凉粉 發表於 2007-2-15 22:03:18

i copied and pasted the link to my explorer, pressed ENTER, then my anti-virus alarm popped out, then i tried again, the link died...<br/><br/>i m not saying anything offensive here... maybe it is because when i tried to download it, it was mid-night at time zone +8. maybe most of the websites are under daily maintanence. <br/><br/>我只係将 wut happened? 講出嚟啫。<br/>
[此帖子已經被作者於2007-2-15 14:10:48編輯過]

Ultra 發表於 2007-2-16 00:30:56

<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>凉粉</i>在2007-2-15 14:03:18的發言:</b><br/>i copied and pasted the link to my explorer, pressed ENTER, then my anti-virus alarm popped out, then i tried again, the link died...<br/><br/>i m not saying anything offensive here... maybe it is because when i tried to download it, it was mid-night at time zone +8. maybe most of the websites are under daily maintanence. <br/><br/>我只係将 wut happened 講出嚟啫。<br/><br/></div><p></p><p></p><p>鏈接冇問題嘅,估計係你比較唔好彩。其實两條link都係協會嘅服務器,肯定唔會有乜木馬同病毒。當然,你都可以喺協會網站下載。你話出問題嘅頁面係我個人嘅blog,寫咗啲開發經歷啫。</p>

Warrin 發表於 2007-4-3 17:26:23


紫凤凰 發表於 2007-4-15 07:15:32


dhyy426 發表於 2007-4-21 04:06:38


magicwu 發表於 2007-7-5 03:59:45

thank you!!!!

shelley 發表於 2007-7-6 22:40:38


soccermax 發表於 2007-7-22 08:40:18



NeoStudio 發表於 2007-7-24 23:56:32


wentata 發表於 2007-7-25 05:04:38


ranenchow 發表於 2007-8-2 23:37:18


guosan 發表於 2007-8-11 05:06:18

07-07-07 發表於 2007-8-15 06:08:29


smallcat2006 發表於 2007-8-20 21:29:57

我不会粤平 但是我会学习

smallcat2006 發表於 2007-8-21 00:25:01

<P>下载了 但是不知道怎么打 请问下哪里有交打字的呢?</P>

Wai 發表於 2007-8-21 00:48:48

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>smallcat2006</I>在2007-8-20 16:25:01的發言:</B><BR>
<P>下载了 但是不知道怎么打 请问下哪里有交打字的呢?</P></DIV>
<P><A href="http://www.cantonese.asia/school/2007/200704/school_20070402131519.html">http://www.cantonese.asia/school/2007/200704/school_20070402131519.html</A></P>

滙賢恭會 發表於 2007-9-4 09:46:13


qiqi870423 發表於 2007-11-13 20:39:59

<P>&nbsp;  下载先看看。。。</P>
<P>   谢谢楼主!!!</P>

junmsw 發表於 2007-12-14 13:50:27


shuiye 發表於 2008-4-7 23:29:42


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