libran 發表於 2007-5-25 18:50:50

Cantonese Study Resource

<P>These are some resources for learning Cantonese:</P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P>
[此帖子已經被作者於2007-5-25 10:58:11編輯過]

libran 發表於 2007-5-25 18:55:06

<P>An excellent Cantonese-English dictionary:</P>

libran 發表於 2007-5-25 18:56:20

<P>Cantonese Learning and Discussion Forums:</P>
<P><A href=""></A></P>

libran 發表於 2007-5-25 19:13:38

<P>Another great site for learning Cantonese:</P>
<P><A href=""></A></P>
[此帖子已經被作者於2007-5-25 11:14:14編輯過]

Klara 發表於 2007-9-26 18:54:27

These are excellent Cantonese recources and I am really happy I found them. I printed the vocabulary and try to learn them. I would need audio material though, because even though I know about tones, tone numbers, I still have problems with pronounciation. I learn most from Hong Kong films. They are really good to learn from. I always watch them with Cantonese audio and English subtitles. They are the best. I never watch them with English dubs because they are terrible. <br>

libran 發表於 2007-9-28 17:07:49

<P>Hi Klara, nice to meet you, I guess you know some European languages? Do you know what this language is:</P>
<P><A href=""></A></P>
<P>is it Dutch?<BR></P>

Klara 發表於 2007-9-28 17:38:52

Hi libran and thanks! <img smilieid="3" src="images/smilies/default/biggrin.gif" border="0"><br>Yes, it is Dutch. I have a Dutch friend.&nbsp; Shall I ask him what is this poem about?&nbsp; I tried to translate with Altavista Babelfish but does not make too much sense <img smilieid="9" src="" border="0">. <br><br>If I translate my English words to Chinese, can you understand it? <img smilieid="8" src="" border="0"><br><br>喂libran 和感謝! 是, 它是荷蘭語。我有荷蘭朋友。我將問他什麼是這首詩? 我設法翻譯與Altavista Babelfish 但沒有許多道理<br><br>如果我翻譯我的英國詞對漢語, 您可以瞭解它嗎?<br>

Klara 發表於 2007-9-28 18:12:33

Hi, <img smilieid="1" src="" border="0"><br><br>The English and Sanskrit version of this Dutch text is here, have a look:<br><br><br>

libran 發表於 2007-9-28 18:25:23

<P>Hi Klara,</P>
<P>Yes I guess that it is a translation of the famous Heart Sutra, just didn't know what that language is, thank you very much for your help!</P>
<P>It is amazing that you also know Buddhism, you are really knowledgeable! If you know of any other Buddhist sutras in Dutch, could you please tell me? I'll greatly appreciate that.<BR></P>

卢总 發表於 2007-9-28 18:32:37

<DIV class=t_msgfont id=postmessage_59502>Dear Klara ,</DIV>
<DIV class=t_msgfont>  Welcome to !</DIV>
<DIV class=t_msgfont>  I think you are a Cantonese Amateur , that's great !</DIV>
<DIV class=t_msgfont>  But I should&nbsp;advise you , if you want to learn Cantonese very well , you&nbsp;should learn the grammar and tradition .</DIV>
<DIV class=t_msgfont>  Let me show you , how to translate your words into Cantonese :</DIV>
<DIV class=t_msgfont>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV class=t_msgfont>  你好,libran 。多谢你!</DIV>
<DIV class=t_msgfont>  系,嗰啲系荷兰文。我有荷兰朋友。我会问佢首诗系讲乜嘅。然后我会尝试用Altavista Babelfish 翻译,但我冇乜(相关嘅)常识。<BR>  如果我用英语翻译成中文,你明唔明白?</DIV>
<DIV class=t_msgfont>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV class=t_msgfont>  Don't trust the language translation tools completely ! Forgiving my poor English , please !</DIV>

