打破個人常規: [雙語] 學會7招 做有品位的女人(圖)
<SPAN class=newstitle><SPAN id=lblnewsourcedate style="FONT-SIZE: 11px">消息來源: 國際在線 2010-4-7</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN class=newstext><BR><DIV class=rowspace><BR>
<P> <IMG alt="" src="http://www.24inf.com/infooo/201004/07/2362842_2029712499.jpeg"></P><BR>
<P> Perform Balance and Coordination Exercises. Physical fitness is extremely important to the mind and the body』s capability of continued strain in other situations. .</P><BR>
<P> 1.進行有平衡性和協調性的鍛煉。身體健康是心智健康的重要前提。身體健康才能應對各種突如其來的狀況。嘗試一些這個鏈接提供給你的一些健身建議。</P><BR>
<P> Begin Learning a new language. You may uncover a new interest for intercultural relations and your left temporal lobe will love you.</P><BR>
<P> 2.開始學習一門新的語言。你可能會發現不同文化之間的聯系是個非常有趣的問題。你的大腦左葉也會開始得到鍛煉。</P><BR>
<P> Start a Blog. It costs nothing, you learn a new skill and your write…a lot.</P><BR>
<P> 3.開始寫博客。寫博客不花費你一分一毛。但是你會學到一個新技能,同時也可以鍛煉你的寫作。</P><BR>
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<P> <IMG alt="" src="http://www.24inf.com/infooo/201004/07/2362842_1300732770.jpeg"></P><BR>
<P> Learn a New Trick. Get different, unused parts of your brain thinking by learning a short trick. Here are two of my favorites both by Tim Ferriss… pen trick and fork.</P><BR>
<P> 4.學會一個新的小把戲。學習簡短的小把戲可以讓你大腦被閑置的部分得到鍛煉。這里給大家推薦兩個我最喜歡的小把戲,都是從Tim Ferriss那里學來的:筆和尺子。</P><BR>
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<P> <IMG alt="" src="http://www.24inf.com/infooo/201004/07/2362842_1093060045.jpeg"></P><BR>
<P> Sit Still and Breathe. Relax your mind for 10 minutes so it can regain it』s strength. Sit with eyes closed and in silence. This may be tougher than you think.</P><BR>
<P> 5.靜坐,深呼吸。放松你的大腦十分鐘,這樣大腦能夠重新獲得能量。在這十分鐘里你僅僅需要閉上眼睛,靜靜的坐著,這可能比你想象的要難做到噢。</P><BR>
<P> <IMG alt="" src="http://www.24inf.com/infooo/201004/07/2362842_2011057081.jpeg"></P><BR>
<P> Break A Routine. If you always write or eat with your left hand, start doing it with the other. Simple, tough and effective.</P><BR>
<P> 6.打破個人常規。如果你總是用左手寫字或者吃飯,那么你可以開始使用右手做這些事情。這看起來簡單,做起來難,但是對于挑戰腦力非常有效。</P><BR>
<P> Buy a Rubix Cube. This will be frustrating and fun. If this is too difficult, check out other mind challenging games in the toy section of a local department store to enjoy this mind challenge.</P><BR>
<P> 7.買一個魔方。這個游戲既好玩又會讓你沮喪萬分。如果魔方對你來說太難,那就去商場玩具專柜看看其他的挑戰腦力的玩具。買一個你喜歡吧。</P></DIV></SPAN>