desmond 發表於 2006-9-26 20:36:14


<p><strong>中國「漢字展」在越南河內舉辦 旨在促進兩國文化教育交流</strong></p><p>新華社河內9月25日電(記者費洪海)由中國駐越南大使館、越南文化通訊部及越南國家圖書館聯合舉辦的《漢字-從甲骨文到計算機》展25日在河內的國家圖書館揭開帷幕。</p><p>中國駐越南大使胡乾文、越南文化通訊部副部長杜貴尹、越南國家圖書館館長范世康及越中文化交流中心主任梅李廣為本次「漢字展」剪彩。</p><p>本次「漢字展」為期7天,分為 「漢字的起源」、「漢字的構造」、「漢字的演變」、「漢字的書寫」、「漢字的貢獻」和「漢字與計算機」等6個單元,將向觀眾展出84幅圖片、許多文物復製品及中國古代書房的模型,揭示漢字在中華文明數千年的歷史長河中不斷發展和不斷演變的過程。</p><p>越南文化通訊部副部長杜貴尹在展覽開幕式上致辭說,漢字不斷發展的歷史,反映了中華民族的智慧和創造性,其通過書法藝術為人類以獨特方式來表達情感作出了卓越的貢獻。漢字已經并正在履行把中華文明傳播到世界的光榮使命,同時也是促進中國人民與世界人民友誼的使者。本次展覽是為增強越中兩國人民之間的瞭解,增進兩國人民「同志加兄弟」的友誼作出的一件實事。</p><p>胡乾文大使在致辭中說,中越兩國文化交往歷史悠久綿長,在兩國關係日益發展和深化的今天,漢語已受到越來越多的越南人民所喜愛,並成為越南第二大外語。相信 「漢字展」的舉辦,必將進一步推動越南人民瞭解中國語言文化和學習中文的新熱潮,對促進中越兩國文化教育的交流與合作,增強兩國人民間的相互瞭解與溝通將具有十分深遠的意義。</p><p>越南各界近200人出席了開幕式并觀看了展覽。</p><p>轉貼自 <a href=""></a></p><p>按︰唔知展覽邊幾種古時字體呢?</p>
[此帖子已經被作者於2006-9-26 12:40:43編輯過]

殺人王 發表於 2006-9-27 23:01:17


desmond 發表於 2006-9-28 01:08:30

<p><strong>一個越南華僑用漢字寫出自己嘅事業</strong></p><p><strong>A Chinese-Vietnamese pens career with kanji???? </strong></p><p>Saturday, April 15 2006 @ 07:51 PM PDT<br/>Contributed by: tin<br/>Views: 146? <br/>Asia/ Off the Beaten Track;A Chinese-Vietnamese pens career with kanji<br/>04/12/2006</p><p>BY AKIHIKO KAISE</p><p>THE ASAHI SHIMBUN</p><p>HOI AN, Vietnam--Relying on his family roots, a Chinese-Vietnamese<br/>resident here has made a career of catering to the needs of<br/>foreigners. </p><p>"It's enough to make a living," Ly Si Binh said of his 10-year career.<br/>"Writing Chinese characters all day is much better than working for a<br/>company." </p><p>Binh spends his days offering his services to foreign tourists<br/>interested in seeing their names, like "Michael" or "Bush," written in<br/>Chinese characters. </p><p>Although only five or six customers visit his shop daily, he said it<br/>is enough to stay afloat. </p><p>Each sheet earns him about $2 to $3. And it is not only names his<br/>customers want. He says words like "love" and "truth" are popular. </p><p>Binh, who grew up in central Vietnam, said he learned to write Chinese<br/>characters while attending a school run by local Chinese in the<br/>community. </p><p>However, after marrying a Vietnamese woman and moving to Ho Chi Minh<br/>City to work for a fuel company, Binh said he had little chance to<br/>read or write Chinese characters. </p><p>Finally, when the number of foreign tourists began to increase, Binh<br/>decided it was time for a new career. </p><p>He was inspired by the interest many foreigners have shown for<br/>Chinese-style architecture. </p><p>And being among only a handful of Chinese-Vietnamese residents who can<br/>write Chinese characters also helps. </p><p>"It's good that I don't have to compete with business rivals," he<br/>said. "But it makes me feel sad that the Chinese culture is<br/>disappearing here."(IHT/Asahi: April 12,2006)<br/>?<br/>?<br/>轉貼自 <a href=""></a></p>
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