand. Specifically your right hand.
  • Rey says:
    October 28, 2007 at 8:36 pm
    More specifically. Modern muslim bathrooms have a hand held water hose/ shower thing attached to or near the toilet. Sort of a bidet.
  • aouni says:
    April 25, 2008 at 4:39 am
    I found a translation on the verse 5:6, it doesn』t tell about going tothe toilet. In stead, it talks about when & how to perform ablution.
    Al-Ma』idah (The Table Spread)
    5:6 O YOU who have attained to faith! When you are about to pray, washyour face, and your hands and arms up to the elbows, and pass your[wet] hands lightly over your head, and [wash] your feet up to theankles. And if you are in a state requiring total ablution, purifyyourselves. But if you are ill, or are travelling, or have justsatisfied a want of nature, or have cohabited with a woman, and canfind no water-then take resort to pure dust, passing therewith lightlyover your face and your hands…
    Btw, I do use both toilets, the squat toilet for urinating and the other toilet for emptying my stomach
  • Vahid says:
    June 28, 2008 at 10:52 pm
    Lol, you research the most random thing』s donncha
    The low down with toilet』s is now what toilet you use rather how youclean your self afterward』s that matters. Unlike Toilet paper we usewater, mini hose type things, etc giving me a much more clean feeling.
    When even i have to use a school bathroom I end up using the TP but I don』t feel clean using tp.
  • jennifer jones says:
    July 6, 2008 at 10:38 am
    Has anyone heard of cleaning ritual that involves a gardening jug suchthat you would use to water flowers? My curiosity stems from a muslimgent that goes into the bath room with the jug. After that I don』t knowwhat he is doing…lol whats the deal?
  • Islamic says:
    September 28, 2008 at 11:08 pm
    The garden jug holds water which is used to rinse the Be-hind after one has done their doings
    The Islamic way the most hygienic way of visiting the toilet ( contrary to popular belief )
    Islam is a complete way of life and not like ( Church on Sunday scenario )
  • John says:
    November 26, 2008 at 1:30 am
    stay on the safe side when out in public
    use the disposable tiolet seat covers
  • Buster says:
    May 31, 2009 at 9:09 am
    That is very interesting. This also looks like a good place to ask myquestion, haven』t been able to find a resource for this. A friend, apersonal driver for a Pakistani man, says he is forbidden to use thebathroom in the family house. I thought it was rude and untrue. He saysit is because of their culture. Anyone know about this? Thankyou!
  • Force Factor says:
    August 24, 2009 at 9:25 pm
    More specifically. Modern muslim bathrooms have a hand held water hose/ shower thing attached to or near the toilet. Sort of a bidet.


Principles of Fiqh » Jurisprudence and Islamic Rulings » Acts of Worship » Purity » Cleaning oneself after defecating or urinating

Cleaning oneself after relieving oneself
I am usually out at school most of the day and I have to use thebathroom, I can't just go home to make Istinjah. Should I make Wudu andpray or should I miss the prayer and make it up later?.

Praise be to Allaah. When aperson relieves himself, he must cleanse himself of impurities eitherwith water – which is best and most perfect – or with something otherthan water which will remove the impurities, such as toilet paper,fabric, stones or something else.
Shaykh Ibn 『Uthaymeen said:
When a person relieves himself, he must do one of the following three things.
1 – He may purify himself with water, which is permissible. Theevidence for that is the hadeeth of Anas (may Allaah be pleased withhim) who said: 「The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)used to relieve himself, then another boy and I would bring a vessel ofwater and a short spear [to use as a sutrah for the prayer he was goingto do after doing wudoo』] and he would cleanse himself with the water.」
(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 149; Muslim, 271)
The reason for that is that the basic way of removing impurities is touse water. Just as you use water to remove any impurities from yourfoot, so too you use it to remove any impurities resulting fromrelieving yourself.
2 – He may purify himself using stones. Doing istijmaar or removingimpurities with stones is sufficient. This is indicated by the wordsand actions of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be uponhim). With regard to his words, Salmaan (may Allaah be pleased withhim) said: 「The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah beupon him) forbade us to use less than three stones for the purpose ofistijmaar.」
(Narrated by Muslim, 262).
With regard to his actions, Ibn Mas』ood (may Allaah be pleased withhim) said: 「The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)went out to answer the call of nature and asked me to bring him threestones. I found two stones and searched for a third but could not findone. So I took a piece of dried dung and brought it to him. He took thetwo stones and threw away the dung and said, 『This is a filthy thing.』」
(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 122).
The hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah, which states that he gathered some stonesfor the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and broughtthem to him in his garment, put them down next to him then went away(narrated by al-Bukhaari, 154) indicates that istijmaar (using stonesto cleanse oneself after relieving oneself) is permissible.
3 – Cleaning oneself with stones then with water.
Ido not know of any report to this effect from the Prophet (peace andblessings of Allaah be upon him), but there is no doubt that this ismore effective in cleaning.
Al-Sharh al-Mumti』, 1/103-105
Based on this, you have no excuse for not praying or for delaying theprayer beyond the appointed time because you are not able to doinstinja』 (wash with water after relieving yourself), because you canremove the impurity and cleanse yourself of it using tissues and thelike. Everyone can carry some tissues with him in his pocket to cleanhimself with. Moreover, it is not clear from the question what isstopping you from cleaning yourself with water after relievingyourself, especially since you say, 「Should I make wudoo』 and pray ormiss the prayer?」 What that means is that water is available, so youcan bring some water to the toilet and use it to clean yourself. If youdo not do that then you have to remove the impurity using tissues andthe like, then do wudoo』 and pray. It is not permissible for you todelay the prayer until the time for it has passed.
And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A


