使君子 發表於 2010-8-30 16:45:50


本帖最後由 使君子 於 2010-8-30 16:49 編輯

[ 2009-6-17 15:11:00 | By: 羊晚赤道人 ]



达雅人(Dayak)是婆罗洲(加里曼丹岛)的古老居民,属黄种人南方类型。使用达雅语,分多种方言,无文字。达雅族是印尼100多个民族中的一员,人口约800万,分布在东、西、中、南 婆罗洲(含 马来西亚的沙巴及沙拉越、文莱)。达雅人原分布地区较广,后受外来移民马来人的排挤,逐渐退缩到内陆山地,

悬挂大耳环把耳垂拉到肩膀上的达雅少女 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/2094827099.jpg 达雅人加拉毕部落的男子也戴耳环 达雅人大多保持万物有灵和多神信仰,有自己的巫师;部分皈依伊斯兰教或天主教、基督教。社会生活保留母系氏族制残余,盛行入赘婚,财产按双系继承。达雅人多聚居在一座长屋,屋宇长度可达200米,一村通常只有一、两座长屋。人们因血统、宗教或友好关系长期居住一起,共同推举一人当屋长。屋长须有经验和威信,善农耕、狩猎及征战,他既是长屋的行政长官,又是军事长官。进入20世纪中期,由于生产方式的演进和生活方式的改变,一部分住户陆续搬出长屋,另起门户,出现了小家庭单独建屋居住的倾向,但更多的达雅人仍住在长屋。

   西加里曼丹卡江上游达雅人的「长屋」 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/172044391464.jpg在祭祀的时候,「长屋」的主人全副武士装束,手执长刀和祭品。 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/172052361814.jpg列队进入长屋参加祭祀的达雅妇女 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/172054518438.jpg
    长屋住户办喜事时,亲朋都来祝贺,主人以酒款待客人。 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/17211722701.jpg
   走出长屋的达雅少女 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/18657982061.jpg
http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/181019889803.jpg达雅妇女在编织美丽的民族服饰 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/18196367060.jpg

http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/181021470235.jpg 达雅人伊班部落的武士舞 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/181023161698.jpg 达雅人普南部落的武士舞
http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/181025158952.jpg 达雅人Kenyah部落的武士舞
http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/181030610394.jpg 达雅人央加部落的武士舞

达雅人用 「黄金船」超度死者亡灵的仪式,「黄金船」船头和船尾用犀鸟的头和尾作为饰物,其超度死者亡灵的仪式,同古代巴蜀黔滇人「羽人划船送魂」的场面如出一辙。无独有偶,在达雅人居住山区还发现类似巴蜀黔滇地区的悬棺。两地的「黄金船」、「羽人船」和悬棺葬同样都是象征将「亡魂」送到云海中的「天国」。达雅人至今仍保留着类似寮、傣、仡佬等百越民族盛行的「产翁」习俗,即妇女分娩后,由丈夫代替妻子坐褥,禁吃某些食物,不做繁重劳动,产妇却需下地干活,服侍产翁。凡此种种都可以证明达雅人同大陆南方各民族历史上的联系。
传世佳话——华人「失散」的亲人 在达雅人部落中,其中有一个世代相传的故事,叙述达雅人和华人本是一家人,他们是华人在远古时代逃避战乱时失散的兄弟。
话说远在太古混沌之时,达雅人的祖先与「黑色小人部落」(矮黑人?)发生混战,大批流离失所的难民逃难到婆罗洲;登岛之后,大批人马向内陆进发,经过一座木桥,前面突然出现鹿群,负责带路的当地土著惊慌失措地高喊「Payao」(当地土著语言「Payao」为鹿,达雅话却为「砍头」之意),后面的人以为遭遇了敌人,为了避免全军覆没,先过河的人立即把木桥砍断。这一砍,就把同族人分成了两群人,也从此砍掉了他们的关系。后来,过桥的人越走越远,他们进入了莽莽荒野,散居在深山密林之处,便成了现在的达雅族各个部落;而没过桥的人,就在沿江各地定居,他们便是当今的华人。依据达雅人口耳相传的口述历史及传说﹐达雅族原先是居住在沿海一带和婆罗洲最长的河流卡普阿斯河(Sungai Kapuas,华人称为「卡江」)沿岸,后来因马来人移民纷纷迁入婆罗洲,达雅族才渐渐搬到内陆居住,因为他们主要居住在各河流的上游,所以有了「Orang Dayak」的称呼,即「上游的人」之意。

      达雅人喜欢保存古瓷器、铜器和铜钱、银币,并视为传家宝。上个世纪50年代,在西婆罗洲达雅人部落里,还可以看到古代陶瓷器、铜器以及唐、宋、明、清等朝代的古铜钱、银币,他们十分珍爱这些古董;一些达雅人还将这些古铜钱当成「护身符」佩戴。但多年来由于商人到婆罗洲内陆廉价收购这些古董,带到城市高价出售,如今达雅人手中保存的古董已不多了。 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/1873743534.jpg半个多世纪前生活在西婆罗洲深山密林里的达雅人,胸前还悬挂着以兽骨和古铜钱做的护身符。
达雅人是华人「失散」的亲人。长期以来,这两个兄弟民族都是友好相处,患难与共,同舟共济,互相支援的。早在19世纪中页,西婆罗洲的达雅人就同华人一起抗击荷兰殖民者的入侵。1942年初,太平洋战争爆发,日本侵略者占领西婆罗洲,达雅人多次奋起反对日军对华人的迫害和屠杀。1945年初,日军占领当局在西婆罗洲疯狂搜捕和杀害华人,为了牵制日军的大屠杀暴行,卡江上游的昔加罗地区达雅人揭竿起义,其势汹汹,日军占领当局不得不派遣正在坤甸进行大搜捕的宪兵头目中谷去镇压达雅人的暴动。中谷刚一到昔加罗就被达雅人设伏击毙,日军的大搜捕、大屠杀计划因而被迫搁浅。日本投降后,坤甸华人公会 派代表到昔加罗,邀请达雅人酋长和击毙中谷的勇士到坤甸,为他们举行隆重的庆功仪式,答谢相助相救之恩。

