highyun 發表於 2007-12-4 10:16:53


<P><A href="http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/siu82english/article?mid=6366">http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/siu82english/article?mid=6366</A></P>

茗荷介 發表於 2007-12-4 12:52:35

<P align=center><STRONG><FONT color=green>An Italian in Malta<BR>有口音, 出國要小心!</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P align=center><STRONG><FONT color=#008000></FONT></STRONG>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; One day I gonna to Malta to a big hotel, in the morning I go down to eat a breakfast. I tell the waitress that I want two pieces of toast. She brings me only one piece. I tell her "I wanna two piece". She say "Go to the toilet". I say "you don't understand, I wanna two piece on my plate". She say to me: "you better not piss on the plate, you <BR>sonnawabitch". I do not even know this lady and she call me a sonnawabitch!! </P>
<P>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Later I go to eat at a bigger restaurant. The waiter brings me a Spoon and a knief but no fork. I tell her "I wanna a fork" and she tella me : "everyone wanna fuck". I tella her " you don't understand me...I want a fock on the table". She say: "you better not fuck on the table you sonnawabitch." </P>
<P>So I go back to my room in my hotel and there is no sheets on the bed. I call the manager and tell him "I wanna a sheet". he tell me to Go the toilet. I say "you don't understand I wanna a sheet on my bed". He say: "you better not shit on the bed, you sonnawabitch". </P>
<P>I go to the Check out and the man at the desk said " peace on you". and I say : " Piss on you too, you sonnawabicth. I gonna back to Italy!"</P>
<P>PS: 呢度有冇人玩「facebook」o架?</P>
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