In Islam we have to wash afterpassing urine. My friend has a problem of urine dripping in drops evenafter a few minutes after passing urine.
Myfriend has a problem of urine dripping in drops everytime he goes forurination. In this case has he to take bath everytime before he praysor has he to change the dress. At times he feels that urine is comingin drops while he is in salat.


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Hygiene is a prominent topic in Islam. Islam has always placed a strong emphasis on personal hygiene. Other than the need to be ritually clean in time for the daily prayer (Arabic: Salah) through Wudu and Ghusl, there are a large number of other hygiene-related rules governing the lives of Muslims. Other issues include the Islamic dietary laws.
In general, the Qur'anadvises Muslims to uphold high standards of physical hygiene and to beritually clean whenever possible. For this reason in Muslim countries,bathrooms are always equipped with a water hose situated next to the toilet, so that an individual may wash themselves. This ablution is required in order to maintain ritual cleanliness.
Also because of ritual cleanliness, and again common to many Easterncultures, Muslims take their shoes off when entering mosques and homes.


Islamic cleanliness

This section requires expansion. Cleanliness is an important part of Islam, including Qur'anic verses that teach how to achieve ritual cleanliness. Keeping Oral hygiene through cleaning the teeth with the use of a form of toothbrush called miswak is considered Sunnah, the way of Prophet Muhammad. Ritual ablution is also very important, as observed by the practices of wudu (partial ablution), ghusl (full ablution), and tayammum (water-free alternative with sand).

[edit] Islamic toilet etiquette

The Islamic faith has particular rules regarding personal hygiene when going to the toilet. This code is known as Qadaahul Haajah.[1][2]
Issues of laterality, such as whether one uses the left or right handand the foot used to step into or out of toilet areas, are derived fromhadith sources.[3] The only issue which the Qur'an mentions is the one of washing one's hands especially following going to the toilet which is mentioned in verse 5:6.
Examples of these rules include, but are not limited to:
  • It is strongly forbidden to make the toilet close to the flowing waters, or to be by a flowing water whilst relieving yourself.
  • It is more preferable to step into the toilet with left leg and step outside the toilet with right leg.
  • One should remain silent whilst on the toilet. Talking, answering greetings or greeting others is forbidden.[1]
  • One should not face nor turn your back on Qibla whilst relieving yourself.[1]
  • When leaving the toilet one should also say a prayer, "Praise be to Allah who relieved me of the filth and gave me relief."[1]
  • One should use an odd number of stones to clean the anal orifice after defecation and then proceed to a different location to wash it with water. Use of toilet paper in place of stones is now thought acceptable, but washing with water is still needed for purity.[4]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c d Shu'aib, Tajuddin B.. "Qadaahul Haajah (Relieving Oneself)". The Prescribed Prayer Made Simple. Compendium of Muslim Texts. http://www.msawest.com/islam/fundamentals/pillars/prayer/prescribed/pp1_2.html. Retrieved 2009-03-10.
  2. ^ Niamh Horan (April 08 2007), Surgeons perform delicate operation for Muslims, Irish Independent, http://www.independent.ie/national-news/surgeons-perform-delicate-operation-for-muslims-124083.html
  3. ^ Sachiko Murata, "ch. 3 The Two Hands of God", The Tao of Islam, http://books.google.com/books?id=xRqDv90bAqsC
  4. ^ Israr Hasan (2006), Muslims in America, p. 144, ISBN 9781425942434, http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=k5J493fDF38C&pg=PA144&vq=odd&source=gbs_search_r&cad=1_1#PPA144,M1