20世纪50-60年代后,印尼反华势力掀起了几次排华恶浪,西婆罗洲的达雅人挺身而出,反对当局的反华排华暴行,他们为保护华人和华侨的生命财产,不惜同当地军警抗争。1998年春夏之交,爪哇岛的 雅加达、泗水 等地发生带有明显反华排华性质的骚乱,西婆罗洲达雅族领袖伊班-宾努瓦声称:「达雅人也是华人,我们是一家人!决不允许本地出现反华排华活动。」当年,西婆罗洲未发生排华事件,不少华人还从雅加达、泗水等地逃来坤甸避难。7月,坤甸的一些马都拉人(爪哇人亲族)因粮荒抢劫华人的米行粮仓,社会一度动乱,近千达雅人手持刀枪棍棒,乘搭大卡车,浩浩荡荡从达雅山开进坤甸,狠狠地教训了马都拉人,制止了这场抢米骚乱。
二战逃难 零距离接触达雅人

http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/182026154324.jpg达雅山区没有公路,唯一的交通工具是大独木舟。 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/182029221766.jpg 达雅少女划着独木舟在激流中前进
http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/182032737711.jpg 乘坐独木舟的达雅小孩
       狩猎归来的达雅青年 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/182048483570.jpg达雅青年用口吹毒竹筒猎取飞禽走兽
http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/182037866883.jpg 全家人高高兴兴地带着山货到集市交换日用品
http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/182039683398.jpg 达雅族妇女背着山货去赶集 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/182044854757.jpg
    达雅族妇女在森林里劳动时分娩,丈夫当接生员。 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/18213340638.jpg盛装打扮的伊班部落少女 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/182053952467.jpg
   达雅伊班部落少女在河边戏水 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/18216584919.jpg在河里洗浴后的达雅少女 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/182059539642.jpg
达雅人长屋里的家庭乐队 http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/182055395583.jpg 达雅女青年用鼻孔吹箫
这个村落是一个大家族的聚居地。整个村落有四、五十人,分住在紧挨一起的两间 「长屋」,这种叫 「拉敏」的长屋又长又宽,「长屋」离地面约2-3米高,屋的底部四周和中间都有几根20多厘米粗的圆木支撑着,屋门口有用圆木和木板钉的楼梯。长屋内没分「房间」,据说,除了族长有自己的小房间外,其他人都是以男、女、小孩「分区」居住的;但也有一说,在长屋居住的达雅人,还是按小家庭「分区」就寝的,一般是用麻布和「阿答叶」(棕梠树叶)将各个家室隔离开来。「长屋」除了住人以外,屋底下还饲养鸡、鸭,猪、羊等禽畜。
http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/181655668264.jpg   当年的达雅人长屋
      当年达雅人划的独木舟        http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/181716124509.jpg      被达雅人尊为神鸟的犀鸟,又称天堂鸟,现为印尼国鸟。   
http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/20956615667.jpg 婆罗洲森林里的须猪。「逃日本」时期,肉类食品缺乏,只好买些达雅人狩猎所得的须猪肉改善生活。
步入人类文明社会 印尼独立后,达雅人摆脱了荷兰殖民统治,结束了半原始社会的生活,开始步入文明社会,不少达雅人告别深山密林,到城市上学、打工、做小买卖。过去达雅人很少有人读书的,如今的达雅山区已普及了小学,有不少达雅人到城市读书,有的还受过高等教育,获得硕士、博士学位。当今西婆罗洲政府机关、学校、医院、公司的白领岗位,达雅人已占有一席之地。西婆罗洲首府坤甸市的政府部门、大企业、大学、医院、教堂就有不少达雅人高级公务员、教授、医生和神父。20世纪60年代初,西婆罗洲议会议长就是达雅人,之后还出过一位达雅人省长。苏哈托下台后,印尼开始实施民主改革,西婆罗洲达雅人和华人的民主自治权利受到尊重和保障,2001年西婆罗洲成为印尼的一个自治省,宣布该省的三大民族——达雅族、马来族、华族都是当地原住民,都享有选举和被选举权。2007年11月,西婆罗洲省举行地方选举——一人一票直选省长,达雅族的科纳利斯硕士和华族的黄汉山学士联袂当选为正副省长,并于2008年1月14日在坤甸隆重举行就职典礼,任期5年(2008年至2013年)。



http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/18178124496.jpg   居住在农村的现代达雅人
http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/182023907244.jpg    现代达雅人也喜欢斗鸡

在西婆罗洲的一些市镇,如坤甸、山口洋、三发、上候等地,到处可以看到达雅人在市场上做生意。1995年我回坤甸探亲,到旅游胜地山口洋旅游,路过喃吧哇县一处土特产和农产品交易市场,只见市场内外车马云集,熙熙攘攘、嘈声鼎沸,人们在这里叫卖从土特产、狩猎物到日杂品和家用电器等,大多数人在熟练地使用传统算盘。陪同的堂弟阿典轻声对我说:「达雅人和唐人一样会做生意,那些使用紫红色大算盘的都是达雅人!而使用电子计算器则是马来人或马都拉人」、「达雅人做生意非常讲诚信,因此华人商家都愿意同他们打交道。」达雅人进入市场做生意, 打破了西婆罗洲过去华人在商场的一统天下局面。

http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/181629979479.jpg西加里曼丹四大民族(达雅族 、华族、马来族、马都拉族)的姑娘在赤道碑前合影,象征民族团结,共建和谐家园。


penkyamp 發表於 2010-8-30 19:45:27


達雅人同 馬達加斯加人亦有親緣。

penkyamp 發表於 2010-8-30 19:58:51

http://blog.ycwb.com/UploadFiles/2009-6/181629979479.jpg西加里曼丹四大民族(达雅族 、华族、马来族、马都拉族)的姑娘在赤道碑前合影,象征民族团结,共建和谐家园。

