samkong 發表於 2008-5-24 01:18:07

《New world in the morning》&《小販生涯》-by Samkong

<P>《New world in the morning》呢首1960年代嘅英文歌曲,原英文詞、曲作者及原唱係著名歌手Whittcker,小弟除試下翻唱原曲外,又嘗試將歌詞重新改編為一首反映無牌小販為題材嘅粵語歌曲---《小販生涯》并試唱,於去年試錄。噉下面就將一英一粵兩個版本都Send晒上嚟同各位分享下,希望大家鐘意.<IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="7"> <BR>喺度要特別多謝老伍一派兄重新幫手做過個伴奏音樂;而華声主席就於小弟錄製呢兩首歌曲嘅當晚親臨錄音室作現場指導,又給予我相當多嘅支持同埋鼓勵;</P>
<P>Thank you very much!!<IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="17"></P>

[ 本帖最後由 samkong 於 2008-5-24 02:13 編輯 ]

samkong 發表於 2008-5-24 01:19:42

<P>《New world in the morning》</P>
<P>Everybody talks about a new world in the morning<BR>New world in the morning, so they say<BR>I myself don't talk about a new world in the morning<BR>New world in the morning that's today</P>
<P>And I can feel a new tomorrow coming on<BR>And I don't know why I have to make her song<BR>Everybody talks about a new world in the morning<BR>New world in the morning takes too long</P>
<P>I met a man who had a dream he's had since he was twenty<BR>I met that man when he was eighty-one<BR>He said, too many folks just stand and wait until the morning<BR>Don't they know tomorrow never comes</P>
<P>And he would feel a new tomorrow coming on<BR>But when he smiled his eyes would twinkle up in fun<BR>Everybody talks about a new world in the morning<BR>New world in the morning never comes&nbsp;</P>
<P>And I can feel a new tomorrow coming on<BR>And I don't know why I have to make her song<BR>Everybody talks about a new world in the morning<BR>New world in the morning never comes</P>

samkong 發表於 2008-5-24 01:22:51

<P><BR>原歌曲名:《New world in the morning》(英文歌)<BR>作曲:Whittcker<BR>重新改編粵語歌詞及演唱:Samkong</P>
<P>串巷過路 買賣照做 不管陰雨風暴 為要喫飯「走鬼」至慳鋪租<BR>對面悍賊 最熟架步 偷呃拐騙搶盜 又怕惡徒抽水搏大霧</P>
<P><BR>難明白搵嗰三餐點先得米路? 貧賤富貴冥冥蒼天早鑄造<BR>有病也做 冇力照做 腰酸手軟筋勞 倦困過度 死頂咪嘮嘈</P>
<P>四月八號 碰著政務 小販急散奔逃 話我冇牌 趕踢兼爆粗<BR>我極憤怒 竭力叫嚎:因乜阻斷生路?!&nbsp; 回:礙市貨物 充公當酬勞<BR>抬頭望水果一車頃刻拉上路 衙門話掃檔冚攤執走皆正路</P>
<P>五月八號 似在舞蹈 生蝦噉跳煎熬 暴雨浸路 今天聽白做<BR>誰明白有理冇理怎得申訴路? 常無奈世界已變不公失正道<BR>冀望制度 眾願愛慕 體恤苦痛辛勞 就算畏懼 亦只好繼續做</P>

lhk 發表於 2008-5-24 01:53:19


外外星人 發表於 2008-5-24 02:23:36

嗱,咪话我赞你嘞!呢首歌确实唱得好好,有晒Sam嘅韵味,啲词又有Sam同黎彼得嘅风格,睇嚟,佢哋两个可以放心退休啰!之不过噉,咪骄傲住,你都系一首歌嗟,唔好学许冠文嘅《铁塔凌云》噉,畀多啲心机,写多啲好作品,要有自己风格,超越前辈先得咖!<IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="1">

toneliang 發表於 2008-5-24 07:33:10


toneliang 發表於 2008-5-24 07:36:20


albert007 發表於 2008-5-24 11:01:57

<P><IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="12">&nbsp;写得很好的词!!今次唱得也很感性!很投入喔!是你真实写照吗?<IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="9"> </P>
<P>有一点不足的就是 最后啊只「哎」,应该再唱得悲惨点!</P>
<P>(鸡蛋挑骨)<IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="9"> !</P>