[edit] Further reading

  • QaraḍāwĪ, Yūsuf, and Waseem Yaqub. Islamic Concept of Hygiene As Seen by the Sunnah. Cairo, Egypt: El-Falah Foundation, 1997. ISBN 9775813263.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_hygienical_jurisprudence"
Categories: Fiqh | Hygiene | Health law


Islam - Bath after discharge

Expert: Abo Muhammed Samir Faid - 10/21/2007

I have a problem, many time transparent fluid is discharge either I ambusy or doing anything..Please confirm about to Ghousal or bath afterdischarge..
Some times when I wake up.. I feel discharge..
I need to confirm way fo Ghousal or Bath after discharge.

Ummah.com - Muslim Forum > Main > Lifestyle > Personal Hygiene In Islam
View Full Version : Personal Hygiene In Islam
11-11-05, 11:19 PM

Question: Health andHygiene in Islam: Etiquette & Practices

I am not a Muslim. I am a nursing student who is conducting asmall amount of research on Islam for the sake of an assignment. I aminterested in knowing the health needs of Muslims and also certainpractices such as washing and praying.

Could anyone please help me with these questions?


Although your question is a bit general, I shall try to answeryour query to the best of my understanding, and if there are any areasyou had in mind that I did not cover, please do not hesitate to contactme.

Hygiene and cleanliness in the various domains of human life(material, spiritual, etc.) are strongly emphasised in Islam, and ineach and every aspect a Muslim is encouraged to implement them. Thisemphasis is stretched to the extent that adhering to hygiene andcleanliness sometime becomes compulsory upon the Muslim, and in otheroccasions desirable (i.e. not compulsory but one is encouraged).

Some of the aspects of concern are as follows:

Personal Hygiene:

Certain aspects of personal hygiene are important and compulsorysuch that they are pre-requisite to performing such duties as prayers,fasting etc. For example one must do ablution (Wudhu, to use theIslamic term) before the daily prayers, which is the formal washing ofthe face, hands and forearms, etc. but a pre-requisite to this is thecleanliness of the body. One of the criteria for cleanliness is washingafter the use of the lavatories. Any traces of urine or faeces must beeliminated by washing with water, at least. The use of toilet tissuesfor cleaning is not sufficient.

A formal head-to-toe washing and rinsing, known as Ghusl, ismandatory upon the couple after sexual intercourse, or afterejaculation in the case of men, and after the end of the monthlymenstruation period or the postpartum period in the case of women. Ifone does not perform such mandatory Ghusls no form of any prayers etc.will be valid. A Muslim is even prohibited from reading the Qur』an, ifs/he is required to perform such a Ghusl but has not done so.

{If one is required to perform Ghusl but cannot find the water todo so, one is required to perform Tayammum, which is to strike thepalms of both hands on earth, or sand to wipe them over the face andthe back of the hands.}

A Ghusl must also be performed for the body of the deceased beforeburial. Anyone who comes in contact with a dead body must also performa Ghusl.

There are other Ghusls which are not mandatory but Muslims areencouraged to do, such as Friday Ghusl, first-day-of-the-month Ghusl,Ghusls for the Eids and various other occasions, etc.

With such emphasis on washing and personal hygiene, adhering tothe practical teaching of Islam on washing would enhance personalhygiene for the individual and therefore reduce the chance of diseaseand sickness individually, and subsequently for the whole society.

The clothing one wears must also be free from any uncleansubstance, otherwise one』s prayer for instance will be invalid if theprayer is performed using those cloths. So if only one drop of urine issplashed on the cloths, then those cloths may not be worn to performthe prayers unless washed.

Examples of unclean substances:

Dead body,
(Wet contact with) Dog,
(Wet contact with) Pig,
(Wet contact with) Non-believer,
An animal that persistently eats unclean substances such as excrement.
The cleaning 『agents』 or 『process』 are such things as:

Exposure to direct Sunlight,
Transformation of the substance from one state to another,
Removal of original unclean substance, etc.
Food & Drink

There are some restriction on the consumption of certain items of food and drink.