使君子 發表於 2010-8-30 21:29:54

penkyamp 發表於 2010-8-30 19:45 http://bbs.cantonese.asia/images/common/back.gif


睇过好多Dayak人既图片,佢地体质更接近黄种人,同马拉人(含 马都拉、爪哇)有差距。   



历史上,Dayak人应该有好多部众归顺咗 兰芳共和国,所以佢地有啲土人都识讲客家话。

使君子 發表於 2010-8-30 21:42:52


国际 >> 时事要闻 >> 亚太2001年3月01日 14:41http://past.people.com.cn/img/js_you.gif









2001年3月23日21:25 新华网

  新华网雅加达3月23日专电  印度尼西亚中婆罗洲22日发生当地达雅族袭击马都拉族移民的流血事件,造成17名马都拉族人死亡,5人严重受伤。





(记者费列娜 麦棠源)


2001年4月9日15:41 新华社


  据报道,就在当地的土著人达雅人下达的最后通牒到期的当天(达雅克勒令马都拉移民必须在7日夜晚之前全部离开 否则格杀勿论),在目前婆罗洲还居住有马都拉人的最后一个城市彭卡拉布翁市安卡拉镇,大约数千名马都拉人、爪哇人乘轮渡离开了当地,以赶在最后的期限之前逃离这个是非之地。目击者说,他们是搭乘轮渡前往爪哇岛的,从而躲避了一场可能带来杀身之祸的灾难。达雅人手拿凶器正在四处寻找马都拉人、爪哇人。



  为避免发生新的流血冲突事件,印尼军方和警方的增援人员正在迅速赶往婆罗洲。据印尼《雅加达邮报》报道,此前一天,在中婆罗洲,为了报复警察收缴达雅人手中的武器,大约300名达雅人武装分子攻击一个警察局。因此,警方和军方决定向当地派兵,目前大批武装军警成员正陆续抵达中婆罗洲的彭卡拉布翁。凌今图 种族屠杀是马都拉人的一场恶梦。(南方网4月9日报道)

使君子 發表於 2010-8-30 21:47:08




penkyamp 發表於 2010-8-31 10:56:41

本帖最後由 penkyamp 於 2010-8-31 11:01 編輯

對達雅族要化之以 粵,華文明。要將其納入 中華漢字文明圈

不過有一點,在 勃泥島的 Kadazan 族,和 Dayak 族,以及 蘇拉威西的 Toraja 族等,系屬於原始崇拜向基督教轉變的民族。這些地區的 唐人 經商不少。 雖然 不能完全算得上與當地土著融合得完全融洽,但是華人是不屬「本國民族」 Bumiputri/Orang Asli 的。 印尼的爪哇穆斯林主體,把人口比較多的少數民族 華人,劃分在 Bumiputri 之外,而將信仰基督教,原始信仰,印度教的 達雅,巴里等民族劃分在 Bumiputri/Orang Asli,從而對華人進行 歧視統治。
因為華人在這些外島的滲透,比不經商,只勞動或行政輸出的爪哇族,馬都拉族,都要稍強,所以華人比較能和這些基督教的原始民族取得一定的文化認同。 而華人是需要這種 Bumiputri/Orang Asli 認同的。 在薩巴州(馬來),沙撈越州(馬來),華人比 馬來族還要多,只是比 Kadazan 族少而已。所以華人會和 基督教的 Kadazan 族稱兄道弟,以取得 Bumiputri/Orang Asli 認同的。 在印尼的 加里曼丹也一樣。

