help_me 發表於 2011-3-14 18:09:21

好心人請幫忙填寫有關撐粵的問卷 ><

本帖最後由 help_me 於 2011-3-14 18:20 編輯

唔知有無人睇到我之前發表過嘅嗰段話, 所以copy黎呢度向大家解釋來龍去脈 (:"其實我之所註冊除左係想多了解廣東話外, 重係想借助各重視廣東話嘅網友嘅力量去幫我完成我嘅通識科IES project =P我係係香港讀緊中五嘅學生, 亦都係334學制下嘅第一批學生。係呢個學制下, 我地其中必修嘅一科叫做通識, 旨在拓闊學生對於社會時事的認知。而係呢一科入面, 我地需要做一個叫Independent Enquiry Studies (IES)的專題研習。這是一個個人的專題研習, 學生須以社會時事或問題作基礎再引申出一條研習問題, 通過收集一手資料 (例如作訪問)和搜集二手資料 (例如看相關的書藉)去解答自己早前所提的問題。我的研習題目跟香港在1998-2008年間實施的母語教學政策和最近在香港的撐粵遊行有關, 而現正在進行資料收集的階段, 因此我希望各網友 (由其那些曾在母語教學政策下的香港中學讀書, 或曾參與甚至召集香港撐粵遊行) 能幫助我並完成我稍後張貼在此討論區的問卷。你們的幫助對我來說是很重要的呀!希望你們能勇躍填寫 ><"我會將我份問卷全份post係度, 希望有心人可以幫我填寫。你地可以用2種方式回答我的問卷:1. copy 左我份問卷 -> 按回帖 ->paste 係回帖內容嗰度 ->Bold 或把你的答案轉顏色 ->回帖 (: 請你們別擔心你的資料會被別人看到, 因為我發話題前會在"回帖僅作者可見"的一格打勾~還是不放心的網友可選擇第2種方法:2. copy 左我份問卷 -> paste 去 words嗰度 ->Bold 或 Highlight你的答案 -> 存檔 ->把填好的問卷傳到 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IES QuestionnaireIntroduction簡介The Mother Tongue Language Teaching Policy from 1998 to 2008 in Hong Kong was a policy that requires Hong Kong secondary schools to teach in the mother tongue language—Cantonese in all subjects except for English Language and other English related subjects.The purpose of this questionnaire is to 1) Find out the relationship between the policy and sense of belonging and 2) Find out the relationship between the policy and people going on strike在1998年至2008年間在香港實行的母語教學政策, 要求全港的中學都以母語--粵語作為除英語和英語相關科目外的授課語言。此問卷旨在 1) 找出此教學政策與歸屬感的關係 和 2) 找出此教學政策與遊行示威 (撐粵遊行) 的關係_____________________________________________________________________Part I1.Gender 性別:Male 男 / Female 女
2.Age 年齡:a.<15b. 15-20c. 20-25d. 25-30e. >30
3.Did you study in Hong Kong during the years 1998-2008?在1998-2008年間, 您在香港接受教育嗎?Yes 是 / No 否
4.What is your mother tongue language?您的母語是甚麼?a. Cantonese粵語b. English 英語c. Putonghua 普通話d. Others 其他:____________________(please specify 請註明)_____________________________________________________________________Part II5.Were you studying in a school under the effect of the Mother Tongue Language Teaching Policy in 1998-2008?您是否在一所推行母語教學政策 (1998-2008)的學校讀書?Yes 是 / No 否 / I don』t know 不知道----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part II A This part is only applicable for respondents answering 「YES」 in question 5此部份只適用於在問題5回應 」是」的受訪者
6.Did you feel more confident to speak up in classes conducted in Cantonese than those in other languages? Please Rate.您認為您在以粵語授課的課堂上較以其他語言授課的課堂更有自信發表自己意見嗎? 請打分。1 2 3 4 5 (With 1=Totally disagree, 3=No difference, 5=Extremely Agree)(1=非常不同意, 3=沒有分別, 5=非常同意)7.What factor(s) do you think helped you identify Cantonese as your primary language? (You can choose more than 1 answer)甚麼原因令您認定粵語為您的母語? (可選多於一項)a.Teaching from parents 父母的教育b.The Mother Tongue Language Teaching Policy 母語教學政策c.I don』t identify Cantonese as my primary language 粵語並非我的母語d.The media 傳媒e.Others 其他:________________________________(please specify 請註明)
8.What factor(s) do you think made you believe that Cantonese is important? (You can choose more than 1 answer)甚麼原因令您重視粵語? (可選多於一項)a.The Mother Tongue Language Teaching Policy 母語教學政策b.Cantonese is the major language used in Hong Kong粵語是香港的主要語言c.My parents and relatives all speak Cantonese 家人都以粵語溝通d.I don』t think Cantonese is important to me 我並不重視粵語e.Others其他:__________________________________(please specify請註明)