The consumption of any amount of anything that is intoxicant isnot allowed. Therefore the consumption of any alcoholic drink isforbidden. Also if any food or drink contains a minute amount ofalcohol, then it becomes unfit for Muslim consumption.

The consumption of the meat of certain common animals such pig,rabbit, etc. is not allowed. Also if animals such as sheep, cow,chicken, etc. are not slaughtered according the prescribed Islamic way,i.e. in Halaal way, then the consumption of such meat is also unfit forthe Muslim. Furthermore, if any 『allowed』 food is contaminated by foodwhich is not allowed, then that food also becomes unfit for Muslimconsumption. Fish that does not have scales is also not fit forconsumption, and only the fish does have scales on its body, such asSalmon, Trout, Grey Mullet, etc. are considered to be fit forconsumption.

Fasting during the Holy month of Ramadahn is another traditionthat must be observed by the Muslim. This is not only beneficial fromthe physical health point of view, but it is highly uplifting from themental and spiritual viewpoints. Fasting constitutes refraining fromany eating, drinking or even smoking (for those who smoke) during the『day』. The period that one must refrain from such and other practicesis from 『Dawn break』, which is approximately two hours before sunrise,until just after Sunset. When one is fasting, s/he must also refrainfrom any sexual activity with partner. Spiritually, fasting constituterefraining from any immoral act such lying, backbiting, slandering, notto mention any forbidden act. Fasting is in fact a staging post and areflection period to help one to demote vice and promote virtue and ineffect to 『get fit』 morally and physically for the next 11 months ofthe current year.


There is much sexual etiquette that is observed by Muslims, astaught by Islam, where some of them are obligatory and some aredesirable. Needless to say sex outside marriage is forbidden, andwithin marriage man and woman may not engage in sexual intercourse whenthe woman is going through her monthly menstruation period or duringpostpartum period, or the first minimum period of ten days afterchildbirth – preferably this period should be up to 40 days afterchildbirth – this is to ensure the health recovery of the mother. Sexbetween spouses is forbidden when one is fasting and for a number ofparticular days when s/he on the Hajj pilgrimage in Makkah (Mecca).

There are prophetic traditions and teachings about days of themonth when one is recommended to have sex and those days that one isrecommended not. These teachings and traditions go on to explain howthe days on which a woman conceives affect the health and psychology ofthe child. It is suggested that even the position of the couple duringintercourse affects the well being of the child to be, if the womanconceives.

I hope that this brief outline has been helpful. If there are anyissues, which have not been covered here, please feel free to contactme.



11-11-05, 11:41 PM

Personal Hygiene In Islam

Muslims SHOULD enjoy the highest standard of personal hygiene of allthe people in the world. In Islam, cleanliness and purification are notonly usual requirements for the performance of worship, or whenembracing Islam, (a new Muslim takes a full body shower when embracingIslam) but are part of a Muslim's very faith. Allah (the Most High)says in the Quran (what is translated to mean): "Truly, Allah lovesthose who turn unto Him in repentance and loves those who purifythemselves (by taking a bath and cleaning and washing thoroughly theirprivate parts, bodies, for their prayers etc.).; (Al Baqarah 2:222)Narrated AbuMalik al-Ash'ari: The Messenger of Allah (peace andblessings be upon him) said: Cleanliness is half of faith andAlhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah) fills the scale, and SubhanAllah(Glory be to Allah) and Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah) fill up whatis between the heavens and the earth, and prayer is a light, andcharity is proof (of one's faith) and endurance is a brightness and theQur'an is a proof on your behalf or against you. All men go out earlyin the morning and sell themselves, thereby setting themselves free ordestroying themselves. (Sahih Muslim Book 2, Number 0432)
Cleanliness In Islam Is Of Three Kinds:
Purification from impurity (i.e. to attain purity or cleanliness, bytaking a bath (ghusl) or performing ablution (wudoo) in states in whicha bath or ablution is necessary or desirable according to Islamic Law).
To cleanse one's body, dress or place from an impurity of filth.
To remove the dirt or grime that collects in various parts of the body,such as cleaning the teeth and nostrils, the trimming of nails and theremoving of armpit and pubic hair.