http://www.google.com.hk/search? ... &oq=&gs_rfai=&cad=h
dayaks chinese massacre
Many political analysts believe the riots in Kalimantan in 1997 were facilitated by the armed forces, this time in an attempt to validate their extensive powers in the last days of the New Order regime (Van Klinken, G. 1997, 『Tinder-box or conspiracy?』 Inside Indonesia, April-June http://www.insideindonesia.org/edit50/riots.htm – Accessed 23 November 2005 – Attachment 9; Human Rights Watch 1997, West Kalimantan: Communal Violence in West Kalimantan, Volume 9, No. 10 (C), December, p. Attachment 4). One report regarding the 1997 violence points to similarities with the 1967 massacre of the Chinese in Kalimantan noting, 「the death toll, the use of rifles, and the geographic scope of the Dayak attacks on the Chinese are similar to the 1996-97 attacks on the Madurese」 (Human Rights Watch 1997, West Kalimantan: Communal Violence in West Kalimantan, Volume 9, No. 10 (C), December, p. 13 – Attachment 4). Human Rights Watch commented 「the Indonesian government did not instigate the initial clash, but its efforts to ban news coverage and discourage any investigation served to fuel rumours that exacerbated the conflict」 (Human
Rights Watch 2003, World Report 1998 – Indonesia and East Timor, (source: Human Rights Watch, accessed 1999), 22 October, p. 6 – Attachment 8).
Situation of the ethnic Chinese
Most reports note there have not been any incidents of violence targeting the ethnic Chinese in West Kalimantan. The relationship between Indonesian Chinese and other ethnic groups in Kalimantan is often cited as one region where relations are good. However, in October-November 1967 there was a period of violence in which about 300 were killed and more than 55,000 Chinese displaced. This was an ethno–political uprising by the Dayak people against Communist guerrillas who had strong support among the local ethnic Chinese, however, no distinction was made as to the political affiliations of those attacked (Human Rights Watch 1997, West Kalimantan: Communal Violence in West Kalimantan, Volume 9, No. 10 (C), December, p. 3:12 – Attachment 4; Davidson J.S. 2003, 『The politics of violence on an Indonesian periphery』, South East Asia Research, Volume 11, Number 1, 1 March, p. 62 – Attachment 30).
However, in recent decades there have been no incidents of communal conflict against the ethnic Chinese in West Kalimantan, even in 1998 when there were anti-Chinese riots in many other parts of Indonesia. In this regard, one analyst claims, the 「history and the social, economic and political conditions of ethnic Chinese in West Kalimantan are different from those of ethnic Chinese in other regions, particularly in Java」. In particular he notes that whilst there are very rich Chinese in West Kalimantan on average they belong to the lower middle class, compared to Java where many belong to the upper middle class (Petebang, E. 2000, 『Chinese New Year significant in Pontianak』 Jakarta Post, Indonesia-L website – Attachment 17).
Country information does not suggest the ethnic Chinese were targeted in any of the attacks since 1996 in Kalimantan. The reports claim that the Dayaks and Malays attacked the Madurese and one report regarding the 1997 violence notes 「the Chinese hung a strip of red cloth on their doors」 to identify themselves as ethnic Chinese so as to avoid attacks (Human Rights Watch 1997, West Kalimantan: Communal Violence in West Kalimantan, Volume 9, No. 10 (C), December, p.4 – Attachment 4).
Interestingly, a 1999 US Department of State report claims 「that tension often is expressed along racial/ethnic lines as developers are frequently ethnic Chinese Indonesians」 in West Kalimantan (U.S. Department of State 1999, Indonesia Country Report on Human Rights Practices for 1998, February 26, Section 5 – Attachment 6). However, other reports from the same period do not mention any antagonism towards the Chinese in Kalimantan and note that ethnic Chinese were not targeted when violence erupted (DIMIA Country Information Service 2000, Country Information Report No. 310/99 – Chinese Emigration, (sourced from DFAT advice of 6 August 1999, CIR Preparation 30 March –Attachment 18). Further, subsequent reports from the US Department of State have deleted this statement.
Similarly, the Chinese were not targeted in the 2001 attacks in Central Kalimantan although many were afraid for their safety and fled the conflict areas. However one report claims that the anti-Chinese sentiment associated with their economic position, still remains an issue in this province, citing the following comments made by Dayak leaders, 「if the Dayaks were motivated by social jealousy, we would have attacked the Chinese not the Madurese.」 (Purdey, J. 2001, 『Update for Refugee Review Tribunal on the Situation of Ethnic Chinese and Christians in Indonesia』, University of Melbourne, June – Attachment 16).

Conflict, violence, and displacement in indonesia By Eva-Lotta E. Hedman


Horrors of Borneo massacre emerge

Terrified refugees flee the violence

The discovery in Borneo of 118 decapitated bodies of Madurese settlers takes the death toll in more than a week of ethnic violence to over 400.More details have emerged of a massacre on Monday in the Indonesian province of central Kalimantan where ethnic Dayaks have been killing and looting with the aim of driving out the immigrant Madurese.Indonesian police say hundreds of Dayak tribesmen attacked a police-protected convoy of 300 Madurese refugees and butchered and beheaded nearly 200 of them.
They were not involved in the fight - they were beheaded they were butchered

Indonesian police

The refugees, fleeing almost 10 days of fighting, had been hiding in the jungle but returned to a town near the provincial capital of Palangakaraya after surviving for days without food for shelter.They had apparently secured agreement from the Dayaks that they could then be transported out of the area. But instead of being allowed to leave, some - including women and children - were taken to the football ground and killed.'Total panic'The bodies were discovered on Monday, but speaking on Tuesday, national police spokesman Dede Widayadi said policemen escorting the group from remote villages to the city of Sampit were overwhelmed and ran away."The group split up due to a lack of vehicles and the Dayaks attacked those who were left behind," Mr Widayadi said.Another police commander, Tato Suharto, told AFP news agency that police had been outnumbered and there was "total panic" when the convoy was attacked."They were beheaded, they were butchered, they were chopped up," he said.

It has also been confirmed that seven people have been killed in the provincial capital, Palangkaraya some 220km (137 miles) north of Sampit.Police have started disarming Dayak tribesmen rampaging through the city looting and burning.Elsewhere, in a sign of the increasingly tense security situation, a gunfight broke out between police and soldiers in the river port of Sampit."It was a misunderstanding between police and soldiers .... there were some shooting casualties, but at this stage I can't confirm the number," said Mr Widayadi.Refugees relocatedDayak gangs have butchered men, women and children with machetes, spears and axes.Thousands of terrified refugees have been moved from jungle hideaways to makeshift camps.A hospital official said about 13,000 people were being relocated from the jungle to a refugee camp next to the police station in Sampit.Two navy vessels were due later on Tuesday to carry the refugees to a safer location.
Madurese are desperate to get on boats out of Borneo

About 10,000 refugees have already been evacuated by ship.The Indonesian Government on Monday pledged to halt ethnic violence on Borneo within three days.It warned that the killings of migrants could continue in some outlying districts which are difficult for the security forces to reach.To the north, Malaysia is stepping up patrols along its land border with Indonesia, amid fears of an influx of refugees.The Dayaks say they will not stop until they have forced the entire migrant population out of the Kalimantan area - in total at least 60,000.The bloody outbreak of violence - the worst in the region since 1997 - is the latest of a series on the island, sparked mainly by disputes over land and jobs.The Dayaks - traditionally farmers and hunters - feel marginalised by rapid development in the region and view the migrant Madurese as aggressive settlers.

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What can be done to halt the violence?