libran 發表於 2007-9-28 18:49:04

哈, 我啱想將嗰段話譯成粵語, 畀盧總搶先一步添, 唔該曬~

Klara 發表於 2007-9-28 18:59:00

你好, 卢总 <img smilieid="3" src="" border="0"><br>Thanks for your kind words. I must tell you I do not speak or read Chinese at all, this is why I have to use the online translator. I watch a lot of Hong Kong films and can understand some basic expressions by hearing, but I cannot talk, read or write Chinese. <img smilieid="2" src="" border="0"> I can recognize a few characters, but that is all. So forgive me, but I will use Altavista Babelfish in the future as well. I only use it, so those Chinese here who do not understand English can have an idea what I am writing about. I know it is not correct, but maybe it is enough to understand. Anyway, thank you for your helping words. <br><br>感謝您親切的詞。我必須告訴您我不講或不讀中文根本, 這就是為什麼我必須使用網上譯者。我觀看很多香港影片, 能瞭解一些基本的表示由聽見,
但我無法談話, 不讀或不寫中文。我能認可幾個字符, 但那是全部。如此原諒我, 但我在將來將使用Altavista Babelfish
。我只使用它, 如此那些中國人這裡誰不瞭解英語可能有想法什麼我寫□。我知道它不是正確的, 但是它可能是足夠瞭解。無論如何, 謝謝您幫助的詞。<br><br><br>

Klara 發表於 2007-9-28 19:03:39

Dear libran,<br><br><img smilieid="3" src="" border="0"> I will ask my Dutch friend about it. Unfortunately I don't understand Dutch. <img smilieid="7" src="" border="0"> I don't know much about Buddhism, only what I saw in films, but I like it very much. <img smilieid="3" src="" border="0"><br>

cantonian 發表於 2007-9-28 19:09:20

<P>Well, this is an interesting task, let me make it more native:</P>
<P>Hi libran, 唔該曬!</P>
<P>系呀, 嗰啲系荷蘭文. 我有個荷蘭朋友, 使唔使我問下渠有關哩首詩嘅嘢? 我試過用 Altavista Babelfish 黎翻譯, 但系唔多對路嚄~</P>
<P>如果我將D英文譯成中文, 你睇唔睇得明?</P>
<P>are there any software that can automatically translate English into Cantonese?</P>

libran 發表於 2007-9-28 19:19:37

Dear Klara,

Thank you very much. I wish to know if that Dutch translation is accurate, maybe you can ask your friend to compare it with the English translation? I'll wait for the result, and thx again for your kindness.

[ 本帖最後由 libran 於 2007-9-28 19:22 編輯 ]

Klara 發表於 2007-9-28 20:17:44

你好, cantonian <img smilieid="1" src="" border="0"><br><br>I'd be happy if such software existed <img smilieid="9" src="" border="0">. I know my translations with the Babelfish sound silly, but this is the best I can do to make myself understood by non English speakers <img smilieid="12" src="" border="0">.<br><br>我愉快如果這樣的軟體存在了。我知道我的翻譯與Babelfish 酣然傻, 但這是最佳我能做做自己由非講英語者明白。<br><br>Do dze for your reply <img smilieid="3" src="" border="0"><br><br>

Klara 發表於 2007-9-28 20:28:44

Dear libran,

<img smilieid="3" src="images/smilies/default/biggrin.gif" border="0"><br><br>Well, I asked my Dutch friend about more Dutch Buddhist Sutras, and to check if that one is a good translation of the English version. I hope he can help us with this. <img smilieid="1" src="" border="0"><br>

Klara 發表於 2007-9-29 00:38:43

Hello <img smilieid="1" src="" border="0">,<br><br>Well, my friend says that the Dutch and English words are the translation of the original sanskrit sutra. But when you compare the two translations they don't resemble each other. This is what he said:&nbsp; "it looks like if they are translations of the same sanskrit
poem, but the Dutch text is not a translation of the English text nor
the other way round."<br><br>He did not find other sutras in Dutch, but he sent a link with Dutch books about Buddhism:<br>;hl=nl&amp;q=esoterische+boekhandel&amp;btnG=Google+zoeken&amp;lr=<br><br><br>

libran 發表於 2007-9-29 10:26:45

<P>Dear Klara,</P>
<P>Thank you very much. So that is not a word-to-word equivalent of the English translation?</P>
<P>Anyway, the English translation is not a word-to-word equivalent of the Chinese translation too. This is the Chinese Sutra:</P>
<P><A href=""></A></P>
<P>but I guess it's hard to find one who can read Chinese, English, Sanskrit, and Dutch...</P>
<P> you know of any online Dutch-English dictionaries?<BR></P>

Klara 發表於 2007-9-29 18:05:00

Dear libran, <img smilieid="1" src="" border="0"><br>Yes it seems it is not a word to word translation. I don't think too many people know all 3 languages <img smilieid="9" src="" border="0"><br><br>I found these links to online Dutch-English dictionaries:<br><br><br>These two looked suitable to me. I hope it helps.<br><img smilieid="3" src="" border="0"><br>
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