Types ofPurification Allah (the Most High) says in the Quran (what istranslated to mean): O you who believe! When you intend to offerprayer, wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub(by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up toankles. If you are in a state of Janaba (i.e. post sexual relations),purify yourself (bathe your whole body).; (Al-Ma'idah 5:6)

GHUSL (A COMPLETE BATH) This is when all parts of the body are washedwith water, including the mouth and the nose. WUDOO (A SIMPLE ABLUTION)This is when certain parts of the body are washed with water. For moreinformation on this subject, please visit the following site TheProphet's Wudoo (Ablution): The superiority of ablution. AndAl-Ghurr-ul-Muhajjalun (the parts of the body of the Muslims washed inablution will shine on the Day of Resurrection and the angels will callthem by that name) from the traces of ablution. Narrated Nu'aimAl-Mujmir: "Once I went up the roof of the mosque along with AbuHuraira (RA): He performed ablution and said, "I heard the Prophet (S)saying, 'On the Day of Resurrection, my followers will be calledAl-Ghurr-ul-Muhajjalun from the traces of ablution and whoever canincrease the area of his radiance should do so (by performing ablutionin the most perfect manner.'" (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol. 1, Hadith No.138)Narrated Uthman ibn Affan: "The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: 'Hewho performed ablution well, his sins would come out from his body,even coming out from under his nails.'" (Sahih Muslim, Book 2, Number0476)TAYAMMUM (PURIFICATION WITHOUT WATER) This method of purifcation,which does not require water, is used instead of ablution (Wudoo) andGhusl in certain circumstances (i.e. such as no water is available,etc.). Allah (the Most High) says in the Quran (what is translated tomean): But if you are ill or on a journey or any of you comes fromanswering the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women(i.e. sexual intercourse) and you find no water, then perform Tayammumwith clean earth and rub therewith your faces and hands. Allah does notwant to place you in difficulty, but He wants to purify you, and tocomplete His Favor on you that you may be thankful.; (Al-Ma'idah 5:6)

Keeping The FitrahProphet (peace be upon him). He said, "From the acts of nature arefive: circumcision (obligation for men, but not for women), removingpubic hairs, trimming the mustache, cutting the nails and plucking thehair from under the armpits."1 [Recorded by al-Bukhari and Muslim].

It is not allowed to leave them for more than forty nights. This isbased on the Hadith of Anas who said, "The Messenger of Allah set atime limit for us for trimming the mustache, trimming nails, removingarmpit hairs and removing pubic hairs. They cannot be left for morethan forty nights."2 [Recorded by Muslim]. Letting them grow longresembles animals and some of the disbelievers. May Allah keep youwell.



11-11-05, 11:43 PM

Details of Fatwa
Title of Fatwa:Personal Hygiene in Islam
Date of Reply: 20/Aug/2003
Topic Of Fatwa: Impurities & methods of purification
Question of Fatwa:

Dear scholar, As-Salamu `Alaykum, I just want to know the status of personal hygiene in Islam.

Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

First of all, we would like to thank you for the great confidence you have in us. We hope our efforts meet your expectations.

Dear brother in Islam, Muslims enjoy the highest standard of personalhygiene of all the people in the world. In Islam, cleanliness andpurification are not only requirements for the performance of worship,or when embracing Islam, but are part of a Muslim』s very faith. Allahsays in the Qur』an: "…Truly, Allah loves those who turn unto Him inrepentance and loves those who purify themselves (by taking a bath andcleaning and washing thoroughly their private parts, bodies, for theirprayers etc.)." (Al Baqarah: 222)

Cleanliness in Islam is of three kinds:

1- Purification from impurity (i.e. to attain purity or cleanliness, bytaking a bath ghusl or performing ablution wudu』 in states in which abath or ablution is necessary or desirable according to Islamic Law.

2- Cleansing one』s body, dress or place from an impurity of filth.

3- Removing the dirt or grime that collects in various parts of thebody, such as cleaning the teeth and nostrils, the trimming of nailsand the removing of armpit and pubic hair.


This is when all parts of the body are thoroughly washed. Ghusl isrequired of every Muslim after sexual intercourse, after wet dreams,after child-birth, and after post-partum bleeding (40-days flow ofblood, and final yellowish discharge has completely stopped), and eachmonth after menstruation and final yellowish discharge has stopped.