See also:

27 Feb 01 | Asia-Pacific
Pressure builds in Borneo camps
27 Feb 01 | Asia-Pacific
In pictures: Borneo terror
27 Feb 01 | Media reports
Indonesia press anger over Borneo
23 Feb 01 | Asia-Pacific
Beheading: A Dayak ritual
23 Feb 01 | Asia-Pacific
Analysis: Behind the Borneo violence
21 Feb 01 | Asia-Pacific
Bloody clashes in Borneo
Who owns Indonesia?


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Friday, Dec. 15, 1967
Borneo: Home for the Boomerang
During President Sukarno's konfrontasi with Malaysia, the Indonesian army equipped, trained and sheltered guerrillas to harass the Malaysians along the two countries' common border on the island of Borneo. Now the move has boomeranged. Once Sukarno's successor, General Suharto, had ended the foolish quarrel with Malaysia, the guerrillas were left on their own in the jungles of Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo. Peking, which sees the island's large Chinese population as the advance phalanx for an ultimate Communist takeover, has been exhorting the mostly Chinese guerrillas not only to continue to offer a major challenge to neighboring Malaysia but also to turn on their former Indonesian mentors.
Numbering 750 hard-core fighters, plus several thousand support troops, the guerrillas have repeatedly attacked Indonesian military sites and terrorized Malaysian border areas since July. They have also tried to enlist by intimidation Borneo's primitive Dayak tribesmen, the descendants of legendary headhunters. This tactic provoked a reaction that their Maoist guerrilla handbooks did not even hint at. Meeting terror with terror, the Dayaks exploded in an avenging rampage of killing, burning and cannibalism against all Chinese.No Homes or Hope. Last week TIME Correspondent Peter Vanderwicken, after a visit to the remote jungle battleground, filed this report:It is an ancient tradition among the pagan Dayaks that collecting the severed heads of the enemy brings honor and virility. The guerrillas should have reckoned with this tradition when they butchered a dozen recalcitrant Dayaks in the village of Taum. Angry tribal powwows quickly followed throughout northwest Kalimantan, and runners were sent from village to village with bowls of blood, the signal to all Dayaks to get ready to use their homemade pistols, poison darts and machete-like parangs against the Chinese.The Dayaks were soon engaged in a full-scale massacre. They attacked Chinese in their homes and in their shops, killing them, beheading them, even chopping out their livers and hearts and eating them. Before the Indonesian army could cool off the Dayaks, at least 250 Chinese had been slaughtered; Catholic missionaries believe that as many as 1,000 were actually killed.About 25,000 of the traumatized Chinese have descended on the sleepy West Borneo port of Pontianak, where they live in dismal squalor. The Chinese are crammed into makeshift quarters, bathe in muddy, sewage-filled canals and wander aimlessly along the waterfront, many of them without homes or hope. Pontianak's Communist propagandists could easily use these displaced Chinese as a breeding ground for more unrest and tension.
Burrowed in Bunkers. A few Chinese are drifting back to their villages under the protection of reinforced Indonesian troops, but the guerrillas themselves remain threatening and elusive. As in Viet Nam, they burrow deep in underground bunkers and in mountainside caves, attack only when they consider the odds right. Two weeks ago, 500 guerrillas caught Indonesian troops in a heavy mortar barrage at Fir Mountain, near the Malaysian Borneo state of Sarawak, where the soldiers had stumbled upon a major guerrilla encampment. While the Indonesians flew in more troops, the Malaysians evacuated Indonesian casualties.The Malaysians are helping out for good reason. Most of the guerrillas are actually Sarawak Chinese, and the name of their movement alone—Sarawak People's Liberation Army—indicates that their aim is to overthrow Malaysian rule there. Nor do the Indonesians minimize the danger that the guerrillas pose to themselves. Citing captured guerrilla documents that urge a large-scale Chinese uprising throughout the island, Indonesia's commander in West Kalimantan, Brigadier General A. J. Witono, told me last week that the guerrillas are part of a two-pronged campaign of armed revolt and political subversion mounted by Peking against all of Borneo. He is making progress against the guerrillas, he says, but will not even guess when he finally may be able to mop them up.[*][*]http://img.timeinc.net/time/i/btn_print.gif[*]Click to Print[*][*]Find this article at:[*]http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,837587,00.html
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penkyamp 發表於 2010-8-31 11:08:57