继续微笑 發表於 2008-5-24 11:06:11


继续微笑 發表於 2008-5-24 11:10:19

<P>原帖由 <I>albert007</I> 於 2008-5-24 11:01 發表 <A href=";pid=82541&amp;ptid=10353" target=_blank><IMG onclick=zoom(this) alt="" src="" onload="attachimg(this, 'load')" border=0></A> &nbsp;写得很好的词!!今次唱得也很感性!很投入喔!是你真实写照吗? 有一点不足的就是 最后啊只「哎」,应该再唱得悲惨点!(鸡蛋挑骨) ! </P>
<P>我当初睇咗samkong兄呢编词嘅手稿,最后个声「唉」係我建议佢加上去嘅。不过samkong根本就未经历过呢种行业,你想佢「唉」得悲惨,我谂真係好难。<IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="12"> </P>

歌神粉丝 發表於 2008-5-24 11:17:30

<P>《New world in the morning》阿Sam亦翻唱過。</P>
<P>《小販生涯》 我更加中意,歌詞描寫咗【走鬼】的艱辛生活,好符合現實。</P>

Jean 發表於 2008-5-24 11:53:57

<P>SAMKONG唱得都好精彩——有種發自市井小販心聲嘅味!<IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="12"> </P>
<P>尤其係最後一個「唉」字,係我始料未及嘅~<IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="9"> </P>

楚申读 發表於 2008-5-24 12:52:55

<P><IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="12">&nbsp;<IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="12"> <IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="12"> </P>

highyun 發表於 2008-5-24 14:27:48

<P>呢首歌如果用幽默抵死嘅mood,就表現出小販身處逆境卻樂觀面對,以歌自娛,類似半斤八兩。如果用無奈悲傷嘅mood,就反映小販生活嘅悲慘,控訴官吏嘅霸道,類似《賣炭翁》。不過Samkong用咗第三種mood,抒情mood<IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="12"> 。</P>

kun6769 發表於 2008-5-24 19:15:41

旧年见过歌词,等到颈都长了,终于有得听。只歌听落真系好开心,笑到死。呢d歌只会嫌少,唔会嫌多,无论如何,要thank you samkong very much先得。

外外星人 發表於 2008-5-24 20:25:03

<P>原帖由 <I>kun6769</I> 於 2008-5-24 19:15 發表 <A href=";pid=82606&amp;ptid=10353" target=_blank><IMG onclick=zoom(this) alt="" src="" onload="attachimg(this, 'load')" border=0></A> 旧年见过歌词,等到颈都长了,终于有得听。只歌听落真系好开心,笑到死。呢d歌<FONT color=blue>只会嫌少,唔会嫌多</FONT>,无论如何,要thank you samkong very much先得。 </P>

fslily 發表於 2008-5-27 02:01:36

<P>劲到爆灯啦!!!<IMG alt="" src="" border=0 smilieid="12"> </P>

samkong 發表於 2008-5-27 18:57:34


maiqin 發表於 2008-5-31 17:06:27


highyun 發表於 2008-5-31 19:17:20

<P>原帖由 <I>maiqin</I> 於 2008-5-31 17:06 發表 <A href=";pid=83700&amp;ptid=10353" target=_blank><IMG onclick=zoom(this) alt="" src="" onload="attachimg(this, 'load')" border=0></A> songkong兄吾单止一首歌啊!首首作品听到我入魂! &nbsp; songkong兄永远符合时代节奏,与时俱进! &nbsp; 正!!! </P>
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