This simple ablution is necessary before prayer in the following cases:

1- after urinating or defecating;

2- if one breaks wind;

3- if one falls asleep lying down;

4- if one loses consciousness;

5- if one directly touches the genitals;

6- if one becomes excited, leading to a subsequent discharge.

The above cases also nullify one』s ablution, requiring a fresh one.Allah says in the Qur』an: "O you who believe! When you intend to offerprayer, wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub(by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up toankles. If you are in a state of Janaba, purify yourself (bathe yourwhole body)…." (Al-Ma』idah: 6)

Also on this issue, Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) quotedAllah's Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying, "Theprayer of a person who does hadath (passes, urine, stool or wind) isnot accepted until he performs (repeats) the ablution." A person fromHadaramout asked Abu Hurairah, "What is 'hadath'?" Abu Hurairahreplied, "'Hadath' means the passing of wind from the anus." (SahihAl-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 4, Number 137)

Merits of ablution:

Part of the merits of ablution is that it earns Muslims a special nameby which they will be called on the Day of Judgment; the name isAl-Ghurr-ul-Muhajjalun (People of shinning bodily parts), due toperforming ablution in proper way. Nu』aim Al-Mujmir reported: "Once Iwent up the roof of the mosque along with Abu Hurairah (may Allah bepleased with him). He performed ablution and said, 『I heard the Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him) saying: On the Day of Resurrection,my followers will be called Al-Ghurr-ul-Muhajjalun from the traces ofablution and whoever can increase the area of his radiance should do so(by performing ablution in the most perfect manner.』" (SahihAl-Bukhari, vol. 1, hadith No. 138)

Tayamum (Dry Ablution)

This is performed by putting or striking lightly the hands over cleanearth and then pass the palm of each on the back of the other, blow offthe dust then pass them on the face. It is performed instead of wuduand ghusl (in case of ritual impurity, etc.). Allah says in the Qur』an:"… But if you are ill or on a journey or any of you comes fromanswering the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women(i.e., sexual intercourse) and you find no water, then perform<>tayammum with clean earth and rub therewith your faces andhands. Allah does not want to place you in difficulty, but He wants topurify you, and to complete His Favor on you that you may be thankful."(Al-Ma』idah: 6)

To illustrate the importance of Muslims maintaining their high level ofpersonal hygiene, the following points are specifically mentioned byProphet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) on answering thecall of nature.

`A』ishah, the Mother of the Faithful (may Allah be pleased with her):"The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) used his right hand forgetting water for ablution and taking food, and his left hand for hisevacuation and for anything repugnant." (Sunan Abu Dawud)

Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: "The Messengerof Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said: 『Be on your guardagainst two things which provoke cursing.』 They (the Companions presentthere) said: 『Messenger of Allah, what are those things which provokecursing?』 He said: 『Easing on the thoroughfares or under the shades(where people take shelter and rest).』」 (Reported by Muslim)

Excerpted, with slight modifications, from: http://members.aol.com/TheMuslimWoman/hygiene.html

Allah Almighty knows best.


1) Always pray five times Namaz daily, Never look here and there when praying Namaz, pray slowly, never pray quickly.
2) Pray the Quran Sharif daily, treat the Holy Quran with respect, never sit in a higher place than the Quran.
3) Listen to what your Parents tell you; never do anything to upset them.
4) Respect your teacher. Your teacher is in one sense ranked higherthan your parents. He teaches you about life and Islam and thedifferences between right and wrong.
5) Never eat whilst you are walking and you should not eat without aTopee (cap) on your head. Before you eat you should always sayBismillah; you should not eat without first washing your hands. Alwayseat with your right hand, never with your left hand. Don』t make noiseswith your mouth when eating. Do not drink milk when eating fish. Aftereating pray dua.
6) Always drink, water, tea etc, with you right hand. Always drinkZam-Zam water and water left from wuzu standing up. You must not drinkanything else standing up, it is wrong. After drinking sayAllahmdolillah.
7) When going to the toilet do not face the Qibla. Never performurination or excretion in front of anyone else. Always urinate in thesitting position. To urinate in a standing position is wrong and isforbidden. Never undress before going to the toilet. After you havefinished what you are doing always cleanse yourself with you left handnever use your right hand. To cleanse with you right hand is wrong.
How does a woman wash herself after sexual defilement and menses?
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070809234405AAU2UZq{LadiesOnly Please} How do you clean yourself up after making love?
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