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<a href="http://books.google.com.hk/books?id=wpJGooepEMYC&amp;pg=PA66&amp;lpg=PA66&amp;dq=dayaks+chinese+massacre&amp;source=bl&amp;ots=m_xmernsYo&amp;sig=3utqsySGg9kka0HzCf71pi5qJp0&amp;hl=en&amp;ei=IW18TMLoNIX3nAf8wsH3AQ&amp;sa=X&amp;oi=book_result&amp;ct=result&amp;resnum=2&amp;ved=0CBcQ6AEwATgK#v=onepage&amp;q=dayaks%20chinese%20massacre&amp;f=false" target="_blank">http://books.google.com.hk/books ... %20massacre&amp;f=false</a><br>From rebellion to riots: collective violence on Indonesian Borneo By Jamie Davidson<br><a href="http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=21508411415&amp;topic=14209" target="_blank">http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=21508411415&amp;topic=14209</a><br>9 October 1740 began the slaughter of Chinese in Batavia.Netherlands troops (including natives under them) pillaging ,raping and killing,even patients and babies killed in hospital. This lasted for eight days. Estimated 10.000 Chinese were killed .<br><br>During the Java war, the ethnic cleansing to Chinese committed by Prince Duke Cakraningrat IV on the north coast of Central Java / East Java, from Tuban, Gresik to Surabaya.In Ngawi also occurs massacre led by Yudakusuma Raden Ayu. It spread throughout Central Java and along the Solo River, the massacre of Chinese occurred repeatedly during the Java war.<br><br>May 1946, a massacre of Chinese in Tangerang and surrounding areas. 1500 Chinese house destroyed.Anh then rape, massacres, arson spread to Bagan Siapiapi, Kuningan, Majalengka, Indramayu, Pekalongan, Tegal, Puwokerto, Purbalingga, Bobotsari, Gombong, Lumajang, Jember, Malang, Lawang , Singosari and other areas. Thousands shops, factories, vehicles burned out and looted.Therefore Chinese founded an organization called "Pao An Tui" because Chinese facing robbery, rape and murder every day.<br><br>31 Oct 1918,Most houses and shops owned by ethnic Chinese in Kudus was looted and burnt down by thousands mass of Sarekat Islam that comes from Mayong, Jepara, Pati, Demak and nearby regions.At that time Chinese traders was main competitors for Islamic traders.<br><br>Peraturan Presiden Nomor 10 tahun 1959 was a law directive issued by Indonesian Government and signed by Ministry of Trade Rachmat Mujomisero. The law prohibited foreign nationals from doing retail business outside urban areas (including rural areas) and must transfer their businesses to Indonesian nationals by 1 January 1960 or relocate to urban areas. This directive was approved by former President Sukarno under threat by army. The rule became controversial since its implementation resulting in several thousand or more people being killed in West Java (also known as racial riot of Cibadak) and triggered a huge exodus of Chinese Indonesians to return to China.Although the regulation merely mentioned that only "foreign citizens" were required to do the relocation and closure of business, the law affected many Chinese nationals and Chinese Indonesian. Although the sanctions specified in the directive were only property confiscation (all items must be given to Koperasi),fines, and forced relocation, in practice, there are records of some offenders executed (Cimahi and Cibadak, West Java) and their businesses were confiscated.In some places the law was enforced by the military. The military shot dead two Chinese women, which triggered a riot in Cimahi, Jawa Barat. It is also noted that the Chinese were forced to leave their home and properties.<br><br>10 May 1963 in Bandung and its surroundings riots started because a fight on the campus of ITB,between a Chinese Indonesian student and a native student,the fight caused by motorcycle accident. Then pioneered by ITB and Universitas Padjadjaran students, began the mass destruction of shops, houses and vehicles owned by ethnic Chinese in Bandung. Hundreds of shops, houses, factories, motor vehicles were burned out or damaged and looted.Then anarchist action spread to other cities in West Java,like Tasikmalaya, Garut, Cianjur, Sukabumi dllnya. Ironically Tjwan Bing Yap,one of Indonesian independence hero also a victim of these anarchist action.This event was very disappointed him, so he and family were immigrated to the U.S. until his last breath.<br><br>October 1965, and feeding off pent-up communal hatreds, the Indonesian army and its civilian allies (especially Muslim vigilante groups) began to kill actual and suspected members and associates of the PKI. Not all victims were PKI members; often the label "PKI" was used to include anyone to the left of the Indonesian National Party(PNI), in other cases victims were suspected or simply alleged Communists.Local Chinese were killed in some areas, and their properties looted and burned as a result of anti-Chinese racism on the excuse that Aidit had brought the PKI closer to China. In the predominantly Christian islands of Nusa Tenggara, Christian clergy and teachers suffered at the hands of Muslim youth.In West Kalimantan, approximately eighteen months after the worst of the killings in Java, indigenous Dayaks expelled 45,000 ethnic Chinese out of rural areas, in which hundreds, or perhaps thousands were killed.Corpses were often thrown into rivers, and at one point officials complained to the army that the rivers running into the city of Surabaya were clogged with bodies. In areas such as Kediri in East Java, Nahdlatul Ulama youth wing (Ansor) members lined up Communists, cut their throats and disposed of the bodies in rivers.The killings left whole sections of villages empty, and the houses of victims or the interned were looted and often handed over to the military.The killings started in the capital Jakarta, spread to Central and East Java, and later Bali. Although killings occurred across Indonesia, the worst were in PKI strongholds of Central Java, East Java, Bali, and northern Sumatra. The massacres reached their peak over the remainder of the year before subsiding in the early months of 1966. The estimates of the death toll of the violence range from over 100,000 to 3 million, but most scholars accept a figure of around 500,000. As a result of the purge, one of Sukarno's three pillars of support, the Indonesian Communist Party, had been effectively eliminated by the other two, the military and political Islam. In addition to the PKI, this faction was also hostile toward Sukarno-loyalists, and the Chinese. The fates of victims in prisons were not better than those who were summarily executed. Tortures and killings could happen even in the prisons. For female prisoners, beside tortures, they were also subject to sexual harassments.<br><br>In 1967, for reasons to quell Sarawak People's Guerrilla Army (PGRS), the Indonesian military forces have succeeded in provoking the Dayak tribe in West Kalimantan that result in acts of carnage and violence against ethnic Chinese Indonesian in remote villages. As a result tens of thousands of ethnic Chinese became refugees in Singkawang and Pontianak which then they spread to Jakarta and major cities in Java.