外外星人 發表於 2010-5-31 03:07:41

Kim Joon - body art

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<DIV class=subtitle>published in <FONT color=#800000>arts</FONT> by <FONT color=#800000>seven</FONT> on Nov 9 2007 </DIV><!-- google_ad_section_start -->
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<P><IMG height=389 alt=" Kim Joon Body Art Painting Pintura Tatuagens Corpo Homens Mulheres Nus Erotismo Sexo " src="http://blog.uncovering.org/archives/uploads/2007/071109_blog.uncovering.org_kim-joon_1.jpg" width=518></P>
<P>Let's forget the black tattoos on arms, shoulder or chest. The Korean artist Kim Joon uses the whole body and the most varied colors. And goes further on: he groups masculine or feminine bodies intertwined in sensual positions over which he designs continuous patterns which are fused in a unique corporal mass, subdued by the design and color!</P>
<P>Despite his style declared a pronounced oriental stamp, Joon does not limit himself to the customary dragons and serpents. Instead, any material serves him as a pictorial pattern, whether they are floral motives, commercial brand logos or Superman comics, whose graphic potential es enormous and is smartly explored by the artist.</P>
<P>Original work and, we dare to say, deeply human...</P>
<P>**** Hidden Message *****</P>
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