9.Do you identify yourself as a citizen of Hong Kong?您認為自己是個香港人嗎?Yes是 / No否 / I don』t know不知道
10.What factor(s) do you think made you identify yourself as a citizen of Hong Kong?(You can choose more than 1 answer)甚麼原因令您識別自己為香港人? (可選多於一項)a.The Mother Tongue Language Teaching Policy母語教學政策b.I hold a Hong Kong ID card我擁有香港永久居民身份証c.I live in Hong Kong我住在香港d.I speak Cantonese我會說粵語e.I don』t identify myself as a citizen of Hong Kong我不認為自己是香港人f.Others 其他:________________________________(please specify 請註明)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part II BThis part is only applicable for respondents answering 「NO」 or 「I DON』T KNOW」 in question 5此部份只適用於在問題5回應 」否」 或 「不知道」的受訪者11.What factor(s) do you think made you believe that Cantonese is important? (You can choose more than 1 answer)甚麼原因令您重視粵語? (可選多於一項)a.The Mother Tongue Language Teaching Policy 母語教學政策b.Cantonese is the major language used in Hong Kong粵語是香港的主要語言c.My parents and relatives all speak Cantonese 家人都以粵語溝通d.I don』t think Cantonese is important to me 我並不重視粵語e.Others其他:__________________________________(please specify請註明)

12.Do you identify yourself as a citizen of Hong Kong?您認為自己是個香港人嗎?Yes是 / No否 / I don』t know不知道
13.What factor(s) do you think made you identify yourself as a citizen of Hong Kong?(You can choose more than 1 answer)甚麼原因令您識別自己為香港人? (可選多於一項)a.The Mother Tongue Language Teaching Policy母語教學政策b.I hold a Hong Kong ID card我擁有香港永久居民身份証c.I live in Hong Kong我住在香港d.I speak Cantonese我會說粵語e.I don』t identify myself as a citizen of Hong Kong我不認為自己是香港人f.Others 其他:________________________________(please specify 請註明)_____________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________Part III14.Did you join the protest on 1st August, 2010 in Hong Kong, protesting against the Guangzhou CPPCC official's proposal to use Putonghua as official language in 2 Cantonese Guangzhou TV channels?您有參與二零一零年八月一日在香港舉行, 反對廣州市政協委員提議以普通話取代粵語作2廣州粵語電視頻道主播語言的「撐粵」遊行嗎?Yes有 / No沒有-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part III AThis part is only applicable for respondents answering 「YES」 in question 14此部份只適用於在問題14回應 」是」的受訪者15.What role were you playing during the protest?您在是次遊行活動中擔任甚麼角色?a.Participant only只為參與者b.Organizer/Convenor主辦人/召集人c.Others其他:__________________________________(please specify請註明)

16.Why did you join the protest? (You can choose more than 1 answer)您為甚麽參與是次遊行活動? (可選多於一項)a.I love Cantonese 我愛粵語b.I am a citizen of Hong Kong 我是香港人c.Cantonese is my primary language and so I am defending it 粵語是我的母語, 我要保衛它d.I used to have lessons conducted in Cantonese以往的課堂都以粵語上的e.My friend asked me to join the protestf.Others 其他:________________________________(please specify請註明)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part III BThis part is only applicable for respondents answering 「NO」 in question 14此部份只適用於在問題14回應 」否」的受訪者17.Why didn』t you join the protest?您為何不參與遊行?a.I didn』t know about the protest對於是次遊行活動, 我並不知情b.I was too busy 我沒有空c.I don』t think it』s necessary to protest 我認為沒有必要遊行d.I don』t think this issue concerns me 此仍廣州人民的事, 與我無關e.Others其他:__________________________________(please specify 請註明)

18.Do you agree with the proposal of the Guangzhou official? Please Rate.您贊同那廣州委員的提議嗎? 請打分。1 2 3 4 5 (With 1=Strongly Disagree, 3=Neutral, 5=Strongly Agree)(1=非常不贊同, 3=中立, 5=非常贊同)

19.Do you agree that Hong Kong citizens should go on protest against the proposal? Please Rate.您贊同港人該為此而遊行嗎? 請打分。1 2 3 4 5 (With 1=Strongly Disagree, 3=Neutral, 5=Strongly Agree)(1=非常不贊同, 3=中立, 5=非常贊同)_____________________________________________________________________This is the end of the questionnaire. Thank you for your time!問卷在此結束。謝謝您的寶貴時間!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------請多多支持!!! 謝謝 (:
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