<br><br>27 June 1973 Palu,A group of youths destroyed Chinese store. Riots arose because store owner wearing a paper containing Arabic letters as merchandise packaging.<br><br>5 August 1973 Bandung, Riot starting from a cart with car accident. The car passenger was Chinese.Then riots erupted everywhere.<br><br>April 1980 Ujungpandang, a household servant died suddenly. Then rumors spread that she was tortured to death by her Chinese employer. Race riots erupted. Hundreds of houses and shops owned by ethnic Chinese destroyed.<br><br>12 April 1980 Medan, A group of USU students going around town on motorcycles, while shouts anti Chinese. Riots originated from a fight.<br><br>20 November 1980 Solo,Riots swept the city of Solo and spread to other cities in Java Central. This incident started because School Teacher and Student fights,the student was Chinese.The fight turned into the destruction and burning of shops owned by Chinese.<br><br>September 1986 Singapore,Indonesian TKI abused by Chinese employer. The incident provoked public anger in Surabaya. They pelted cars and shops owned by the Chinese.<br><br>26 July 95,Rioting in the south Kalimantan provincial capital of Banjarmasin has resulted in the destruction of at least seven shops owned by ethnic Chinese. Eleven arrests have been made. The rioting began as the result of an argument between a shopkeeper and a customer.<br><br>Nov 95,More than 60 people have been arrested following three days of riots in Purwakarta district in West Java. The riots reportedly began when a 14-year old Muslim girl was allegedly slapped by her ethnic Chinese employees and the owner of a local shop for stealing chocolates. At its highpoint, more than 20,000 people rampaged the business center. Over 20 shops and several cars and homes were seriously damaged.<br><br>30 Nov 95,Calm is now reported in the city of Pekalongan, 325 km east of Jakarta, following three days of anti-Chinese riots. The rioting reportedly began after an ethnic Chinese tore pages from the Koran. The police have released 23 people arrested in connection with the violence. Property owned by the ethnic Chinese was ransacked.The Chinese man, who reportedly instigated three days of riots in Pekalongan when he allegedly tore pages of the Koran, has died under mysterious circumstances in a Pekalongan jail. The results of an autopsy were not released.<br><br>15 Jan 96,Chinese businesses and vehicles are targeted in riots that erupt in the West Java city of Bandung following a rock concert.<br><br>29 July 96,Government buildings and banks are burnt, three people are killed and some 200 arrested as thousands protest against the Suharto regime. The riots come on the heels of the government-supported ousting of Megawati Sukarnoputri as leader of the Indonesian Democratic Party. Some reports indicate that Chinese businesses were specifically attacked.<br><br>12 Oct 96,A heavy security presence remains in the East Java town of Situbondo after some 3000 Muslims riot. Five people are killed and around 120 arrested. Eighteen churches are burnt; a Chinese temple and Chinese-owned stores are vandalized. The rioters were reportedly angered by a court decision to impose only a five year prison sentence on a Muslim sect leader who was charged with insulting Islam.<br><br>27 Dec 96,Chinese businesses and Christian churches are targeted as thousands of Muslims riot in Tasikmalaya, West Java. Two of the four dead are Chinese. 100 buildings are damaged or burnt while some 200 are arrested. The riot reportedly erupted due to the police』s mistreatment of three Muslim teachers.<br><br>30 Jan 97,Thousands riot in the West Java town of Rengasdengklok, attacking 4 churches, 2 Buddhist temples, and some 100 buildings, many owned by the Chinese. The incident occurs after a Chinese woman complains about the noise being made by Muslims who are observing Ramadan. A few days ago, flyers that threatened to destroy Christian and Chinese properties were distributed in Bandung.<br><br>30 March 97,30 people are charged in connection with three days of riots last week in the Central Java town of Pekalongan. Over 60 buildings, mostly Chinese, were damaged. The rioting occurred in the context of political disputes between Golkar and the Muslim-based United Development Party (PPP), who are contesting the May 29 federal elections.<br><br>25 may 97,80 people are killed as fire engulfs a shopping centre in the South Kalimantan capital of Banjarmasin. The fire occurs as thousands of Golkar and PPP supporters rampage through the city. Some churches and a Buddhist temple are burnt along with Chinese-owned businesses.<br><br>2 June 97,Chinese properties and three churches are attacked as hundreds rampage in Kadipaten, West Java. The unrest allegedly began due to a rumor that a Chinese shop owner strip-searched a female who was accused of shoplifting.<br><br>16 Sep 97,Three days of anti-Chinese riots in the South Sulawesi city of Ujungpandang result in four deaths. The damage to over 1000 buildings is valued at $4 million. The unrest reportedly arose when a Chinese man with a history of mental disease allegedly killed two females.<br><br>21 Jan 98,Chinese shops are attacked in the East Java town of Jember following increases in the prices of basic goods.<br><br>10 Feb 98,Several Chinese-owned shops are targeted in two days of riots and looting in Ende on Flores Island. Hundreds of Indonesian Chinese seek sanctuary with the military and police.<br><br>12 Feb 98,16 people are arrested after around 400 persons attack 40 Chinese stores during a riot in Jatiwangi, West Java. Many Chinese shops are also destroyed in the town of Bumiayu.<br><br>13 Feb 98,Thousands rampage in the town of Losari, on the border of West and Central Java. Chinese properties are damaged.<br><br>15 Feb 98,Riots due to increasing food prices in 12 cities result in the deaths of 5 people and some 270 arrests. 150 Chinese businesses are destroyed.<br><br>19 Feb 98,Up to 6000 people riot in the Southeast Sulawesi capital of Kendari. Chinese-owned properties are attacked.<br><br>Januari – Juni 1998 Riots also happened in Kraksaan, Donggala, Sumbawa, Jatiwangi, Gebang, Pamanukan, Lombok, Rantauprapat, Aeknabara, Medan, Belawan, Pulobrayan, Lubuk-Pakam, Perbaungan, Tebing-Tinggi, Pematang-Siantar, Tanjungmorawa, Pantailabu, Galang, Pagarmerbau, Beringin, Batangkuis, Percut Sei Tuan,Solo, Tanjung Balai, Tegal.With the infamous May that hundreds or perhaps thousands of Chinese raped by natives and thousands was killed.Also there was riot in Kebumen september 1999.