PanDeCaille 發表於 2013-5-25 02:01:13

粵語雙拼聲韻輸入法方案(粵雙)Cantonese Initial-Final-IME (Jyutsoeng)

本帖最後由 PanDeCaille 於 2013-6-7 15:14 編輯

雙拼就係一種先打聲母後打韻母嘅輸入法,普通話就用咗呢個方法好耐:Double Pinyin is an IME where you first input the initial sound andthen the final sound of a syllable:

而家我想畀大家睇吓我自創嘅粵語雙拼輸入法嘅方案:Now I』d like to present my own idea on how to create such an IME forCantonese:
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查看完整版本: 粵語雙拼聲韻輸入法方案(粵雙)Cantonese Initial-Final-IME (Jyutsoeng)