<SPAN class=bt>我地主管今日叫齐我地D人开会,距自己定咗个规矩,话从今日起唔俾系公司度讲广州话,讲一次就罚一次钱,仲话我地翻到屋企都要继续煲冬瓜,咁样可以保证翻到公司可以讲到标准嘅煲冬瓜,距临尾仲讲咗句:「不准再说乱七八糟的鸟语啊!」我diao!!!跟住我地广州嘅同事就当面话距过分,距居然话你地唔满意可以另谋高就~~~<DIV></DIV><BR>
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<DIV>轉自:77go 上班一族</DIV>
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<DIV><A href=""></A></DIV></SPAN> 等我重以為系Lucciora你嚟嘅。 <P><FONT size=5>團結!!!</FONT></P> <P>边间仆街公司啊?</P>
<P>点佢个X名出嚟,帮佢上报纸、电视头条,然后去埋劳动局投诉啦!</P> 噉都冇人起義,睇嚟中國人真係做慣奴隸,習慣服從。 <P>鬼叫呢度唔系美國啊...</P>
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<P><FONT color=red>DALLAS - A speak-English-only policy implemented by Premier Operator Services, Inc., a former long distance operator service, constitutes national origin discrimination, Magistrate Judge Paul D. Stickney has ruled, awarding 13 Hispanic employees over $700,000 in damages.</FONT> <FONT color=red>The decision by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Dallas Division, represents the largest monetary award ever obtained by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in a lawsuit for English-only violations.</FONT></P>
<P>The rule enforced by the company, banning the speaking of languages other than English at all times in the workplace including lunch and other breaks discriminated against mostly Mexican-American bilingual employees hired, ironically, for their ability to speak Spanish. <FONT color=red>The Court held that the policy resulted in discrimination against workers based on their national origin in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.</FONT></P>
<P>EEOC's lawsuit maintained that the Hispanic workers were first hired for their ability to speak Spanish as a benefit to the business, then told not to speak their native language at any time while on the premises except to non-English speaking customers. The workers, some of whom had previously received performance awards, were fired and retaliated against after refusing to sign the restrictive language policy and filing discrimination charges with EEOC.</P>
<P><FONT color=red>"This significant ruling serves to remind us that language differences must not make employees the target of mean-spirited or even well-intended language policies when there is no real business necessity or justification for such policies," said EEOC Chairwoman Ida L. Castro. "The timing of this decision during our nation's celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month makes it even more noteworthy as we focus on the value of diversity in the workplace and all other areas of society."</FONT></P>
<P>The individual workers were awarded back pay for wages lost as a result of their discharge, totaling approximately $59,000, and an additional $50,000 each representing the maximum allowable recovery in this case under the Civil Rights Act of 1991 for compensatory and punitive damages.</P>
<P>In deciding the case, Judge Stickney relied on expert testimony from linguist Susan Berk- Seligson of the University of Pittsburgh, who testified that "code switching" an unconscious habit where persons who are bilingual switch from one language to another during casual conversation makes it extremely difficult to completely suppress one's primary language. <FONT color=red>The judge also rejected the idea that the policy and its enforcement promoted harmony, or was needed to improve communication, stating, "Quite the opposite...the policy served to create a disruption in the workplace and feelings of alienation and inadequacy by...proven performers."</FONT></P>
<P>The court noted in the 22-page decision that the company's language policy, posted on a sign at the entrance of the building where the employees reported to work each day, was accompanied by a warning that, "Absolutely no guns, knives or weapons of any kind" were allowed on the premises, thereby "implying a combined concern about the conduct of those persons who speak a language other than English" and "setting the scene for stigmatization."</P>