<br><br>The exact number of victims is unknown because it was covered by the government.But total is really huge because it happen repeatedly<br><br>Please Chinese overseas in other countries share their dark history in this thread so we can learn each other.<br><a href="http://www.miricommunity.net/viewtopic.php?f=13&amp;t=25219&amp;sid=37c208fe94ff8bba8ad89bf1ee6ae4b4" target="_blank">http://www.miricommunity.net/vie ... bba8ad89bf1ee6ae4b4</a><br><br><br><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toraja" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toraja</a><br><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kadazan" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kadazan</a><br><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kadazan-dusun" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kadazan-dusun</a><br><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dusun" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dusun</a><br><a href="http://7rangers.blogspot.com/2006/09/dayaks-exploded-in-avenging-rampage-of.html" target="_blank">http://7rangers.blogspot.com/200 ... ing-rampage-of.html</a><br>Dayaks exploded in an avenging rampage of killing, burning and cannibalism against all Chinese. Friday, Dec. 15, 1967<br>Monday, September 18, 2006<br>This incident happened around 4 years after Malaysia was formed on the 16th September 1963 in Kalimantan Indonesia.-Edit<br><br>During President Sukarno's konfrontasi with Malaysia, the Indonesian army equipped, trained and sheltered guerrillas to harass the Malaysians along the two countries' common border on the island of Borneo. Now the move has boomeranged. Once Sukarno's successor, General Suharto, had ended the foolish quarrel with Malaysia, the guerrillas were left on their own in the jungles of Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo. Peking, which sees the island's large Chinese population as the advance phalanx for an ultimate Communist takeover, has been exhorting the mostly Chinese guerrillas not only to continue to offer a major challenge to neighboring Malaysia but also to turn on their former Indonesian mentors.<br><br>Numbering 750 hard-core fighters, plus several thousand support troops, the guerrillas have repeatedly attacked Indonesian military sites and terrorized Malaysian border areas since July. They have also tried to enlist by intimidation Borneo's primitive Dayak tribesmen, the descendants of legendary headhunters. This tactic provoked a reaction that their Maoist guerrilla handbooks did not even hint at. Meeting terror with terror, the Dayaks exploded in an avenging rampage of killing, burning and cannibalism against all Chinese.<br><br>It is an ancient tradition among the pagan Dayaks that collecting the severed heads of the enemy brings honor and virility. The guerrillas should have reckoned with this tradition when they butchered a dozen recalcitrant Dayaks in the village of Taum. Angry tribal powwows quickly followed throughout northwest Kalimantan, and runners were sent from village to village with bowls of blood, the signal to all Dayaks to get ready to use their homemade pistols, poison darts and machete-like parangs against the Chinese.<br><br>The Dayaks were soon engaged in a full-scale massacre. They attacked Chinese in their homes and in their shops, killing them, beheading them, even chopping out their livers and hearts and eating them. Before the Indonesian army could cool off the Dayaks, at least 250 Chinese had been slaughtered; Catholic missionaries believe that as many as 1,000 were actually killed.<br><br>About 25,000 of the traumatized Chinese have descended on the sleepy West Borneo port of Pontianak, where they live in dismal squalor. The Chinese are crammed into makeshift quarters, bathe in muddy, sewage-filled canals and wander aimlessly along the waterfront, many of them without homes or hope. Pontianak's Communist propagandists could easily use these displaced Chinese as a breeding ground for more unrest and tension.<br><br>Burrowed in Bunkers. A few Chinese are drifting back to their villages under the protection of reinforced Indonesian troops, but the guerrillas themselves remain threatening and elusive. As in Viet Nam, they burrow deep in underground bunkers and in mountainside caves, attack only when they consider the odds right. Two weeks ago, 500 guerrillas caught Indonesian troops in a heavy mortar barrage at Fir Mountain, near the Malaysian Borneo state of Sarawak, where the soldiers had stumbled upon a major guerrilla encampment. While the Indonesians flew in more troops, the Malaysians evacuated Indonesian casualties.<br><br>The Malaysians are helping out for good reason. Most of the guerrillas are actually Sarawak Chinese, and the name of their movement alone—Sarawak People's Liberation Army—indicates that their aim is to overthrow Malaysian rule there. Nor do the Indonesians minimize the danger that the guerrillas pose to themselves. Citing captured guerrilla documents that urge a large-scale Chinese uprising throughout the island, Indonesia's commander in West Kalimantan, Brigadier General A. J. Witono, told me last week that the guerrillas are part of a two-pronged campaign of armed revolt and political subversion mounted by Peking against all of Borneo. He is making progress against the guerrillas, he says, but will not even guess when he finally may be able to mop them up.<br><br>No Homes or Hope. Last week TIME Correspondent Peter Vanderwicken, after a visit to the remote jungle battleground, filed this report: The source.<br><br><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dayak_people" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dayak_people</a><br><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Sarawak" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Sarawak</a><br><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuareg_Rebellion_" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuareg_Rebellion_</a>(2007%E2%80%932009)<div><br></div><div><br></div><div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="border-collapse: collapse; line-height: 28px; "><b style="word-wrap: break-word; line-height: 1.8em; "><font class="Apple-style-span" style="word-wrap: break-word; line-height: 1.8em; "><span class="Apple-style-span" style="word-wrap: break-word; line-height: 1.8em; font-size: -webkit-xxx-large; "><font class="Apple-style-span" face="'Trebuchet MS'" style="word-wrap: break-word; line-height: 1.8em; "><a href="http://bbs.cantonese.asia/thread-26734-1-1.html" style="word-wrap: break-word; line-height: 1.8em; color: rgb(124, 110, 76); text-decoration: none; "><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#0000FF" style="word-wrap: break-word; line-height: normal; ">請點擊:「氬混期間我哋会用拼音继续倾偈 Ngâwànt keygän ngódèy wúi yònk Pênkyämp gâyjòk kënkgãy」</font></a></font></span></font></b></span></div><div><br></div><div><br></div>
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