<P> </P>
<P>Hi,Klara, thank you for your appreciation of our CD and for your recommandation of Cantonese songs to your work mates. It's a great encourage for us to make a new one CD that a foreigner like you should love Canton pop.</P>
<P> </P>
<P>And I become fond of Evils' songs now. In fact many of Sam Hui's Canton pops have the same tune with Evils'. Such as Don't Be Cruel and Cry in Wind. I will send some to you next time.</P> <P>I know so many cantonese pop songs have the same tune with Evils'.</P>
<P><BR>Such as Sam Hui's cantonese album"財神到"(1978).</P>
<P>In this album,there were half songs have the same tune with Evils' that wrote the cantonese words by Sam Hui.<IMG alt="" src="http://bbs.cantonese.asia/images/smilies/default/biggrin.gif" border=0 smilieid="3"> </P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P> Dear Highyun and Samkong <img smilieid="1" src="http://bbs.cantonese.asia/images/smilies/default/smile.gif" border="0"><br><br>I have a lot of favourite songs on your album and for me it is a really good news that you're making a new CD!<br>Elvis was in my opinion the greatest artist in the history of popular music, and a wonderful example that a poor, hardworking guy can reach anything he wants. He never gave up, never broke, did everything he possibly could and followed his dream. All I wanted to say boys is, please never give up, and follow your dreams, make your CDs, write song and sing, continue your work about your wonderful language and culture, and in the end you'll succeed! <img smilieid="17" src="http://bbs.cantonese.asia/images/smilies/default/handshake.gif" border="0"><br><br>Samkong, I see the title of that Sam Hui album is Choi Sun Do <img smilieid="1" src="http://bbs.cantonese.asia/images/smilies/default/smile.gif" border="0"> I've heard this song from Ricky, on the La Fai Palace Jubilee concert in 2001. Here are the captures of it: <br>http://www1.rickyhui.net/jubileealbum.htm<br>Sorry I paste the link here like that, I don't know how to paste it here properly. <img smilieid="8" src="http://bbs.cantonese.asia/images/smilies/default/shy.gif" border="0"> Unfortunately I don't know too many Sam Hui songs, but I like everything I know, and I think he is a wonderful, really good man, not only a star. <img smilieid="3" src="http://bbs.cantonese.asia/images/smilies/default/biggrin.gif" border="0"><br> Klara, you know so much about Ricky. And yes, Sam Hui(or the Hui Brothers) is not only a "pop-star", he is somehow a music or even cultural icon in Hong Kong and Cantonese culture. <P>Dear Klara:</P>
<P>Your web link <A href="http://www1.rickyhui.net/jubileealbum.htm">http://www1.rickyhui.net/jubileealbum.htm</A> shoud be known by more and more people,I think.</P>
<P>This is a great web for popularizing Ricky. It's a great job.</P>
<P><BR> For Cantonese culture,the Hui's brothers have made a huge devote.<BR>So we respects Hui's brothers so much.We welcome veryone studies and talks about them.ha ha .</P>