<P>EEOC General Counsel C. Gregory Stewart said, <FONT color=red>"Cases involving English-only rules, restrictive language policies, and language or accent discrimination are litigation priorities for the Commission. Employers must refrain from targeting workers for discrimination based on myths, fears, and stereotypes regarding their primary language and country of origin."</FONT></P>
<P>The ruling followed an abbreviated trial on July 28, 2000, at which the company did not appear. While Premier Operator Services had declared bankruptcy prior to the trial, the court noted evidence presented by EEOC that the President and CEO may have transferred assets from the company and that the judgment could be enforced against successor employers. The suit was filed in January 1998.</P>
<P>Robert Canino, Regional Attorney for EEOC's Dallas District Office, said, <FONT color=red>"With the rapid growth of the Latino population in Texas, California, Florida, New York, Illinois, and other large states, it should be obvious to employers that bilingual workers are an asset to business. Rather than implementing discriminatory workplace policies that alienate language minorities, companies should embrace and promote diversity because it makes good business sense."</FONT></P>
<P>EEOC has observed an increasing trend in English-only charge filings since the agency started separately tracking such charges in Fiscal Year 1996. Charges alleging national origin discrimination based on English-only rules have skyrocketed from 77 charge filings in FY 1996 to 365 charge filings thus far in FY 2000. Earlier this month, EEOC reached a $192,500 settlement in an English-only lawsuit against Illinois-based Watlow Batavia, a subsidiary of Watlow Electrical Manufacturing Co. of St. Louis, on behalf of eight Hispanic former workers in the assembly department of a plant in suburban Chicago. EEOC's policy on English-only rules is set out in its Guidelines on Discrimination Because of National Origin (Part 29, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 1606.1).</P>
<P>In addition to enforcing Title VII, which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin, EEOC enforces the Age Discrimination in Employment Act; the Equal Pay Act; Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits employment discrimination against people with disabilities in the private sector and state and local **s; prohibitions against discrimination affecting individuals with disabilities in the federal **; and sections of the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Further information about the Commission, including its Guidelines on Discrimination Because of National Origin, is available on the agency's web site at</P>
[ 本帖最後由 yes 於 2007-12-24 11:10 編輯 ] 呢單嘢唔忍得, 應該聯合全公司粵人做番D嘢. 你如果唔方便出面嘅, 可以揾出邊D兄弟幫手... <P>應該攞《聯合國教科文組織世界文化多樣性宣言》出來, 直指此規定侵犯人權. 要令公司老闆知道此事. 如果老闆都支持呢個規定, OK, 咁就唔好怪我哋嘞.</P>
<P><BR>首先, 睇公司粵人勢力夠唔夠大, 如果夠大, 集體罷工就可以令公司癱瘓. 然後, 千祈唔好主動辭職, 要等公司炒, 一炒就同渠計補償金、計加班費, 集體告渠! 然後呢單嘢仲未完, 我哋要通緝呢間公司嘅名稱、地址、品牌、產品, 號召全體粵人抵制渠! 要畀老闆知道呢個嚴重後果, 睇渠敢唔敢嘗試!</P>
<P><BR>對嗰D禁止細路講粵語嘅幼兒園同學校, 我哋都可以用暴光+抵制呢招.</P>
<P><BR>關鍵系覺醒嘅粵人夠唔夠多、夠唔夠團結! 要擺脫任人宰割嘅狀態, 我哋好需要有自己嘅勢力.</P> <P>劳动法无规定上班一定要讲普通话姐.</P> 邊間公司?講出來我哋齊齊對抗佢。插佢老母啊 <P>唔俾系公司度講廣州話,講一次就罰一次錢</P>
<P><BR>----- 以此理由剋扣工資, 系觸犯《勞動法》嘅, 應該去告渠.</P> 我公司都只请会讲粤语既伙记唔识粤语免倾老细系港人<IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="12"> <P>哇。正壹死撈閪</P>
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<P> </P> 天公有眼,終有一日撈話個真面目畀衆人識穿! 佢咩料啫?大家可能沟通就得啦,睬佢都傻,罚你钱就去告佢。<IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="12"> <P><FONT color=blue size=4>粤语保卫战已经打响,粤语卫士越战越勇!!!</FONT> </P>
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<P> </P> 讲间公司名同电话出来,一于投诉到佢死死下