Wai 發表於 2007-5-25 04:52:53

[討論]英文嘅粵語外來詞(English words of Cantonese Origin)

<P>Let's think about how many english words are from Cantonese origin?</P>
<P>I got the following words:</P>
<P>Ketchup 茄汁</P>
<P>Pak Choi(Bok Choy) <STRONG>白菜</STRONG></P>
<P>Kung Fu <STRONG>功夫</STRONG></P>
<P>Lo Mein,Chow Mein, <STRONG>撈麵,炒麵。</STRONG></P>
<P>Mahjong <STRONG>麻將</STRONG></P>
<P>Won Ton <STRONG>雲吞(餛飩)</STRONG></P>
<P>Lychee <STRONG>荔枝</STRONG></P>
<P>Yum Char <STRONG>飲茶</STRONG></P>

highyun 發表於 2007-5-25 05:22:36


卢总 發表於 2007-5-25 09:02:45

<P>Long time no see !</P>

卢总 發表於 2007-5-25 09:04:55

<P>Gong hei fat choi !</P>

Wai 發表於 2007-5-25 19:31:42

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>卢总</I>在2007-5-25 1:04:55的發言:</B><BR>
<P>Gong hei fat choi !</P></DIV>
<P>『恭喜發財』 應該唔係英文外借詞。</P>
<P>英文直譯係Kung Hei Fat Choy</P>

廣州人喺圖盧茲 發表於 2007-5-26 07:38:29

<P>涼茶 leung Char 定係 herbal tea.我都搞唔清.</P>
<P>叉燒包 Char Shiu Bau</P>
[此帖子已經被作者於2007-5-26 0:04:53編輯過]

Wai 發表於 2007-9-14 17:18:57

Typhoon 颱風。
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