[ 本帖最後由 samkong 於 2007-10-4 12:41 編輯 ] Dear lhk and Samkong <img smilieid="1" src="http://bbs.cantonese.asia/images/smilies/default/smile.gif" border="0">,<br><br>Thank you very much for your kind words, I really appreciate it. When I found Ricky, I tried to find information on the internet about him, but it was almost impossible. But in time I was able to collect some and so I decided I dedicate a website to him, as I know he never had one. He deserves much more attention and than he had, as he is a wonderful actor and a good singer on his own right. He was always in the shadows of Sam and Michael, but he is a wonderful artist on his own. I wanted him to know it, and people to know it too. <img smilieid="3" src="http://bbs.cantonese.asia/images/smilies/default/biggrin.gif" border="0"><br><br><br> 许氏家族,好野! <P>阿Sam與阿英舊雜志圖片1974。<BR>Sam Hui and Rick Hui,old magazine,1974.</P>
<P></P> 果时阿Sam个样好后生. <P>好多啊,我都唔知先听边个好.</P> 12月16日阿Sam在大球场开SHOW时,见Ricky都有到场表演,仲一身猫王打扮,个LOOK好趣致啊! 阿英的自传歌曲<小丑>,这是写实到极! 不知道许冠英是否也跟阿SAM一样,出一集全新的专集。 <P>原帖由 <I>toneliang</I> 於 2008-5-2 09:48 發表 <A href="http://bbs.cantonese.asia/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=78030&ptid=1613" target=_blank><IMG onclick=zoom(this) alt="" src="http://bbs.cantonese.asia/images/common/back.gif" onload="attachimg(this, 'load')" border=0></A> 阿英的自传歌曲<小丑>,这是写实到极! </P>
2006年7月30日於尖沙咀理工大學賽馬會綜藝館舉行的《許冠英斤兩十足演唱會》,是笑匠許冠英為大家演唱了耳熟能詳和紅極一時的廣東歌曲,包括了「發錢寒」、「您」、「信佢就奇 」、「夜雨聲」和「無情夜冷風」,這些都是經年佳作,且切合斤兩十足的演唱會主題。<P>從「阿英的兩大心願」和「我作過好多歌比阿Sam」的棟篤笑環節,許冠英在台上大放笑料,又同時真情剖白「等了50年的掌聲」。與許冠傑兒子許懷欣同台jam歌一曲「半斤八兩」,亦是經典。
<P> </P>
<P>DVD 演出曲目:<BR>01. Opening <BR>02. 發錢寒 <BR>03. 您 <BR>04. 棟篤笑︰阿英的兩大心願 <BR>05. 信佢就奇 <BR>06. 棟篤笑︰我作過好多歌比阿Sam <BR>07. 夜雨聲 <BR>08. 無情夜冷風 <BR>09. 痴心願記取 <BR>10. 深情剖白︰等了50年的掌聲 <BR>11. 半斤八兩 (主唱︰許冠英 / 許懷欣) <BR>12. 開竅 (主唱︰許懷欣) <BR>13. 蝦妹共你 <BR>14. 蝦妹恨嫁 <BR>15. 我阿英個老婆 <BR>16. 懷念著你 <BR>17. 真情流露︰我不想哭 <BR>18. Band Music: Apache <BR>19. 柔情淚 <BR>20. The Young Ones <BR>21. Unchained Melody <BR>22. 愛你一萬年 (國) <BR>23. 我找到自己 (國) <BR>24. 楝篤笑︰許冠文、許冠英兄弟當年情 <BR>25. 命裡地圖 <BR>26. 十足斤兩 <BR>27. 這一曲送給你 <BR><BR><BR><B>Live CD 1</B> <BR>01. Opening <BR>02. 發錢寒 <BR>03. 您 <BR>04. 信佢就奇 <BR>05. 夜雨聲 <BR>06. 無情夜冷風 <BR>07. 痴心願記取 <BR>08. 半斤八兩 (主唱︰許冠英 / 許懷欣) <BR>09. 開竅 (主唱︰許懷欣) <BR>10. 蝦妹共你 <BR>11. 蝦妹恨嫁 <BR>12. 我阿英個老婆 <BR>13. 懷念著你 <BR>14. Band Music: Apache <BR><BR><B>Live CD 2</B> <BR>01. 柔情淚 <BR>02. The Young Ones <BR>03. Unchained Melody <BR>04. 愛你一萬年 (國) <BR>05. 我找到自己 (國) <BR>06. 楝篤笑︰許冠文、許冠英兄弟當年情 <BR>07. 命裡地圖 <BR>08. 十足斤兩 <BR>09. 這一曲送給你 <BR><BR></P>
[ 本帖最後由 samkong 於 2008-8-31 00:54 編輯 ] <P><FONT face=Verdana>呢套碟已經到手!噉就講多無謂,食多濕滯~~一於同各位第一時間分享下呢套1DVD+2CD套装嘅圖片先~~ </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Verdana>封面</FONT></P>
[ 本帖最後由 samkong 於 2008-8-31 00:56 編輯 ] <P><FONT face=Verdana>封底</FONT></P>
<P></P> <P><FONT face=Verdana>內頁插圖</FONT></P>